Chile coastline under seismic assault from new tension along Nazca plate


November 3, 2011CHILE – A series of moderate earthquakes have rippled up and down the northern coastline of Chile over the last 24 hours. The strongest of the 4 earthquakes erupting today was a 5.2 magnitude earthquake that struck near the coastal region of Antofagasta. The earthquakes are an indication of mounting tension on the Nazca plate that has been exacerbated by recent quakes on the neighboring Cocos plate in Costa Rica and Revilla Gigedo Islands. –The Extinction Protocol
This entry was posted in Earth Changes, Earth Watch, High-risk potential hazard zone, Seismic tremors. Bookmark the permalink.

9 Responses to Chile coastline under seismic assault from new tension along Nazca plate

  1. kingkevin says:

    U really are an observant guy. Great at what u do. You’ve probly hit this nail on the head like the rest of them. Awesome work as always


  2. I was looking at the USGS site earlier today and noticed all of the activity along the Ring of Fire. It almost looks like a complete circle. Amazing.

    On a side note: Alvin, did you ever envision your blog to become this popular? I’ve noticed how many people comment here and I’m sure there are many who do not subscribe or comment, but also read this site. I’m sure I can speak for most people on here, but Thank You. We would not be getting this information otherwise unless we spent countless hours doing nothing but research. I have learned so much and I share much of the information with others. Someday soon, I hope to have enough spare money to get your book.



    • No. It was launched with only a prayer and absolutely no advertising at all and had 6 hits the first day and has exploded from there. It’s a testament to the power of God, prayer, you all and the relevant message of warning I know God wants the world to know.

      We’re very fortunate to have you…

      Grace in Christ,


    • SamanthaH says:

      Well said Irene, there are probably plenty of people who come to this site & do not comment etc. Ive been going to the site for nearly 8-9months & only roughly 4 months ago did i contribute my opinion. Well done Alvin, Your site is my news guide lol 🙂


    • Reese says:

      As has been said before, thank you for the work you are doing. Most of us out here are just too busy raising families/living to do the hard work that you do. I write from NW Montana. A seemingly stable place. My wife, kids and I have been preparing for years. Trying to be just a little more self sufficiant every month based on the often “overlooked” landslide of signs that have been happening in the last few years. May GOD help those with an ear to hear and a willingness to live be vigillant.


  3. Dan says:

    She’s bursting at the seams……

    Maunder minimum, or maxim nuevamos?


  4. eduardomonzon says:

    Volcano Uturunco, in the Chile-Bolivia border, is also becaming a super volcano by growing in a mysteriuos way.


  5. musivick says:

    ‘The earthquakes are an indication of mounting tension on the Nazca plate that has been exacerbated by recent quakes on the neighboring Cocos plate in Costa Rica and Revilla Gigedo Islands.”

    And what is your best guess as to the reason or cause of these mounting tensions all over the place…
    i’d venture that overly heated magma plumes are suddenly flaring up all over the globe, causing swelling in new areas and the renewed hot magma intruding into long dormant areas… the reason might be a unstable inner core and outer core


  6. Pat says:

    I wonder if some of these super volcanoes that are suddenly popping up all over the world are going to be part of God’s wrath at the end of the tribulation… Amazing times we live in. Keep up the good work. We wouldn’t know about all this if it wasn’t for folks like you doing all the work.


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