Health officials concerned super-bug outbreak in UK may spread

June 2, 2011LONDON – As seven cases of the food poisoning bacteria were diagnosed in Britain, the agency said that the mutant strain was so virulent that sufferers risked spreading the infection to friends and relations through close contact. With more than 30,000 people travelling between Britain and Germany every day, officials fear the outbreak could take hold here. The agency said anyone who had recently travelled to Germany should be vigilant about their personal hygiene to minimize the risk of passing on the bacteria, which can attack the kidneys with potentially fatal consequences. The outbreak is on course to be the world’s “biggest ever”, according to one of the country’s leading microbiologists. The agency added that it was shocked by its “unprecedented” scale and severity. More than 1,600 people have been infected worldwide, mainly in northern Germany. Hundreds have been left seriously ill and at least 18 have died. It emerged last night that the food bug has struck two Americans who had recently travelled to Hamburg. Both are expected to survive but experts warned that the bacteria could be exported to the US. The World Health Organization identified the bacterium as a “completely new” mutant strain which was more toxic and infectious than usual varieties. It is resistant to antibiotics and has an eight-day incubation period, which means that the outbreak may not have reached a peak. It can cause the deadly complication haemolytic-uraemic syndrome (HUS) which affects the blood and kidneys. Experts are still unable to say where the outbreak originated, having ruled out the initial theory that it came from a consignment of Spanish cucumbers. Fears have heightened to such an extent that Russia yesterday banned the import of all raw vegetables from Europe. The HPA said the seven cases diagnosed in Britain involved people who had recently travelled to Germany. Three are seriously ill with the HUS complication. Dr. Bob Adak, an expert in gastrointestinal infections at the agency, said his organization had interviewed the families of those involved and advised them to take precautions to avoid a secondary spread of the bacteria. “We’re extremely concerned by it,” he said. “We are on the lookout for secondary infections, because it is quite infectious you don’t need many bacteria on your hand to spread it. “People have got to be very careful, in the first instance those who are most at risk are other family members. –UK Telegraph
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22 Responses to Health officials concerned super-bug outbreak in UK may spread

  1. J Guffey says:

    Just thinking about horrific plagues of the past. Hard to imagine hundreds of thousands or more losing their lives in a short time. With worldwide travel, one can only imagine how quickly this could spread. We could be talking millions, couldn’t we?


    • We should be prepared for plagues that have the potential to wipe out one-third to half of the planet’s current population. All the protective shields are breaking down, the Sun’s heliosphere, the Earth’s magnetic field and the human immune system. It’s part of the disintegration of the material world in preparation for the advent of the spiritual. The world is criss-crossed by a web of airplane flights as Richard Preston said in his book the ‘The Hot-zone’– and a virus could be half-way across the globe in as little as 12 hours.


      • J Guffey says:

        Thanks for your response Alvin. Wow! 12 hrs. – very frightening. Since the virus has an incubation period of eight days, no telling how far it has spread already.

        If the Lord taries much longer, I believe we will be pleading for Him to come for us.

        His word says that one day EVERY knee will bow. Those left will face unspeakable horrors. It’s so heartbreaking when accepting Christ is the best decision anyone can make.

        Praying for the lost and the saved in the times ahead.


      • And E.Coli can tweak its DNA by replicating in as little as 20 minutes- which means it can mutate virtually 3 times in an hour through successive generations to strengthen its defense aganist any new antibiotic threat. It’s the perfect biological nightmare scenario.


  2. The four horsemen of the Apocalypse:
    WAR (revolutions, civil wars and between nations)
    EARTHQUAKES (seismic events cause the earth to vibrate, which in turn can trigger many other geophysical disasters such as tsunamis and volcaones

    The above 3 horsemen have been at the gates, ready to gallop since the beginning of 2011. Now it would seem that the fourth horseman, PANDEMICS (or Pestilences as worded in the Bible) is ready to rear its evil head and begin to race. I have speculated that by the end of 2011 we will be in the days when the PERFECT STORM will hit the world so hard that the earth itself may be turned upside down.

    Once all four horsemen are riding, when every corner of the planet is afflicted by at least one of WAR, FAMINE, EARTHQUAKE or PANDEMIC and millions are dying, then there will be NO DOUBT left that we will be in the days of the book of Revelation, in the days of Vengeance when all things written will be fulfilled before the return of Christ. O Yes! He come once and will come again, you can bet the barn,, or better still bet your life on this fact.


    • Marge says:

      You may be right about the end of the year events. From Sept – Dec. a large comet will be very close to earth and on 3 occasions will be aligned with the sun and earth. The gravitational pull will cause tremendous earth upheavals. There will be 3-day periods during each of these alignments which will be critical.

      However, I would not be so certain that that will bring the return of Christ then – remember “NO ONE but the Father knows the day and time.” My own feeling is that we are just in the early period of the End Times.


      • I am not saying that Christ will return before the end of this year or next or the year after, for I do not know when exactly He will return. All I know is that He will return, and that we have been given unmistakable signs that forewarn us when His return is drawing closer. The early signs of His return fall into 4 categories, at least one of which will effect every part of the planet, and these are War, Famine, Earthquakes (and related disasters) and Pandemics. So it seems that very soon, possibly before the end of this year, every part of the planet will be under assault by war, famine, geophysical disasters and pandemics, and millions will be dying. It is only when all four horsemen are riding simultaneous can it be concluded that this is the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy, not before.


    • Magrti says:

      On a more mundane level… The case for many of these “completely new microbes” being the product of lab bio-weapon GM structures is quite good. Dr Leonard Horowitz was banned from the UN for his excellent documentation of the genesis of AIDS and ebola viruses, even going so far as to verify the WHO and US Army contractors and subcontractors of those who sold equipment and receipts for payment of needed bio-materials used in making these “completely new outbreaks”.
      Horowitz is now predictably, being smeared and discredited with a “leaked” sex-pervert video. All this may be God’s will, but it sure is interesting to follow God’s NWO helpers.


      • Marge says:

        I agree with you. Remember the antrax scare after 911? Turned out to have been made in a military lab. This new MRSA strain that has hit Ireland could be more of the same. NWO has read the Bible, too, and can carry out its agenda using “God’s will” as a cover.


  3. Nymphaea says:

    A simple process of washing the produce thoroughly and cooking thoroughly would alleviate the problem. Ever since Bt pesticides were introduced I never eat anything store bought raw, especially after ‘they’ started splicing genes for things like CRY proteins into vegetables. I only make salads if the vegetables come from my backyard garden and I never eat salads in restaurants.
    Sorry to state the obvious, but clearly this is about a vaccine for E Coli and oodles of money for multinational vaccine companies. Canadian company Bioniche already boasts of a vaccine and Novartis is making all the right noises. Another thing to avoid now – vaccinated animal meats because if the E Coli doesn’t get you the adjuvants in the vaccines will give you vaccinosis if they remain in the animal after they are vaccinated. Mercury in animal vaccines is not cleared by the animal easily and vaccinosis is an accepted outcome of vaccination as far as animals are concerned. Between cloned meat and super vaccinated animals, eating meat is getting more and more undesirable along with a whole lot of other things. If natural disasters are creating famines, humans certainly seem to be giving them a helping hand.


    • J Guffey says:

      Nymphea, I think it would take much more than washing and cooking of the vegetables to stop this bacteria. It may help some, but so many different people handle the produce, touch their faces, rub their eyes, etc. before washing their hands. Also, anything that touches the produce could possibly become contaminated then passed on to unsuspecting people. Hopefully, it will not explode into a full blow pandemic.


      • Nymphaea says:

        Stopping this or any kind of bacteria is a only a pipe dream. Bacteria were here before us and will probably be here after we are extinct. Besides bacteria is a useful part of nature without which many decay and rejuvenation cycles cannot be completed. My point was that the aim should be to prevent it from entering our bodies by cooking processes. You cannot simply remove such organisms from the food chain – bacterial spores are everywhere. We carry quite a bit of bacterial flora of our own. If this is a novel strain of bacteria that ‘escaped’ from some laboratory, then natural selection could actually be on our side and the epidemic could fizzle out. How do we know if the reports from health authorities are not geared to create panic and a need for a silver bullet as we saw in the swine flu debacle? What was the exact cause of death in all these cases? How accurate is their determination of what pathogen it is when they start dealing with many patients? Health authorities have proven time and again that they cannot be depended on for our health. Infrastructure like health services are breaking down everywhere due to greed , poor management and to some degree complacency on the part of end users who worship at the altar of the medical fraternity. Now that the WHO has revised its criteria for a pandemic, it probably will be classified as one when they demonstrate person to person transfer of the pathogen. Fear is a useful tool to control the masses. Meanwhile I hope this might actually make people think more about where their food comes from and take steps to have better control of their food supply thereby making them independent of nanny states that function like the blind leading the blind.


  4. Kim says:

    Oh I know this is off topic. But Alvin did you see that last night there was a solar midnight eclipse? It was amazing. But I have never heard of one before. How long ago did the last one happen?

    Thanks so much for all the info you put out there.

    Blessings in Christ.


  5. Luke says:

    Faith ladies and gentleman. That is the only thing that the wickedness of this world has no control over. They can attack it and they do. But it is us that has to throw it down. I am a sinner and i have fallen short of the grace of god. I dont deserve it, but god loves us. There will be sorrows and agonies and i pray that god gives me the strength and faith, to never turn away. No matter how painful, no matter how dark the path, no matter how hopeless it seems. Father, i believe, but help my unbelief.


  6. Luca says:

    Thanks for that Luke and I agree with you. Nothing and no one can take you from God and His love hold on to your faith


  7. Jens Skapski says:

    Some people say, this new kind of bacteria is a terror attack of Al Qaida! I think this is possible because nobody has seen this bacteria before and the source of it is still unknown!
    I think the terrorism with bioweapons is the greatest human made danger in the next years! This bacteria killed 18 people in Germany(I don’t if it kille people in other nations, here in Germany they don’t say anything about it) and the numbers of infections is strong ascending! The first schools were closed! Why should it stop suddenly? EHEC will kill more people than pig flu in the last years!


  8. Tyron says:

    Colloidal water should be your first option.
    Not antibiotics etc.
    And not smashing amounts or Colloidal water either, or you run the risk of argyria (turning into Papa Smurf), but enough take the bug down. Which is actually very bloody little if you do your homework.

    And “Nymphaea” , you are perfectly correct.
    Simple hygiene, and eating well is half the war won!


  9. Luisport says:

    There are 12 countries allready with infection cases!!! US and Russia included… 18 deaths allready!


  10. Luisport says:

    Spreading fast-first case in Japan reported

    E. coli case reported in Toyama, Japan – Kyodo via @JapanTodayNews


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