23 Responses to Financial storm clouds of unprecedented intensity gathering on the horizon

  1. I once read that currency flowed through the U. S. economy 600 times faster than it did in 1929. That was before the bailout plans and the unbridled printing of currency. This will be a very high speed train wreck.


  2. Kelly says:

    It is scary indeed………….. but it is going to happen. The question is when? They can punt it down the road by increasing the deficit and let it happen on someone else’s watch, but at some point this has to be addressed. The problem appears to be a huge one, given the reserve status of the US dollar, but it does not change the fact that the game cannot continue to played indefinitely.

    The US debt…….. the real debt, not just the 14+ trillion………. is unlike anything that has ever happened before. The states and local cities/municipalities are in dire straits as well, not just the federal government. It is way worse than most can comprehend.

    No easy solutions to this and the only real solutions are very painful for all. The problem is that the boys and girls in charge are focusing the pain on those who have always carried the load, as opposed to those who should.


  3. NickKo says:

    EVEN IF the US Congress manages to avoid a ‘default’ scenario THIS summer, this is going to become an ANNUAL theater occurrence, the following year, and maybe the year after that….
    Until one day, an agreement to raise the debt ceiling WON’T be reached, OR enough spending cuts can’t be made, etc.
    We may just avoid it this summer. That remains to be seen.
    Even if we avoid such a calamity this summer, at some point, a showdown will happen.

    When this does happen, and the SHTF, I expect things to unravel, very very quickly, because of the way that the American Economy, is structured.
    Personally, I would not be surprised, to see commodities ( like gasoline ) and other services, to become Unavailable to Americans as a result.
    The ensuing CREDIT CRUNCH would spread into the economy at large, and businesses will find it Very difficult, to find ‘financing’ or use credit, for any large transaction.
    For an example, take buying a car. Most consumers don’t put down the total purchase price of the vehicle, before driving it off the lot. The car dealer and banks help to arrange financing, then the buyer of the car drives it home, and make payments. Everyone is happy.

    IF it becomes difficult to find financing or use credit for ‘large’ transactions, this would put quite a damper on business transactions… indeed.
    This will affect not just the little consumers, on purchases like buying a car, or a house…. But businesses even more.
    Imagine being the owner of a gas station, and being told by the suppliers, that they’ll need to pay for their next gasoline delivery in cash. Or being an Electric Utility in a state like CA., and being told by their suppliers, that they’ll need to provide ‘cash’ up front.

    You see what I mean ?? Modern life could go to Hell, in a handbasket, very, very quickly – and Americans would be shocked out of complacency, when this happens.
    But by then, it will be too late.

    – Nick


    • Dennis says:

      Based on your article, then could banks, mortage companies, banks, credit card companies all call in for full payments on loans? And should we keep a sum of cash at home, hidden of course?

      Thanks for any answer


      • NickKo says:

        Regarding ‘full payment’ on outstanding loans – I am not aware of such a scenario – I don’t think such a thing would happen en masse. ( Although creditors can demand such a thing of individuals, if they determine the ‘creditee’ is bankrupt or unable to meet their terms.)

        However, being able to afford to CONTINUE making payments, may become largely ‘academic’.

        I suppose having a sum of cash in reserve is not a bad idea…. but if money gets printed out to the point of becoming worth less, then it will only go so far.


      • It doesn’t hurt to have a few hundred bucks tucked away. I do. But more importantly would be precious metals. If cash becomes worthless paper and your savings become just a number on a computer then you have nothing left. I invest in imported silver, Canadian 1oz Maple rounds to be exact. If I need to flee to a 3rd world country for whatever reason, the last thing I want to do is let people know I’m an American. We have too many enemies.


      • And to answer your first question, they can, but they won’t, at least not all at once. It would force us to pillage entire countries and would lead to an American genocide.


      • nitewarlok says:

        When the economies (plural)topple cash will be no good,,it will be back to barter and trade. Try not to think that everyone will perish in the global land changes,,it will not be like that,, we should not be so arrogant as to think that we should be let off so easily when our Saviour put himself thru so much suffering for each of us.surely we must taste some kind of hardship. It only makes sense as we all fall short of his grace and glory. Stockpile the basics so that u will be able to barter with such things for such things that u may not have or may run out of. Think loved ones,the rapture wont be for a little while yet. At least 3 and a half years. Nice little ride.


      • More importantly, they could just call a bank holiday and freeze everyone’s accounts. I see that this could happen in the event of large scale defaults combined with wide scale withdrawals. They would just take the money and run. Then, they introduce a new currency with 10% of the purchasing power of the old. It’s the classic Bait-And-Switch.

        The Real Weapon Of Mass Destruction: POVERTY


  4. J Guffey says:

    Sooooo……it’s looks like a total collapse of the World’s economy is inevitable. Very surreal, facing this possibility in the near future.

    Just keep reminding myself, God is still in control, the prophets foretold the current and coming events. Praying for wisdom, discernment, compassion, peace, and mercy in the times ahead. Praying that many more come to trust in the Lord before it’s too late. God bless.


    • rita says:

      But, indeed, we all have ‘free will’ . “We are God’s hands”. But then, the Tea Party are getting ready for the rapture and can’t wait to bring it on!


      • rita says:

        I would like to add, that as an american, it feels like i am in the belly of the beast, so to speak. Many here are hooked into so called reality tv shows and trash pop culture. They aren’t interested in knowing what is really happening. That is how we got involved in so many wars in the past ten years.

        People watch hate mongering fox news and others. Legions of viewers who are not the wealthy elite vote for those who are promoted by these pundits – even against their own self interests. Why is that? Why would a working class man vote against taxing corporate CEOs? The budget could be solved quite easily, really. If the top 1% paid their fair share of taxes. And if we stopped putting trillions into weapons of mass destruction, forcing other countries to keep up as well. The powers that be, who are in charge, need to keep the populace scared. Obviously. Weapons making is the biggest business of all.

        And they need a market, don’t they? Without wars and threats they can’t sell their wares.

        And torture has become acceptable to americas in the past ten years. Even though it doesn’t even work. Why is that? People on this site may be interested to look up the statistics on who in the US is most in support of torture, by the way, since the truth will indeed make you free.

        peace all.


  5. RainMan says:

    ‘In God We Trust’ …..isn’t that what’s printed on the US dollar?


  6. NickKo says:

    1 ). To ‘Third Adam’ : Yes, I think this will be used as the “excuse” needed to propel the world into such a system, run by the Oligarchs who own the Banks and Wally Street.

    2 ). To ‘RainMan’ : Yes, and it sounds kind of empty in the USA these days, doesn’t it ?? 😦

    – Nick


  7. radiogirl says:

    @NicKo, The boat of complacency is not one my family resides in and maybe others here could weigh in on this as well.Most Americans I know work HARD making many sacrifices for their family along the way.Americans give to more charitable organizations than any other country in the world.Our family gives of our time and resources as many of our good friends do as well.The right to vote is taken seriously in our home and we exercise that gift at every election.We have tried to be good stewards of what we have earned or been given.These are qualities I witness in my friends as well.I have friends who go into debt not out of greed or unwise choices but through helping pay for higher education,as an example, which continues to raise tuition in some cases as much as 20% a year.Our family has had four young men in college and they have worked to help pay their way.They have done mission work and volunteered.As parents we have done the best we can as alot of parents do.

    I get tired of being lumped in with the ugly American sterotype.We don’t have a monopoly on that.Coruption knows NO boundaries.It is worldwide.I will always defend whats right and good about America and those good citizens who hold on to what this Country was founded on…God first.. freedom.Our leaders have let us down…not all of them…. but a great portion.Put the moniker of greed and corruption on those who have earned it…Bernie Madoff and those that are wearing the cloak of deception and financial ruination of hard working individuals.Enron and the likes.Business practices that Americans are disgusted by and demand these people pay for their crimes.Most are not in jail and why not?Look to our elected officials on that one.VOTE THEM OUT!!!

    Your right there is a lot wrong with this country…this world as a whole.To lay blame at the feet of all Americans as a bunch of greedy self serving uncaring people is misplaced blame.There are good people in this country who live and work and help others all over the world. People who repect life and the lives of others.Yes we are now at a crisis point and there is no complacency here in our home on that issue we are preparing.

    What you call complacency generalizing Americans doesn’t fit all of us.Many know and understand where we are at this time in history and what may appear to be complacency may be called fear.Fear of losing everything they have worked for and more importantly fear of human suffering… mainly for their children.Most just don’t know what to do as these problems are now beyond our control.Americans have not caused all the worlds problems …some yes but not even close to all of them.

    Chid molesters go where the children are….evil and corruption goes where the people are and that is everywhere….. all over the world .What is amazing is that all of these issues these snares of man have been addressed in the Bible from the Old Testament to the New Testament.Revelations indicates the whole world will be judged not just America.May God be with us all no matter what corner of this planet your on.R


    • NickKo says:

      Thank you for the excellent reply, Radiogirl.
      Yes, I do realize that not all Americans fit the stereotype.
      When I say “Americans”, that is to say that *everyone* in the USA, will be affected.
      We will *all* pay, if only by virtue of being here, and losing our grip on our nation.:(

      As far as going into debt is concerned: Yes, getting funding for college is a very serious issue nowadays.
      I know some young people, who are over $100,000+ dollars in debt, due to college loans. It’s like burdening young people with a Mortgage….. Except they don’t even have a home yet !!
      Personally, I think that college Financiers and other charlatans are now exploiting these young people, by saddling them with Huge loans they may not be able to repay…. Or keep them in debt, for a very long time, if not forever.

      And you are right about ALL the world being judged…. The Book says that “the entire world shall mourn” when they realize, how they have wounded Him.

      – Nick


      • sophia carlson says:

        I’d just like to say that having lived in a place where half the city resembles a warzone(Christchurch NZ) for the last nine months. Where we have gone from feeling like we are one of the safest places in the world to devastation, where all echelons of society have been affected, where most people have lost what they have worked hard for and now have little or nothing to show for their labours and face an uncertain future I like many others have been reminded of what is important in life. It is not what we have worked for, it is not what we own or our stuff or our positions in society. It is about family and good friends and community, it is about com[passion, love of our fellow man, helping one another and valueing what is really important, each other. We cannot live in a global parasite pyramid indefinitly. Eventually we need to move to a new host or we perish. We have no viable new host and our chickens are coming home to roost! My God grant us the serenity to change the things we can, accept the things we cannot change and have the wisdom to know the difference. In Love and Light Sophia


    • J Guffey says:

      radiogirl, I agree with you. Thankfully God looks at the heart of each person individually.

      Some of the people I know here in the USA are very kind-hearted, generous, and caring people. Many donate (and expect absolutely nothing in return) to help people they have never met. Many of those benefiting from the generosity are not even from America.

      Many would donate even more if it were not for the misappropriation of those donations. For example: Huge amounts of money was donated to Haiti, but it appears their leaders decided to pass very little of that along to the desperate people there the donations were meant for.

      Every area of the World does have it’s own share of problems. America is not the root of all evil. Plenty of blame to go around – no perfect nation or people on this planet.


  8. jon says:

    Search: Lindsay Williams June 22 2011 – WATCH HIS UPDATE FROM THE GLOBAL ELITE!

    2012 collapse of dollar
    Oil powers changing hands


  9. radiogirl says:

    I am sorry for all the spelling errors…i am passionate about what is still good about America and many of its fine citizens.I am worried when there is an urgency to get to the collapse..I see people post on boards who can’t wait for it to happen… crying out… bring it on!If they are so fed up with all that is wrong with humanity and the government then what will they gain by witnessing chaos ,riots starvation and gangs ,heavily armed gangs,robbing raping and killing…because that will happen.Many good people will be suffering at the hands of the worst of the worst…harming our elderly our children. This will be part of the collapse and the government knows that.So do I.


  10. A_lad says:

    I’m think Lindsey Williams is a fraud and a member of the Elitists. I have heard his stuff for sometime and some of it has come to pass. He gives these Globalists POWER by all his fear mongering Rhetoric! Yes we live in Volatile times and we are witnessing rhe heavens and earth unfold. IMHO he ought to render them powerless by speaking to them about the one true power Y’Shuah!

    And to call these PARASITES that want to crash the economy and DESTROY our lives his friends is beyond me. I would not put a lot of stock in him as a friend of the people. Hence ” A wolf in Sheeps clothing “


  11. drnicolas says:

    Law of the bible been broken by human since beginning of time . We are living in a very difficult time now . The situation is going to push the law further . Whatever happenning now is predicted and written . No worry if you trust in the the Lord Jesus and His second coming .


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