5.4 magnitude earthquake rattles quad-plate region near Panama

July 20, 2011 PANAMAA 5.4 magnitude earthquake struck just off the coast of Panama at a depth of 20.1 km. The earthquake occurred on the convergent plate boundary where the Cocos tectonic plate is subducting under the North American plate. –The Extinction Protocol
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5 Responses to 5.4 magnitude earthquake rattles quad-plate region near Panama

  1. Hey bro just out of curiosity how much credit do you give to haarp? Can you give me a good intelligent response as to why you do or don’t give credit to haarp for earthquakes and weather changes? I need this for debate. Not saying you aren’t intelligent, lol – that didn’t sound right. I just want a good answer.


    • Rob, I believe HAARP is an iconospheric thermal energy and ELF generator. The techonology can be weaponized but I don’t believe HAARP is responsible for all the natural disasters happening in the world, not in America and when the U.S. is eventually reduced to ruins from cascading disasters…maybe people will wake up and see that. We want to say HAARP causes everything because that’s our psychological way of grasping for a control mechanism or maybe it’s just the propaganda of fear. During Napoleon’s threatened invasion of Britian, the term was coined Boneyman or Bogeyman, in Iraq, it was called WMD’s and today we bat around the term “terror plots” and “Homeland Security.” If you’re idiotic enough to attempt to tilt the spectrum of the planet with scalar energy- it’s has irreversible consequences because everything below the earth is pressurized and does not rescind.


  2. Lucia says:

    Solomon Islands 6.0 22:05 GMT


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