地球と空の振動: Seismic tension on northern Japan highlights escalating danger

May 22, 2011JAPAN The recent seismic breakout of 7 earthquakes along the northern sector of Sendai Japan should let us know the 9.0 March 11, 2011 Tōhoku earthquake was no random event. It underscores the fact that agitated earth, once awakened under Japan, will never acquiesce again. The tension for another large quake is building. The geological awakening of forces harnessing the driving motion of tectonic plate subduction, convulsing subterranean magma, and shaking seamounts that stand guard over volcanic arcs and trenches is now astir across the globe. –The Extinction Protocol
 Tension strike anomaly: Mark Simons, professor of geophysics at Caltech’s Seismological Laboratory says one of the most interesting findings of the data analysis of the March 11 Japanese quake was the spatial compactness of the event. The megathrust earthquake occurred at a subduction zone where the Pacific Plate dips below Japan. The length of fault that experienced significant slip during the Tohoku-Oki earthquake was about 250 kilometers, about half of what would be conventionally expected for an event of this magnitude. Further, the largest amount of stress (which is what generates the highest-frequency waves) was found at the edges of the slip, not near the center of where the fault began to break. –Science Daily  
This entry was posted in Earth Changes, Earth Watch, High-risk potential hazard zone, Potential Earthchange hotspot, Seismic tremors, Volcano Watch. Bookmark the permalink.

10 Responses to 地球と空の振動: Seismic tension on northern Japan highlights escalating danger

  1. J Guffey says:

    Thanks for that update Alvin. I had been wondering about your thoughts on the recent uptick in seismic activity in so many areas.


  2. Steve says:

    What is the source of the awakening forces now stirring?


  3. Steve says:

    Wait. I just read some of the comments on your blog and the comments of others. Are you a follower of “The Way”? Are you affiliated with those who believe you must undergo a 2nd birth?

    (I’d still like a “freebee” synopsis of the “why” of it all…your theory, scientifically, if that’s possible).


  4. Joe says:

    ‘Fire’ from below or above?


  5. Lorraine Ridge says:

    Is it possible that the 9. earthquake was a precursor of what is to come? The activity seems to staying in the same area, 5.1’s to 6.5’s. Not just randomly, it seems, but on a daily basis.


  6. PETER says:

    Hi Alvin,I just saw this important article and thought I should send it to you.
    …..Millions ‘at risk from earthquakes’

    Press Association – Sun, May 22, 2011
    EmailPrint……Related Content.
    Enlarge Photo.’Interior zone’ earthquakes kill far more people than those in recognised danger …
    ….Millions of people in Europe, the Middle East and Asia are at risk from deadly tremors which can strike out of the blue in unmapped earthquake zones, scientists have warned. Attention should be focused on these regions, which lie within the interior of continents, instead of well known earthquake “hotspots”, according to two leading experts. They stress that “interior zone” earthquakes kill far more people than those in recognised danger areas on continental edges such as Japan and California. Over the past century, earthquakes on large fault lines where shifting plates of the Earth’s crust collide and slip have claimed around 800,000 lives, say the experts writing in the journal Nature Geoscience. Around half these deaths were due to tsunamis like the one which struck the north-east coast of Japan in March. In contrast, sudden earthquakes in continental interiors within the plates killed around 1.4 million. Interior quakes also killed far more people directly by shaking the ground and toppling buildings. Professor Philip England, from Oxford University, and Professor James Jackson, from Cambridge University, classified 130 earthquakes occurring in the last 120 years. The experts argue that more scientific resources should be directed at identifying seismic risk in regions such as the 10 million square kilometre Alpine-Himalayan belt, which covers Italy, Greece, Turkey, Iran and central Asia, and China.The scientists wrote: “On the plate boundaries, the location of the hazard is well known and earthquake timing constitutes the greatest uncertainty. “In many parts of the continental interiors, however, we do not even know where the hazards lie. Slavish application of a model based on plate boundaries around the Pacific rim to earthquake hazard in continental interiors is not merely unhelpful, but can be positively dangerous. “We argue that the knowledge that underpins earthquake resilience in Japan or California must be transferred to countries in which earthquakes regularly inflict huge death tolls, often far from the media spotlight.”
    Warm Regards – comment if you care




  7. Thanks Peter. You’re a star…



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