35 Responses to Breaking point: Modern civilization as we know it on the verge of unraveling?

  1. Great post! Chaos will sweep away the world we know over the next several years. The world situation will, gradually but continually, worsen; economically, socially, financially, earth chages, volcanoes, earthquakes and other disasters. This is because, we are head (as a world people) in the wrong direction, i.e., towards greed, lust, power and control and away from God, love, truth, joy, bliss, mercy and grace. The panic, terror, horror, war, pestilence, drought, famine and other “prolbems” will be stupendous and akin to the sinking of Atlantis and MU.
    From the “Master of Disater”


  2. Gen says:

    Alvin, have a look at
    Jot ASEAN:China’s buying Cambodia


  3. Luke says:

    I wonder how long it will be, before we hit total collapse, so that the NWO can step in and take power? Im guessing around a 2 years. 2 years and i think the NWO will be in power.


  4. King kevin says:

    Awesome! Again, I love your site. Check it routinely everyday lol! Things just keep getting curiouser and curiouser don’t they!?!? I’m not sure what to think of all that’s going on, but it’s gold that you put it out there plain and simple for the people to see, and of course here in america, deny lol! Keep up the amazing work Extinction Protocol, for at least what time is left. Take care, be safe


  5. Blaze says:

    We are witnessing the breakdown of the system due to the emergence of our consciouseness. Ego is the primary soil that all corruption grows from. We are witnessing the destruction and death of our ego. It’s all a direct reflection.


  6. Marge says:

    This has been planned for a long time – read “The Grand Chessboard” by Zbigniew Brzezinski and the Project for the New American Century. Further, those behind the emerging New World Order are planning a nuclear war to be started in the Middle East between the US and Russia with China joing in later. Their motto is “out of chaos, one.” Just like Hitler seized control of germany during the chaos after WWI.

    (An aside, Obama’s naming of an army general with the nickname “Muddy Boots” is a clue as to what to expect in Libya after the US finishes bombing tose civilians they were “protecting” in their “humanitarian’ intervention. That was all planned.)


  7. Kim says:

    I think it is on the verge of unraveling. You know people living in developing nations, third world have been struggling for years and years and they rely on us. So when we struggle, it is only worse for those in developing naitons. But I am always praying. God told me to love. I love. God tells me to pray. I pray. God told me to not lose hope. I shall never lose hope. God Bless you Alvin as always for your amazing blog, book, etc.


  8. Kato says:

    In October of 2008, after being layed off my job, I threw may hands up and I just don’t care anymore. I spent my severance pay on a vacation in Florida, and threw my hands up and realized that I have been running a blind rat race, just like everyone else around me. Struggling to co-exist and succeed in a broken system. It was there on those white sands that I realized that something was very wrong. I have been dedicated to the seeking all potential truth, no matter how hard it is to swallow. Everyday digging and searching, with every find, “I have found freedom…”
    I found this sight on accident, and it is everything that I need to keep my in the loop of virtually all the topic that I deem essential, and well as connected in the grand scheme. Thank you, this compilation is profound.


    • Kato,

      Glad you found the site. May God be with you on your journey and you’re right; the closer we are to the what’s before us, the less and less things we esteemed in the past has meaning. Sounds like a profound awakening and I know myself and the readers are glad to hear it. All in the world is a shadow and an illusion and once you’re liberated, you feel compelled to plot a new course in life.

      Best wishes to you- and may others benefit from the perspective you’ve found,


  9. Mike says:

    Yes, there are a lot of things happening, but they are nothing in comparison to what happened in WW2 and WW1, or worse still the black plague or spanish flu. Some of those are far worse than the combination of the situations now. The Spaniards in their conquest of the new world were responsible for dispatching approx 100 million people. The Chinese emperors wars were comparable to WW2. The human race has always been on the brink of self destruction, we just cant help ourselves.
    The Chinese have their own financial woes with their 300 million dollar white elephant railway.
    What I am saying is that things are unraveling, and I beleive in the Almighty and phrophecies of the new and old world, and i beleive the end is nigh. However, it still falls short of the starvation, plagues and wars that our forebeares have faced. So basically, the worse is still to come because nature groaneth.


  10. Nymphaea says:

    Alvin, I just cancelled my Google alert on earthquakes and volcanoes because you seem to get the word out faster and I don’t have to trawl through news items on soccer teams called Earthquakes and Volcanoes or discussions on how seldom earthquakes occur or volcano displays in school fairs. Besides you really have a good grasp on a lot of other things and it’s really good reading. Thanks for all the effort you put into your blog. I wonder if the people of America will wake up to the truth and make an effort to stop this runaway train that is destroying their dreams or has it gone beyond the point of no return? I think most countries are headed in the same direction and it is almost surreal watching things unfold in this way.


  11. Thank you for this awesome post. I was musing over the point that our reality seems to be becoming more and more like the stuff of science fiction just yesterday. I think this post sums this point up nicely. I look forwards to reading more of your blog.



  12. David says:

    People need to wake up to the realities of this world and unfortunatly this is one of the few ways it might actually happen. Don’t get me wrong I think it would be a horrible, horrible event in world history but I kinda lean to the view that it needs to happen before people actually start doing anything about the state of their government.



    • Ron says:

      Let’s hope it’s not a Mad Max scenario, a bus with survivors, a trailer with supplies heading off into the sunset, or two.


  13. Desilk says:

    Thanks for this post – as always. I was wondering for a while why they were intervening in Libya (and I know its not because of the stated reasons..) but couldn’t work out why they are not touching Syria. The connection with the Russians makes a lot of sense. Do you have any more background info on that?


  14. Today I will go out and plant my newly tilled fields, as my mother , as my grandmothers, as my great-grandmothers….I will rejoice at the feel of the sun on my back, the sweet smell of earth flowing through my hands, sing along with the birds and insects as we all work together on this beautiful Earthmother that the Creator has given us. I will marvel once again at the small size of the seeds I am about to plant and have faith that they will come to fruition. Some will die, some will feed the insects and creatures and hopefully some will feed my family and me. I will carry you all, my new brothers and sisters of EP with me, and with every seed I plant I will also plant a prayer for the health and spiritual peace that we all need in this terrible/wonderful time!
    If you have a moment today, go outside, run your hands through the soil or over the welcoming leaves of the Standing People (trees) and say a prayer with me for all of life, and a special one for Alvin Conway, who has brought us together as a new family of enlightened, caring, seekers of truth. Remember, all of life wishes you well and encourages us to continue on our path, for their survival is contingent on our recognition of their existence. We are the only species on this planet that play Russian roulette with our lives every day. The rest of life is simply trying to survive, if you can, take the time to plant something, pet a creature, hug a tree,( yes , they like it), or just take off your shoes, feel the cool earth between your toes and let the fear and worry we are all experiencing drain back into the loving bosom of our Mother Earth.
    With loving thoughts of all of you who struggle to make sense of what man has/is doing to each other, may the power and love that we have within us overcome the derision and incomprehension and lack of faith of families, friends, and nations. In Spirit, Melissa


    • Mahati says:

      Dear Melissa,
      yes thats how it works. I like you posting.


      • Melissa says:

        Dearest Mahati, yours was one of the names I remembered as I planted my seeds and prayed for us all yesterday. Thank you for your kind words, they race across the miles and touch my heart. Much love and peace to you, my brother.


    • skywalker says:

      this is a most beautifull post , hugs and blessings 🙂


      • Melissa says:

        Oki, Skywalker! Love your name, and I thank you for your words. They are so precious in this time of turmoil, and I thank you for taking the time out of your day to write them. Hugs and blessings to you, also.


    • B Ocasio says:

      Thank you Melissa, for sharing your thoughts. Yes, love is the answer. Not what goes by the name of love, but the real thing. God is love, and he who abides in love, abides in God and GOD IN HIM/HER. This creatin was made by Love, and expects love in return. Love, care, respect, to everything that lives. God is Goodness, God is Beauty, and all he made is beautiful and good, but it is the human beig, through lack of love who damages creation, which then reacts.


      • Melissa says:

        B Ocasio, thank you for your beautiful words and emotion. Love is the only way, and i struggle with every thought to keep love in my heart and mind daily. It is a very difficult struggle sometimes, as i see what has been done to the gift of creation that our Creator gave so freely and lovingly to us. May you find peace in the love that you have shared here and with evry one you have touched in your life. In Spirit, Melissa


    • Jim says:

      I read your post last night, and have been thinking about it ever since. You’ve got quite a legacy going on there —for several generations back! How cool is that! My people were also farmers, and I’ve been planting a lot of seeds in the garden lately too, so I can relate. Really appreciated the way you connected the planting of seeds with prayers for others.
      Have you ever noticed how literally everything in nature benefits something else. I believe this is what is symbolized by “bearing fruit” in various scriptures. The grain grasses are a particularly good example here. They put their whole life energy into bearing their “fruit,” and then they die! From this, I have come to realize that everything in the universe, living things and even non-living things, (such as air and water), exists for the purpose of benefitting others! I just came in from the berry patch to write this, where I finished off breakfast with some fresh-off-the-vine boysenberries, so these things are vividly on my mind. Those berries are not at all essential for the survival of the berry vine. They didn’t have to produce them, yet they grow them anyway —to be a blessing for someone else!
      Everything exists to benefit others —everything … except for selfish humans. Back at the beginning, the human race chose to go their own selfish way —and the results are evident! We definitely need to get back to nature and learn these lessons, but we must also re-connect with nature’s Creator so He can “fix” our selfishness issues. Otherwise we will only cause a re-infection and start it all over again. (In case you, or anyone else, is interested, I’ve written more on these ideas in a 6 page article called “Harmony” which I’d be glad to share.)
      Stay on the Path, and keep up the good work.
      Blessings ~Jim


      • Melissa says:

        Dearest Jim, I am sorry I have taken so long to reply to you! I loved your post and and loving insights! Thank you for sharing these with me and all of us! The story of the berry bushes is so important. I was taught by my Chief , that if you love something or someone, give it away and it will come back to you one hundrefold. Look at the berries, as you say , they give their beautiful sweetness to all who stop and pluck them, yet they are not diminished, but spread their vines across the land prolifically. Thank you for that example, I never thought about it this way and i love to hear other people’s insights as together we take a step higher toward the knowledge of the amazingly detailed and abundant love the Creator gives all of us. I would love to read your article on “Harmony” and would like to send you a speech I gave at the UN on high tech/ vs, low tech farming. It is good to know you, Jim. You and any of my EP family can contact me @ Omkastoe@frontier.com


  15. I love this post! We exsist on a razor’s edge always


  16. Brandon says:

    Kato, I understand how you feel. Just remember, SOON we’ll be leaving here to be in the presence of our Savior. Not much longer. God bless you my friend.



  17. GodsModernDayMartyr says:

    Welcome! To the New World (Dis)Order! I don’t think their are enough troops combined to quell the uprisings!
    Keep your pantry full and your powder dry!
    Keep the Faith!


  18. saisuji says:

    Alvin, As always you are right on target with this post.There is now a massive anti-corruption movement underway in India too. This drive is being supported by people from all walks of society. But the govt is resorting to violent means to curb the peaceful protests.The entire globe seems to be in a state of flux and consciousness is stirring. You are the only lone voice giving out the truth. May God give you strength and keep you safe. Thank you for this wonderful site. I would like to think I too am a part of the EP family. Saisuji


  19. Bob says:

    Well, its a few years later and guess what?
    We’re still alive. Yes, I know the end of the world is nigh, but here’s a little secret:
    It always is.
    Has been for the last 5000 years or so of recorded human history. Someday they’ll get it right, but don’t hold your breath.
    Instead, look to enjoying your life. It’s short and fleeting. And for God sakes, stop stockpiling those canned goods.


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