Massive locust swarms invade Russia- 20 million people affected

MSNBC      contribution by Rob ZionFreak
This entry was posted in Earth Changes, Earth Watch, Environmental Threat, Food chain unraveling, Pest Explosions, Prophecies referenced. Bookmark the permalink.

5 Responses to Massive locust swarms invade Russia- 20 million people affected

  1. Let’s see …. War, Famine, Pestilence and Plagues. All in the news regularly. Sounds Biblical to me.


  2. Luca says:

    Indeed it does


  3. robinb333 says:

    We were warned in the Bible to know the signs.


  4. Are we surprised at all of this news? It was clear that humanity was upsetting the balance of nature back in the eighties. Now we see the results of our greed. Our collective western high standards of living have raped the planet and its resources. So her we go “payback time” for not using our knowledge and technology to live wisely and lightly on this precious planet. It is from what I understand a rare and amazing oasis in a harsh and lonely universe.


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