Thousands of dead fish wash up along New York shores

April 27, 2011MORIAH, N.Y. — Crews are cleaning up the thousands of dead fish that have washed up along Lake Champlain’s New York shoreline, including a stretch where public campgrounds and beaches are being prepared for opening this spring. Lakeside residents in Vermont began reporting thousands of dead alewives showing up along the shore earlier this month. Vermont fisheries biologists say alewives, a species not native to the lake, are sensitive to frigid temperatures and likely died off during the winter. Officials in the Essex County town of Moriah (mor-EYE’-uh) tell the Press-Republican of Plattsburgh that the stench from fish rotting on the shore would have affected the opening of local campgrounds. Inmate work crews from a nearby shock incarceration camp are dumping the fish in large trash containers that are then hauled away to a landfill. –WSJ
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21 Responses to Thousands of dead fish wash up along New York shores

  1. casner123 says:

    Thank you!! Peace!!


  2. Sufi says:

    this is just crazy, I feel like I am living in a sci-fi disaster thriller movie. Very eerie to watch history unfold in such a way. This on top of the tornado’s and everything else, it is so very obvious to me what is happening, Blessings to us all


  3. Pagan says:

    And in the meantime, the masses are force fed the royal wedding. The matrix is unravelling & all they care for is how many pearls are sewn into the bodice of her dress!


  4. Third Adam says:

    Being brought up on the end time scenario, and now seeing it actually happening is very surreal!


  5. Raven says:

    At the risk of looking insane to those who are somehow unaware of any of this I am trying hard to spread the word, but it’s amazing how people would rather not know or think I am trying to spread fear. I am trying to prepare in any way I can for my family but the possibilities are endless it seems on what may occur and where? But I am still trying we must be proactive and try! There are many moments where I take a deep breathe and wish that I too was oblivious to it all but then I know and believe I was led to this information and so I take it as a gift. As always thank you Alvin for your information and support for us all. Blessings to all x


    • Raven,
      You are welcome. You can imagine the reactions I have gotten since I began reporting these events in 2009 and began describing in earnest how things would escalate as each set of scientific parameters was breached. Brace yourself, a storm is before us.


    • sufi` says:

      I can relate to what you say, people don’t want to hear it, I want to force feed it to them but of course I can’t, some of us are awake and othesr are happy to be “sheeple”. My friends and family accept that I am into this and most respect me for yet they STILL don’t make any changes. As I said, this ivsjust so surrel to witness maybe “they” will start to pay attention as they will have no choice


  6. J Guffey says:

    It becomes more apparent each day, others will not be able to ignore the obvious much longer. Sadly, not expecting the events we have all been discussing, many will be so horribly frightened, many will probably go into panic mode.


  7. Bundy says:

    Raven, you put that very eloquently!!! It is so very hard to try and not keep warning them though,isn’t it! My own family are even extremely difficult to get through to, but I’m making headway on my niece,a nd like the “sheeple” Sufi mentions, once you get one to follow,the others aren’t far behind!!! Sheeple don’t like to be left out of the loop,so in the end,if you get the desired effect, it doesn’t really matter how you got there! Alvin thank you so very much for your supreme efforts,I know how very difficult it must of been for you, I can relate to any ridicule you may have received, having been on the receiving end of it myself, not only from these world events, but also from our recent earthquakes and trying to warn people.Keep up the good work, you’re doing well !!!


  8. I’m also preparing my Family for what’s coming. I try everyday to warn my sister’s and their Families, but all I get in return is “laughed at”. Food crops around the world are being destroyed by climate change now the US crops are being wiped out by recent storms, yet everyone thinks we are all ok. All they think about is our President’s Birth cert. and the Royal wedding. It breaks my heart to see how many people that are blind to what’s coming.
    Thank you Alvin for all you do to spread information to help other’s God Bless you.
    Peace and Blessings to all, in the name of God.


  9. HW says:

    I have been preparing for this for several years. Most people listen but think I’m crazy when I try to educate them about what is really going on, or they simply stop me from saying anything further. Even when activities progress and the reality is so obvious, people will still show cognitive dissonance – i.e., it’s just too scary for them to mentally comprehend, so it’s not really happening. It still does not stop me from trying to spread the word.

    Your knowledge and work is very much appreciated, Alvin. Your book has prepared me spiritually, and I thank you for all you have done and continue to do. I am so glad I found your site. It is a relief to know there are others who sense the same thing. God bless you all!


  10. Kim says:

    God Bless you all. And thanks a million times Alvin for this site. Truly what you are doing is wonderful and helpful. I thank God for you.

    Most people also just think I am crazy and they stop me from saying anything to them but I will continue to pray that they open their eyes to the Truth.


    • You’re not crazy Kim —– you’re at home among friends who see as you do. As I always say, “What is worst than being blind and not being able to see is having sight and choosing to be blind.” Thank you for being a faithful reader.

      peace and blessings,


  11. jamie says:

    Just learned something yesterday. A friend of mine in Tennessee woke up last week to find his beloved Labrador deceased. He said that his Lab had no health problems and this came as a shock to him and his wife. He then texted me yesterday asking if I had heard about mass pet deaths. It seems that 5 of his friends have had the same thing happen this year…3 of them were Labradors.
    My 1/2 Lab has been apprehensive since the beginning of this year and this is not natural for her as she was usually an extremely independent friend.
    Just wondering if anyone has heard of domesticated animals following in the footpaths of their wild counterparts, or, experienced this themselves?


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