11 Responses to China warns U.S. politics over debt crisis ‘dangerously irresponsible’

  1. pam says:

    And this is money we’ve already spent – not money we were going to spend.

    The donkey and elephant fight simply to position themselves for elections, money and influence – the greatest gravy train available is influence spending for our congress critters. Certainly has nothing to do with the people they ‘represent’ or the rest of the world. Deng Yushan is right.


  2. c/o Luisport This is a bad, bad news day.

    There are signs that hell is really about to re-break loose in Europe, barely a week after the continent thought it had successfully bailed itself out.

    There are reports that the European Financial Stability Fund may not be ready to loan Greece its next bailout tranche, in part because weaker European contributors (like Italy and Spain) may not be able to afford their payments into it.

    In other words: A fund that’s comprised of a bunch of sub-AAA nations may actually be… sub-AAA.

    Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/efsf-may-not-be-ready-to-lend-out-next-greek-tranche-2011-7#ixzz1TV4YnQuN


  3. Honestly, why do we need SO MANY POLITICANS??? If we could lay off half of them and their unnecessary over paid paychecks that would help tremendously. There is a commercial on TV that if you receive food stamps or some other type of government income you can now get a cell phone!!!! It is the WORKING people of America that pays for all of this out of their TAX DOLLARS. It has gotten to the point WHY WORK , sit on your butt and get some kind of financial help from the government!!!! If you get out there and work the government is just going to STEAL your money thru high taxes and either keep it for themselves or turn it over to the lazy non working people that have learned to cheat the hard working Americans to work for them, JUST LIKE THE GOVERNMENT HAS!!!!!! LOOK WHERE OUR GREAT GOVERNMENT HAS GOT US!!!!……….THE GOVERNMENT IS FOR THEMSELVES, NOT THE PEOPLE OF AMERICA!!!!


  4. Myra says:

    Maybe we are getting closer to wiping the debt…..


  5. saxxon says:

    Australia had a hung parlament and there was no real government for about six weeks as various small Political-Vulture-types hacked self serving deals. BUT! Australia had a valuable insight. “the country runs just fine without a government. i.e WE DONT NEED THEM. The people did what they did everyday. no problems.” One year on now we have more taxes slated, cut backs, higher prices for consumers and no solutions to the struggle class….Watch America get forced to form allegiances and knock down a three pointer right on the buzzer just in time and see the hero – Captian – America – style (timely movie release) stand aloft his beloved masses to raise the debt ceiling (or not)…. but at a cost….mmmmmm? I wonder what Martial law the now hybrid genetically engineered Captain republicrat donkephant will do to form the new allegiance a.k.a The Avengers (release date 2012 – also financed by Merrill Lynch which was merged into the Bank of Cpt. America). So in a general term this is just the merging phase for shifting blame and increasing public reliance on welfare… manufacturing new false enemy’s for continual military investment.

    Captain America: “Why me?”
    Dr. Erskine: “Because a weak man knows the value of strength. Knows the value of power.”

    Interesting choice of words from Dr Einstien… sorry Dr Erskine in the movie Captain America.


  6. Bone Idle says:

    China is worried because they think that the U.S. government (both parties and the President) are conspiring against it. China has been using a devalued currency and pegged it against the U.S. dollar to give it an “unfair” advantage in world trade negotiations. The U.S. by creating a “crisis” with the World Reserve currency (U.S. Dollar) may force China to revalue their own currency to something more like a parity system.
    China is the largest “foreign” holder of U.S. treasury bonds. Not the largest debt holder.


  7. Grace says:

    The politicians/economists etc rely on everyone keeping their heads down, their ears glued to their free cell phones, their eyes fixed on the TV, their mouths wrapped around some burger, their children being vaccinated chemically and educationally..It’s time to look up guys! The World is in a tangled mess, the USA, Europe and China are thrashing about like dying animals. It’s what is going to replace them that really worries me.


    • skywalker says:

      there was a dream / nightmare , that was cooked up long ago by a bunch of people who wanted to rule the world, and they called this great machination the N.W.O
      these few people have been secretly making plans towards this end for a long time now , and we are finaly seeing their best laid plans coming to fruition .


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