6.2 magnitude earthquake strikes near Vanuatu

July 31, 2011 VANUATU –  A 6.2 magnitude earthquake has shaken the sea-floor near Vanuatu at a depth of 23.1 km. The earthquake struck 361 km (334) miles NE of Port-Villa and 2224 km north of Auckland, New Zealand. There have been no tsunami reports issued for the region. Today’s earthquake near Vanuatu was the fifth 6.0+ magnitude earthquake to strike the world in seven days.  –The Extinction Protocol
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4 Responses to 6.2 magnitude earthquake strikes near Vanuatu

  1. pam says:

    6.2 used to be considered a great quake. We’re creeping up on 6.0+ daily – (particularly if you count the 5.8s and 5.9s the USGS downgrades to).


  2. MIKR says:

    I know what you mean, is this really the new NORM, lol, I mean seriously, it’s almost becoming the news that we expect now, ho hum, but the theory of our earth expanding from the inside out because of chemical signals the sun sends out, getting then picked up by our planet’s inside core and then reacting by expanding, I think, is making alot of sense to me know. WOW.


  3. Anthony says:

    I mean basically you can see that the solar wind has increased, and the number of sunspots is extremely high. And lo’ and behold! Another 6.8 quake! It is pure coincidence LMAO! These things aren’t related because none of this information will help me with my fantasy football team selections lol.


  4. Anthony says:

    Also. There must be certain spots that receive the brunt of the solar wind energy. Japan is probably one of these areas. Maybe somewhere near New Zealand as well. It is like when a liquid shoots out of a container. It hits a certain spot head on, and the rest just splatters everywhere. If you live in one of those points beware. The frequency change is like nothing you can imagine. When it hits so quickly like that.


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