6.3 quake rattles Santa Cruz Islands: global seismic tension follows Alaskan earthquake

June 24, 2011 – A massive 6.3 earthquake struck near the Santa Cruz Islands in the Pacific just hours after a massive 7.2 earthquake struck near the Aleutian Islands near Alaska. The 6.3 magnitude quake struck at a depth of 62 km along the tectonic plate boundary. Just 3 days ago a 6.1 magnitude earthquake struck this same region at a depth of 13 km. No tsunamic warnings have been issued. The warning I issued days ago about the potential of an outbreak of seismic events has arrived and great seismic agitation is showing up now on the global grid of seismograms- indicating the turbulence is still upon us. Below, (right) Alaska and Antarctica.
Double moderate earthquakes, a 5.1 and a 5.2, has also struck the Mid-Indian Ridge which extends along the Great Rift through East Africa where the Nabro volcano is currently erupting in Eritrea. The Indian and African tectonic plates are moving apart due to spreading at the Mid-Indian Ridge. A 5.0 earthquake also struck the Karmadec region.
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8 Responses to 6.3 quake rattles Santa Cruz Islands: global seismic tension follows Alaskan earthquake

  1. Stephen says:

    are we in for more powerful seismic activities, unlikely to abate?


    • It looks like some deep stirring going on across the span of the globe with the sea-floor and plates. The planet is being pushed closer and closer to a major geological event. We can see that with the spike in volcanism especially in Iceland along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the Nabro volcanic eruption and emerging land mass along the Eastern African Rift. We’ll see what happens from here. Eventually, it will abate.


      • Vivian NAUD says:

        Unfortunatly it will not abate nor will the other catasrophic events happening in the world abate untill the WORD of Almighty GOD is fulfilled and the WILL of GOD is done on earth as it is in Heaven.
        The current and and subsequent tribulations will continue and will not abate untill all the inhabitants of the earth planeth mends their ways, retun to almighty GOD, welcome the Government of GOD and Adopt LOVE as the Laws of all Nations of Earth.

        FYI. My Name is Vivian Naud. I have been following your blogs for a while now and enjoy the daily updates and analysis you post. Thanks for the great works and being a great Watchman.
        Thank You.


  2. Stephen says:

    and these musn’t be normal?


  3. Anthony says:

    Exactly! The event! Alvin nobody can believe in earth Catastrophism. I even took this earth catastrophe class in college and nobody took it seriously. The amazing thing though is that people think mountain ranges and all the cool natural features they enjoy were created by slow geological processes. LMAO! We have been lead astray by our entire society to not believe in an event. But here it comes…..


  4. Josiah says:

    Larger magnitude and more frequent…. we’re in for a wild ride!


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