Rare tropical storm forms in the Mediterranean Sea

November 9, 2011FRANCEA tropical storm (possibly a subtropical hybrid) has formed in the Mediterranean Sea. No, this isn’t a typo. Take a look at the satellite imagery above from early Tuesday morning. Circled in white is the storm south of France and to the west of Italy. Although rare, this is not an unprecedented event. According to the Hurricane Research Division of NOAA, low-pressure systems resembling tropical storms and hurricanes have occurred in September 1947, September 1969, January 1982, September 1983 and January 1995. Due to their rarity, they have not been fully studied so there is some question as to whether these systems have the same structure as tropical storms found over the tropical waters in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The storm is forecast to weaken as it moves slowly near the southern coast of France and northwest Italy. This is the same region of Italy which has been hit hard by flooding in recent weeks, so any additional rain from this system would be a very unwelcome sight. –The Weather Channel
contribution Luisport
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6 Responses to Rare tropical storm forms in the Mediterranean Sea

  1. Fede says:

    Now THIS freaks me out.
    What should we expect? Heavy rain or something like that?


  2. Not good for those who live in already flooded areas. My prayers for their safety.



  3. Beth says:

    We can expect anything just now as reports from all over the globe are reporting increased Geo- engineering spraying programs of our sky , just look up, you will see the planes spraying us . White trails that flatten out and turn the sky white after some hours. Heavy spraying over Europe at the moment and gone on for some weeks. Just look up and see for yourself no matter what place your living you will see them !!


  4. corinne says:

    bonjour à tous

    je vous remercie pour vos prières. je vis dans le Var (la région la plus touchée). les champs derrière chez moi ont été inondés.les pompiers ont barrées les routes. a toulon des arbres sont tombés sur la route, il y a beaucoup de dégats, surtout en bord de mer, mais heureusement très peu de victime. le vent est devenu fou, c’était très impressionant. beaucoup d’eau pour arroser mon anniversaire hier 9 novembre.
    que Dieu vous garde…


    • Heureux d’entendre que vous êtes bien et merci pour avoir écrit pour nous faire savoir que, Corinne. C’est une très belle région de France. J’espère que tout va bien. Toutes nos pensées sont avec vous, comme la surcharge des nuages​​.

      paix et d’amour – que Dieu vous garde…


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