NASA may soon confirm orbit of giant planet lurking beyond Pluto

February 15, 2011 – Scientists believe they may have found a new planet in the far reaches of the solar system, up to four times the mass of Jupiter. Its orbit would be thousands of times further from the Sun than the Earth’s – which could explain why it has so far remained undiscovered. Data which could prove the existence of Tyche, a gas giant in the outer Oort Cloud, is set to be released later this year – although some believe proof has already been garnered by Nasa with its pace telescope, Wise, and is waiting to be pored over. Prof Daniel Whitmire from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette believes the data may prove Tyche’s existence within two years. He told the Independent: ‘If it does, (fellow astrophysicist Prof John Matese) and I will be doing cartwheels. And that’s not easy at our age.’ He added he believes it will mainly be made of hydrogen and helium, with an atmosphere like Jupiter’s, with spots and rings and clouds, adding: ‘You’d also expect it to have moons. All the outer planets have them.’ He believes the planet is so huge, it will have a raised temperature left from its formation that will make it far higher than others, such as Pluto, at -73C, as ‘it takes an object this size a long time to cool off’. –Daily Mail
No, we don’t believe this is a marauding death star but could rather be the long sought after missing brown-dwarf type planetoid that may be lurking beyond Pluto which could account for the gravational anomalies in the 9th planet’s orbit. Tyche’s only threat to the planet could be its ability to gravitationaly dislodge comets from regions of the Oort cloud and hurl them in the direction of Earth.
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11 Responses to NASA may soon confirm orbit of giant planet lurking beyond Pluto

  1. Steve Gandy says:

    I’d like to forward this link to others but “Daily Mail” is the only link I can find, and it doesn’t hold credibility with me since it has all of that embarrassing, tabloid skin off to the left. Could another source be provided instead? Thanks.


    • I would hold it in check until it’s verified by NASA


      • liam says:

        I think NASA has been discredited too much for them to be trusted any more the pictures of Mars which seem to be getting fuzzier every year(i don’t know what’s there but they are hiding something a lying about it), they probably new about this huge planet years ago but are now unable to cover it up any more and are now using delaying tactics, after all these are the same lunatics who set of hydrogen bombs in the upper atmosphere in the 50s, i met one of thee guys one time all he would say was it had to be done and ran off (his son works on the hydron collider nuff said), i may be wrong but these gov goons are the worlds best liars


  2. Laura says:

    Huffington Post also reported on this… they are usually a trustworthy news service.


  3. Byron says:

    So is this ‘planet x’ or something new? Something is effecting our solar system! Maybe the Annunaki was speaking of something as this giant, if any one holds to the ‘hollow planet’ theory, this just might be the ticket! A 3500 yr orbit, may be.


  4. Jon says:

    Thank you very much for this site and the info you provide. Most of it is horrible news, true, but I appreciate that you give it to us straight, unvarnished, and in a clear and objective manner.


    • Thanks for weighing in Jon. Life will continue to challenge us from the cradle to the grave- to see how tenacious we are at surviving. Adaptation is key, but as humans we spend an enormous amount of energy regulating and manipulating artifical environments, for living, working, and travel and even in producing food —so it’s sometimes disconcerting to be staring in the face at uncontrollable forces of nature that could so easily overwhelm us and the legacy that civilization has built over the eons…but this, ironically, is also our failing for being so disconnected from the very nature that is nurturing us.


  5. Dr. John Vignola says:

    I think all this giant planet jubilation is premature. Theres a lot of radiation out there and no one thinks about the potential drag coefficients involved. Not to mention that the radial distortions in both of the Zeigler belts are likely to affect the readings. Until the Vorhees Mercury Observer is completed in 2017 and is focused on the area, we should keep in mind everything that John Mendenhall predicted.


  6. katesisco says:

    Well, think about this NASA release 12/2009: the local cloud, lovingly known as “Fluff” is at our heliopause, 30 light years wide and has the usual H & He at 6,000C. It abays our own magnetic field 10 billion km wide. Voyagers deflection is due to the strong magnetization of Fluffy, 4 to 5 microgauss. The gases are being compressed by magnetism. The shadow of this gas bubble is what shows as areas of magnetization. NASA has projected this gas bubble will shrink into what? a gas giant. Our new planetary neighbor. Alias planet X, etc. Known to the previous us as real and not a myth.
    As NASA is predicting a new planetary neighbor visible by 2014, to miquote Chubby Checker, ‘that’s a whole lot of shrinking going on!’


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