Dodging plasma bullets as solar activity intensifies

February 12, 2011 – Solar activity is intensifying and a breakout of sunspots now dot the solar surface. Seems like we’re not the only one talking about planet Earth’s miraculous streak of luck that has heretofore avoided nearly every turbulent event on the Sun for the last 152 years since the Carrington Event… but one day, as we have said repeatedly and as prophets and the prophecies have warned, Earth’s lucky streak of near-misses will one day come to an abrupt end (Rev. 16:8). 


 DODGING PLASMA BULLETS: The remains of old sunspot complex 1147-1149 are rotating over the eastern limb today. Although the region is in an advanced state of decay, it’s not dead yet. During the late hours of Feb. 11th, a plasma bullet came rocketing out of the region’s unstable core. The eruption was not geoeffective. Earth’s magnetic field will remain undisturbed as the ‘bullet’ sails wide-left of our planet over the weekend. This region has been spitting plasma and crackling with flares since it first emerged more than a month ago on Jan. 10th. Remarkably, however, every eruption so far has missed Earth. Why? It’s just luck: Most of the blasts occurred while AR1147-1149 was on the far side of the sun. Statistically speaking, a plasma bullet in our direction may be overdue. Stay tuned. –Space Weather
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12 Responses to Dodging plasma bullets as solar activity intensifies

  1. Karen says:

    Great site. You have now become my goto for information. Thanks.


    • Glad you found us Karen and thanks for being a faithful reader.


      • Maiden PEI says:

        I second that! Thanx for the uncluttered site & for the clear, concise, easy to read & understandable information. It’s great to only have to go to one site to get the whole scoop on all the Earth Changes happening around the world.

        Who are you (if you care to say) & would you like a donation for the work you do & share?


      • I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness. No donations but I thank you for your interest in the site and if you feel moved, order a book and spread the word. You sincere offer of generosity is appreciated Maiden PEI.



      • Maiden PEI says:

        When I read a Lulu review of your book that mentioned mythology, prophecies, & Mayan culture, I WAS moved to order a copy…am looking forward to finding it in my mailbox.

        For those of us who watch the Seismograms daily, can you give us a short overview of how to read them & explain what it means when one is almost solid black & why that & other very “busy” seismograms are not earthquakes?

        And how one can recognize an earthquake on a seismogram?


        PS: for those of us with “ears to hear”…keep crying!!!!! 🙂

        Maiden PEI


      • Maiden PEI, I hope you will enjoy it. It’s a lot of information, almost 700 pages, and should be a good read for you as it is loaded with reference data. The mythology section is quite comprehensive. Concerning the telemetry data on the seismographs- Perhaps the best way to help decipher the data is to print yourself a copy of the tectonic plate globe (I think there’s one in the posts) and understand which countries fall into which plates and in which directions the plates are moving in general. Consequently, every graph would not represent a quake if they are all in the same plate. Then look at the patterns of the countries of where the band is more pronounced or erratic and that helps you identify what might be a stressor. After following this for a short time, you’ll begin to recognize the regions most primed for a tremor. The second part of the equation is much like the game of billiards- and that is understanding the telemetry of what plates will have a ricochet, diverging or diving effect under others- something known in seismology as ‘subduction.’ Hope this helps.


  2. Are we really domed ?


    • We’re never doomed. There is always hope. We have some challenges ahead of us and a period of major geological change to go through but as I have said always, this is a survivors’ story. There is more to life than the material plane, which I think most of us have relied on as an umbilicus far too much either by default or as automats. There is a spritual dimension that is seldom embraced and explored in this technical age of marvels. Perhaps, that is our wake-up call as indigenous cultures and prophets have been admonishing us about for hundreds of years.


    • Maiden PEI says:

      Depends on how you look at it.

      As I understand it, extinction cycles, including Civilisation, seem to be part of the evolving process that herald in the next, higher, step along the way.

      A small remnant of Humanity survives & is somehow suddenly upgraded to the next level & proceeds to repopulate the planet.

      Could this sudden upgrade come about because of the special energy rays that will bathe the planet from the Central Sun during the rare planetary alignment on December 21/2012?

      The rest of us “die”, yes, but all that means is that our bodies die. WE don’t actually die, because WE are Spirit, & Spirit NEVER DIES.

      We just go back Home, to Spirit World, for a rest until our next adventure/assignment.

      To me, either way, we’re not only OK but better off!

      All you can do is take good care of yourself & your loved ones, prepare the best you can for either scenario, live in love & then go with the flow knowing that you WILL be ok.

      There is nothing to fear.


  3. English John says:

    What a great & informative site! Has there been any further development regarding the rise of the ocean floor off N.E. Australia (200 – 1500 miles off the coast of Queensland)? Furthermore, Expect great activity on New Madrid fault system March12 to May 12.


  4. Shelley says:

    I am really thankful that I found this wonderful site!! I think people need to open their eyes and their minds to 2012 possibly being the worst day on earth.


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