17 Responses to Financial Siegfried Line fails: German bond flop means contagion now spreading to Berlin

  1. nickk0 says:

    Do Bankers and Wal-Street, celebrate Thanksgiving ?

    Wait…. That was a stoooopid question to ask.
    They don’t believe in God, they only believe in money. ( A False god )

    – Nick


  2. luisport says:

    zerohedge zerohedge
    Major US Financials Cracking: CDS Rerack http://tinyurl.com/brce57k
    há 2 minutos


  3. RainMan says:

    Christmas bumper sticker seen on a car…
    “I owe, I owe, it’s off to work I go”


  4. Mary says:

    WOW–Bible Prophecy unfolding daily. Exciting time to be alive. Get yourself ready. The rapture is close at hand.. Maranatha


  5. Irene C says:

    This will eventually become a worldwide economic catastrophe. Then add this on top of all of the earthquakes, volcanoes, solar activity, and various other natural disasters. One day a powerful, charismatic leader will emerge with a rock solid solution. People will flock to him and one day worship him. Beware – this leader will bring more death and destruction as he tries to tighten his stranglehold. God’s wrath will one day fall on all the greed, corruption, and godlessness in this world.

    Revelation 6:15-17
    And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?



  6. Nico (Belgium) says:

    we are double toast :-(.
    Reminder : Belgium is situated between France and Germany, and we already had WW I and WW II with these guys.


  7. Roberto Lupe says:

    Cause: Friday, November 18th:
    Asian powers spurn German debt on EMU chaos
    Asian investors and central banks have begun to sell German bonds and pull out of the eurozone altogether for the first time since the debt crisis began, deeming EU leaders incapable of agreeing on any coherent policy.



  8. Dennis E. says:

    Well, a bad situation which seems to be getting worse by the day. And it is spreading like like a disease(plague). Uh, haven’t heard much about South America and/or Africa. I guess they are next? Much fear being spread and that creates panic attacks and sends people into depression.
    The blood of those who will terminate their lives because of the things some of these greedy and unethical people have done, will be on their hands.
    That is what I think………….


  9. Mark Crane says:

    This whote crisis started in the United States. The repeal of Glass Stegall and the formation of M.E.R.S. INC by the 4 biggest U.S. banks. This set up the biggest ripoff the world has ever seen. Now everyone is going belly up. Lets talk about the people who masterminded this scam. Does Rothschild and company ring a bell. Who are the scum at the top that went to far this time. They do not care about destroying nations. That is considered collateral damage. Lets find all the money they stole selling this packaged securities around the world. Oh and yes they were triple AAA rated by Moodys. We need to bring some of these scum to justice. They stole to much this time and I do not know if countries can recover.


  10. Panic in the Eurozone yesterday as Investors snobbed the Bund Auction:

    ..another example of how naif European Politicians are and what little understanding they have of Financial Markets.
    By now it should be clear even to the tramp down here in Hannover Square that this is not about a 1% deficit cut here and there, or inflation expectations or even GDP growth, otherwise UK Gilts would not be trading at 2% with a 5% inflation and a 9% deficit among other problems.
    The issues at stake here clearly are 2:

    1) first lack of confidence worldwide on how efficiently European policymakers respond to crisis and how efficient are european institutions (Commission, ECB, EFSF etc…) in dealing with financial market shocks.

    2) it’s obvious by now that the Street and Banks in general are refusing to collaborate and support liquidity in the Sovereign and Debt Capital Markets in general…why ? clearly they are lobbying to get Basel 3 Rules relaxed and extended in time and they show no interest whatsoever to support European Sovereign bonds when they feel that European Regulators are damaging them diluting capital, introducing new taxes and stricter regulation. The Bund Auction yesterday clearly shows this.

    So the simple question is: how long is going to take before the European Regulators sit down at a table with Global and local Banks to find a compromise and a way out to restore proper functioning of the Debt Capital Markets ???

    …in my opinion only God knows it…


  11. Gen says:

    With each new turn in this never ending drama it is becoming very clear on one front.

    The stage is being set for John the Revelator’s prophecy to come to pass.

    It is a matter of wait and see which are the 10 nations, kingdoms left standing in the Eurozone.

    It has become very clear that it is the crisis in the Eurozone that will knock the camel over and unravel the US, Asia and indeed the whole world. The economic situation in the US has left the camel with three legs.

    If you google kingdoms of the world it is interesting to count the kingdoms at present in Europe.


    • I repeat a commentary from previous post that seems equally applicable…

      10 Kings

      The 10 kingdoms divided from the Roman Empire

      The 10 kingdoms, regions or countries, or kingdoms springing from the breadth of Europe and successive enterprises from the 4 kingdoms which all modern history continues to spin- Iraq, Iran, Greece and Italy (Rome). Consequently, if one thinks about it, all of our modern history has been about the attempt to forge an empire involving the 10 kingdoms (10 horns) in Europe. There is an important reason God is repeatedly calling our attention to this region. We now know- it is not America that is driving the history of the modern world but rather it has been her reaction to these kingdoms in Europe that has shaped the American imprint on globalism, from the Revoultionary War (against the British and financed by the French) to reacting to and in concert with the Middle Eastern Oil polices and the Balfour declaration establishing the nation of Israel set up by the British- History has been revolving around the kingdoms in Europe. We need to pay very close attention to anything that is happening here. Note:


      The Holy Roman Empire (Germany) 962 – 1806 AD – Crusades

      French Emp

      Napoleonic Empire (France) 1804 -1815


      Ottoman and Central Empire World War I (Anatolia & Germany ) 1914 – 1918


      Nazi Germany Empire World War II (Germany) 1939 – 1945


      The Eurozone: Euro Central Bank 1999- present

      The feet of the image of the statue “were part of iron and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken, And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave (be united), even as iron is not mixed with clay.” Daniel 2:42, 43. Note what the Biblical prophecy says, the kingdoms can not be united or will not stay together just like iron cannot be mixed with clay. This is just what has happened in history and will happen with the Eurozone…paving the way for the last and final attempt when the 10 kingdoms will rise again in a economic-theocratic confederacy which will be in league with the Vatican (Rome).

      How will this happen?: “And the 10 horns which thou sawest…For God hath put it in their hearts to fulfil His will and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.” Revelation 17:16, 17.

      These kingdoms have been at the center of the Crusades and every major war in modern history. Notice what German Chancellor Angela ­Merkel said in October 2011: “What is good for Europe is good for Germany,” she said. “Another half century of peace and prosperity in Europe is not to be taken for granted. If the euro fails, Europe fails. We have a ­ historical obligation: To protect by all means Europe’s unification process begun by our forefathers after ­centuries of hatred and blood spill. Her comments surprised many observers who suggested that now was a time for cool heads if the euro crisis was to be resolved, and it would not help to raise the spectre of war.” – Express, Merkle warns of War in Europe, October 27, 2011

      This prophecy is an amazing historical testament to the power and will of God that has been transcribed in the Bible.



  12. Gen says:

    Alvin, do you have any comments on this. I am thinking about Revelation and the ten horns and seven horns.

    The list of kingdoms above has ten kingdoms in Europe. Belgium, Denmark, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom.

    On the following link the 17 members of eurozone are listed. Of the 17, those in trouble are Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece (PIIGS). Now also Belgium, France and Germany???
    That is 8. I think Netherlands was mentioned somewhere in some context. Will this become 10.

    Also further down the article there are ten countries listed as EU members but who do not use the euro.

    Three of those ten are Denmark, Sweden and United Kingdom which are also three of the ten kingdoms of Europe.

    link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurozone

    Surely this is not a big coincidence.

    Alvin you said to watch closely the happenings in Europe. To those people who don’t believe in the Bible, I think watch closely and read Revelation.


    • That is something I think we need to watch and wait to see unfold. I think it will soon take shape who they are exactly and it’s amazing how fast this is all happening. Be forewarned- for every meeting we see in public; there are 7 more going on behind close doors and privy from human eyes. Satan is working in secret laying a trap to ensnare the world. Privy, and occult both means “secret or hidden knowledge.”

      Gen you are absolutely right. Revelation and even Daniel are definitely two prophectic books that contain messages specifically for these last times.


  13. Gen says:

    Pope John Paul II receives Shiva mark on his forehead.


    Also The Four Marks of the Catholic Church – Wikipedia

    Pope Benedict XVI was born in Marktl Bavaria Germany. He speaks fluent German, French and Italian – ring any bells – your reply to me today with the three leaders. There have been all these meetings with France and Germany and suddenly Italy is there in the picture, huge deficit and all.

    Perhaps it will be plain and simple and one will have to be a catholic to buy and sell?

    Catholic sign of the cross:

    The Sign of the Cross is made thus: First choose your style:

    Option A. With your right hand, touch the thumb and ring finger together, and hold your index finger and middle finger together to signify the two natures of Christ. This is the most typical Western Catholic practice.

    Option B. Hold your thumb and index finger of your right hand together to signify the two natures of Christ

    Option C. Hold your thumb, index finger, middle finger of your right hand together (signifying the Trinity) while tucking the ring finger and pinky finger (signifying the two natures of Christ) toward your palm. This is the typically Eastern Catholic practice.

    Option D: Hold your right hand open with all 5 fingers — representing the 5 Wounds of Christ — together and very slightly curved, and thumb slightly tucked into palm


    touch the forehead as you say (or pray mentally) “In nomine Patris” (“In the name of the Father”)

    touch the breastbone or top of the belly as you say “et Filii” (“and of the Son”)

    touch the left shoulder, then right shoulder, as you say “et Spiritus Sancti” (“and of the Holy Ghost”). Note that some people end the Sign by crossing the thumb over the index finger to make a cross, and then kissing the thumb as a way of “kissing the Cross.”

    So we have the forehead and the right hand.


  14. Gen says:

    I also read that regarding 666, the three 6’s represents the trinity, Father, Son and The Holy Ghost.

    The numbers 4; 7; 12; 1,000 represent perfection.

    666 represents an imperfect trinity.

    Some ‘religious scholars’ say that the number is actually 616.


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