Cocos plate tension agitated by seismic upheaval in Chile

February 19, 2011 – The 4.8 quake that struck off the shore of Guatemala at 71 km and the 4.4 earthquake at 79.4 km reflect the growing seismic tension of the Cocos Plate with its dueling neighbor, the Caribbean Plate as seen in the recent 3.3 quake in the Dominican Republic at 83 km. This is one more example of how the unrest of the Nazca Plate affecting Chile is also unnerving other surrounding plates in the region. Finally, the seismic tension in Chile in rippling down through the South Pole, showing the enormous amount of power the Nazca Plate has on the globe. Below- Chile (left) and Antarctica (right) showing a similar seismic pattern on seismographs.


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