22 Responses to Star Wars: China-U.S. rivalry now extends to space

  1. pagan66 says:

    First they take out their satellites, taking out missile shields, navigational programmes & communications, then they take out the rest with either biological or nuclear weapons. Shouldnt take too long – in 24 hours after the first attack the world as we know it will be unrecognizable.This is an extremely alarming article & horrifying in it’s implications. Alvin I’ve noticed a definite uptick in noises of war all over the web recently – things are coming to pass.

    Peace & Love & Thank you


    • Definitely, coming to pass and it’s not just me covering more war stories; it’s what’s been in the news of late. It’s a very disturbing thought that the war-planning has become this largescale and sinnister in its implications. You’re right; the world could change as we know it in 24 hours- It shows just how dangerously close we live on the edge of a knife- and that’s just what we know.

      peace and love,


      • K.J. says:

        Alvin you are absolutely right. Your reporting of events and various stories on here is simply reflecting the state of things. Even some of the members in the EU are warning of the potential for war, simply due to the current economic nightmare in the ‘Euro Zone’.

        It is far worse than it was when I was a kid growing up with the threat of nuclear war in the 50’s and 60’s………… there are far more participants in the game now. The more players you have the greater the chance that one of them is going to make a move that triggers what we all dread.


    • Irene C says:

      I agree Alvin, it’s not just you reporting this. Just too bad that our “media” is more concerned about Justin Beiber’s paternity situation or how did Natalie Wood really die. The war drums are beating louder. One morning we may wake up to an unrecognizable world.

      Matthew 10:28
      And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.



  2. as a kid growing up in the 1950’s-1960’s my Mother used the phrase ‘beware the yellow peril’. I have never been able to ascertain from when it came, but even as a child I always understood it to mean that China was a real and present danger.


    • UFO says:

      Hello JustMEinT Musings
      I’m from Norway and my grandmother used to say the exact same thing. She always talked about the yellow danger.
      This was very strange too read, But i have always had that in the back of my head, thinking she was talking about the chinese for some reason.


    • Irene C says:

      Yes JustMEinT Musings, I heard the same thing in the 50’s and the 60’s. I remember when the sale of bomb shelters was popular. My dad took us to see a display once just to see what they were all about. I thought, back in my innocent mind, that they would make great playhouses. I wanted my dad to get one so I could play in it. Needless to say, we didn’t get one. Ah, to go back to those innocent years again.



      • nickk0 says:

        Yes, the irony….. The ‘Cold War’ era, really were the ‘good old days’, in retrospect, huh ??
        We KNEW who are enemies were, and HOW and WHERE to attack them !

        Not anymore.
        Even those who are ostensibly ‘allies’ (such as Pakistan, for example) are working militarily, with China.
        Plus, we have economic ties to another rival (and possible future military enemy), China.

        Nowadays, we also have to worry about terrorism and drug wars coming in from over our borders, too, from Mexico and elsewhere.

        It makes me wonder, how long the current ‘status quo’ will last, before it changes again – and probably not for the better.

        – Nick


  3. Gen says:

    What was that headline the other day – “China is everywhere”.

    Go back just six months and people were discussing 2012 and the Mayan predictions. The Japan tsunami was on our minds and we were hoping there wasn’t going to be a repeat.

    Look what has surfaced in these last six months. Apart from earth changes there is the financial catastrophe with the extreme imminent threat of depression and or hyperinflation. Not thought of six months ago. Although the problem was there hidden from us, the reality of the threat to us just suddenly came out of nowhere

    Now almost daily it is not just rumors of wars but to quote Alvin ” war-planning – largescale and sinnister” on the lips of those with nuclear weapons.

    They keep saying this event is planned for 2014, and that is planned for 2016, and something else is planned for 2018. How can these people look down the track two to four years and think that all is going to be just as it is today or was six months ago.

    We must see each day as it comes and enjoy it and cherish those we love. Now is the time to form an undeniable bond with our God.

    My prayers are with you all.


  4. jade says:

    Panic panic panic, is whats coming to pass from what I see, you’s have a cheek to write ‘peace and love’ after writing such scare mongering crap about this. My personal opinion is that its all just fear porn to keep us in a state of fear. Maybe I could be wrong but Iam certainly not going to live in a state of panic and fear over it. I will cross a bridge when i come to it!


    • Irene C says:

      Jade – none of us are living in fear. We are just staying informed as to what is going on. Being forewarned and prepared is better than keeping our heads in the sand and being blindsided if and when something does happen. As for me, I will continue to sleep well at night.



    • pagan66 says:

      Jade – I am not a scaremonger, nor do I believe anybody else that frequents this blog is, if it were so I would not be here. I would also never ever exist in a state of panic or fear, knowledge, Faith & courage have armed me against such negativity. I simply state my interpretations of watching current events unfolding – made partly from common sense & instict & partly from dreams received from the Divine. As for writing peace & love after a post – well – if you knew what I do, you’d take all the peace & love you could get whilst you still can. I can only hope that bridge of yours hasnt been burned by the time you are ready to cross it.

      Peace to you


  5. Jeff says:



  6. Dennis E. says:

    Yes, the postings of lately have pointed to marked increased in hostile activity.
    I was just remembering the vision David Wilkerson had many years ago involving a cyber attack on our national defense network (and he didn’t know what a cyber attack was at the time) which crippled part of our response. He also described a Submarine missile strike and an ICBM strike. What was especially interesting about that remark was that he described a missile that could evade missiles launched at them and within the past 10 years, Russia has deployed such a missile.
    For those who follow prophecy, listen to this. Many people who are having a hard time finding the USA in latter day prophecy. Some have ideas, but it seems to me they just can’t put a finger on it.
    That IS NOT A GOOD SIGN. When they can’t find your country’s name in the Bible, that is not a good sign at all, especially when you are currently the leading superpower.

    Just a thought……………….


    • Irene C says:

      I agree with you Dennis E. Many people have tried to fit the United States into end-times prophecies, i.e. children of Tarshish, but it’s a stretch to say the least.

      The United States has turned away from an Almighty God, going as far as removing His name everywhere. With all the greed, corruption, and perversion that is prevelant and even condoned, we will one day face the judgement of the same Almighty God we have rejected. That judgement could come as a total financial collapse, a major terrorist attack (greater than 9/11), natural disasters, or a combination. Our churches have become apostate, perverting the Word of God, twisting scripture to suit their own corrupt needs. Our leaders are moving further and further away from being an ally of Israel (Genesis 12:3). I pray for our nation and our churches, but I fear we have already crossed the line.

      Now is the time for the true believers to stay strong in their faith of our Redeemer.

      Philippians 2:9-11
      Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow…And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

      James 5:8
      Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh.



  7. amethyst says:

    I believe scalar war tactics have been implemented for almost 3 years. There has been a war on a different plane than we are accustomed to…a secret war perhaps. It will certainly be interesting to see how this plays out! Thank you for posting! 🙂


  8. Hisown says:

    Hope this works.

    Foreign hackers targeted U.S. water plant in apparent malicious cyber attack, expert says



  9. Richard says:

    I have looked closely at the grid in china…especially the very large 18 mile one. I believe that this could be a transmitter/receiver antenna/collector for ELF. You will notice that the lines go back and forth the entire length of the grid which equates to thousands of meters in length. There is roughly 1600 meters to a mile. Also there appears to be some very large man made salt lakes nearby. Salt water is a very good conductor and greatly enhances the power when transmitting RF by eliminating ground losses. There are also some very large buildings. You can tell by the great shadow that it cast. Also they are putting some kind of vent or cooling towers in the ground nearby. I also noticed what appears to be roads that disappear…or dead end into the mountain. The salt lakes have their own grids underneath them…assuming that is what it is. Maybe they are acid lakes. Perhaps these are some kind of collector plates of some kind. The circle with the planes may be a target, but only as a test to see the effects of an EMP that is perhaps generated from this grid. One thing I am fairly comfortable with saying is that this grid is most likely something to do with RF and Extremely Low Frequency reception and possibly transmission. EIther way, I am pretty confident that this is some kind of weapon given the bombers that they have placed in the middle of that circle.


  10. Evo says:

    If Hiroshima and Nagasaki, had never happened, then yes, I might also think scare mongering about this post. But they did happen.
    I hate thinking about all this, I hate looking at it, I hate reading it. But I cannot pretend it’s not there.
    These weapons and satellites exist, and it frightens me, for our children’s future. It’s that simple.
    Computing speed used to double every 18 months, I expect it’s a lot less now. If we really knew the capabilities of all this technology above our heads, we may well have many sleepless nights.
    The worst thing about all this is (for me anyway) is that we can do absolutely nothing about it, and this is why it’s so scary. Perhaps it is better to just ignore this post.
    Now where have I put my blindfold?


    • Trisha says:

      Evo. I remembered information from a Bible study on the increase of knowledge. Since 1990 knowledge increased every 17 months. Refer to Daniel 12:4: “But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time, many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase.”

      Someone had replied on a different article: 2 Corinthians 4:8 – “we are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed but not despairing.”

      I have a hope and a future!


  11. Tim says:

    US: A Few Hacker Teams Do Most China-Based Data Theft:
    As few as 12 different Chinese groups, largely backed or directed by the government there, commit the bulk of the China-based cyberattacks stealing critical data from U.S. companies and government agencies, according to U.S. cybersecurity analysts and experts. The aggressive but stealthy attacks, which have stolen billions of dollars in intellectual property and data, often carry distinct signatures allowing U.S. officials to link them to certain hacker teams. Analysts say the U.S. often gives the attackers unique names or numbers, and at times can tell where the hackers are and even who they may be. Sketched out by analysts who have worked with U.S. companies and the government on computer intrusions, the details illuminate recent claims by American intelligence officials about the escalating cyber threat emanating from China.



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