
Alvin Conway

225 Responses to Contact

  1. No problem, Melissa. Glad you found us and thanks for the support.

    God bless,


  2. Hello, a good friend of mine showed me your website and your book The Extinction Protocol 2012 and Beyond. I wasn’t sure how to contact you but I had some questions I thought maybe you could answer. Hopefully you see this. I’m a believer in Lord Jesus though I struggle, I strongly believe these are the last days we will be here and I am hopeful that you can say something to help me ease my mind or something. :/ I’m sure you know how to contact me, I’ll be checking on here every so often. Bye bye.


    • You have no reason to worry about anything that is due to unfold. We all struggle in the Christian walk but the victory is not given to how fast one runs or how well one runs, but to him which finishes- hence there are no losers in Christ. Finish the test; you pass the class…no matter what your grade is. Christ said “him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.” John 6:37 Now I ask you what is really required here, endless hours of study or just the faith to simply believe the promise? The answer is faith. Our part in the Christian experience is surrendering ourselves and our will to Christ daily. Each day the self must be subdued and endless prayer towards this end is the key. The same Apostle who said ‘I die daily,’ also said ‘pray without ceasing.’ If your mistakes are blotted out with Christ, and you’re rewarded for all the good things you do – how can any follower of Christ ever be a failure?


  3. Aminah says:

    Hello old friend. I just wanted to send heart felt warm wishes and congratulate you on the success of your blog and books. I hope that you are well and I wish you continued success! As always, you are right on the pulse of everything 🙂

    May God continue to bless you and your work!


  4. Mary says:

    Hello Alvin,
    I have been following your website and news for some time now. I want to thank you for all the time and work that you put into this important blog. I visit your site daily and look forward to reading what the real news is that doesn’t seem to make our everyday local and world news. I want to ask you is if it is necessary to read your first book before I read The 7th Protocol? I want to read your first book as well but I have a bad habit of starting many books and I am concentrating on finishing some of the ones I’ve started. By any chance have you read The Harbinger, by Jonathan Cahn? Its about Isaiah 9: 10 Judgment in the Bible. Just wondering what you thought about this. Thank you again for what you do and you have become an important “friend” to me. May you be blessed always for what you do and especially for getting the message of faith out to others. God Bless Always.


    • God bless you, too Mary. No, it is not necessary to read the first book, The Extinction Protocol, to read The 7th Protocol. The first book is a scientific study of the change happening on planet Earth; in The 7th Protocol, we apply the science to the planets and find even more astounding change that has occurred and is still occurring and what it’s potential implications will be for planet Earth.


  5. grant says:

    Hi Alvin, I have been following Ep for over a year now, and have told many of my friends about it. just ordered both of your books….finally, keep up the good work, god bless.


  6. Paul Demorest says:

    Just ordered the new book Alvin, really looking forward to it, the wife bought it for me, seems she wants to have a peek as well, all best from Canada, Paul.


  7. Steve says:

    I just finished reading The 7th Protocol and it is excellent. Living in Alaska I am aware of the threat of earthquake and volcanic activity but your book made me aware of the global extent of these threats. We live in dangerous times.


  8. Thomas says:

    Hi Alvin,
    I am from India and an avid follower of your posts checking them out several times a day. I pray that our Lord bless you in your efforts in keeping us informed of these last days happenings.


  9. Julie Neal says:

    Hi Alvin, I want to start reading your books, but not sure which one to start with, do you have any suggestions? Thanks, Julie n Wes from St Louis MO…


  10. I would really be greatful IF anyone who cares about me at all to follow this blog! Please. I have been an avdid reader of Alvin’s Blog, and it really helps you keep connected to what has, and IS happing to our planet earth. Here the EARTH CHANGES are clear and visual. You can not argue with these ACTUAL reports form ALL sources from around the world. GO here
    The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond


  11. G’day and Howdy! Enjoy your site. Appreciate all of your efforts to inform, balance, enlighten all who have eyes and can see, ears which can hear, hearts which are true, and minds which seek the truth. Cheers mate. Aho.


  12. Trisha says:

    Thanks for this website and your books. I’ve read the 7th Protocol. Wish I had that when I taught astronomy last year!
    With all of the earth changes going on, do you see any country that hasn’t been impacted as of yet?


    • We just republished and revised all the books with all new stuff. I think, it’s only a matter of time before the geologic changes become widespread enough that they will affect everyone and I might add, before it’s over, there is not a person on the planet who wanted be impacted directly or indirectly by either a volcanic eruption or an earthquake.


  13. dj says:

    yesterday a “follow the extinction protocol and sign up box” popped up in the right hand lower corner of my window. I signed-up and received confirmation from you and the same window popped up again this morning and is blocking my reading view. any suggestions to make it go away?


  14. Charlotte says:

    Hi, your extinction protocol stopped coming to my email address and no longer is in my news feeds! I have signed up 2 times and you say you have sent me a confirmation email but I never receive it. I really like your posts. Can you tell me what is wrong?


  15. Kay says:

    connecting the dots. No one has made mention or connected the dots with the earthquake swarms and possible new volcanoes now the Brawley South Cali swarm at Salton Sea has the addition of the sulfurous odors from the area a potential indicator that one of the extinct /dormant volcanoes in the region waking up.


  16. susan says:

    alvin, have you heard about all the flooding going on in alaska? i have lived here for 42 years and never seen it this bad.


  17. Beth H says:

    I’m glad to have found your blog. It’s pretty similar in outlook to mine – that humankind is verging on extinction, by any of numerous means.


  18. Alpha Charley says:

    Hey Alvin, I live in pinellas park, Florida and there was a mass Cockroach die off by a couple lakes near a Raytheon site. Don’t know what to think of it, all I know is the ducks were eating good. I stopped counting at 100, and they were all huge!

    Love the site!
    Keep up the good work!


  19. Nkosazana says:

    I see you are having a tough time moderating your site now. There are people on this board who I feel sure would do an acceptable job gratis Alvin. Why not ask? I suspect someone like Irene would be happy and feel useful doing so. Best wishes.


  20. Derek says:

    Hi Alvin,
    My wife has the 2012 book ordered for me for Christmas. Had to order it via Amazon as your recommended site wouldn’t recognise our UK post code. Are other people having similar issues?

    Anyway, I look forward to getting my book with great anticipation. Thanks for a great website. I look at several times a day and recommended to everyone I know.

    I like the way the content is concise, and to the point.

    Once again thank you.



  21. watchmen says:

    Thank you so much..for your writings God bless you.


  22. Grey swan says:

    I just wanted to share appreciation of your site. Its SO helpful to see whats happening world wide without having to dig through the myriad of newspapers out there. And when you look at everything all together, its so frustrating to hear people say its all a coincidence, or that I am over reacting. *sigh* Anyway, I am a fan, and I plan to follow very closely.


  23. Wendy says:

    Thousands of Humbolt Squids are washing up where I live!!!!! I paddled (surfboard) out to see if they were out to sea and they are!! Some were still alive but weak. I was really scared in the water and came right back to shore. Check the news for Humbolt Squid wash up in Monterey Bay Ca, another mass die off.


  24. Hi Wendy: Where in SC were you?


  25. David says:

    on an Italian radio that this mornin a lot of people called in to testify about some sort of lights during the night in the sky like lightnings…

    In Internet there is nothin about..


  26. elijahsmom3 says:

    Merry Christmas Alvin.


  27. DANNY CRISWELL says:

    thank you, god bless your work!!


  28. Guillaumé says:

    Hello Alvin

    I have written and it was published in a local magazine an article showing why all of this is happening simultaneously and in this time frame.

    I would like you to read it and I promise it won’t bore you as it dovetails very nicely in with The Extinction Protocol.

    May I send it to you?


  29. amanda says:

    Hi. I just found your site related to the mystery booms. I hadn’t thought about them for awhile. I myself heard loud booming noises about a year 1/2-2 yrs ago. They were deep loud rhythmic booms, as if a enormously huge and unrealistic construction rammer or something was beating the ground near where I live; but there wasn’t major construction near by. It wasn’t earthquake like and it was a sunny day in south TX, but it did rattle the windows much like huge close by thunder/lightning would. My husband who works about 10 miles away from home didn’t hear anything like it on those days. The noises were short BOOMS! rhythmic at about 2-10 separated booms but in sequence, and on different days. It seemed deliberate but random. I had a list of dates and times at one point, but eventually disregarded it since they stopped happening and I trashed it. I live in San Antonio, TX. Have you heard of anyone else in this region reporting anything from that timeframe? similar at all? Thanks.


  30. Leroy Stinson says:

    Russia hit by metor 2-15-13. Check it out.


  31. Julia White says:

    I just wanted to thank you for this site. I find it informative and relevant, without being overly sensationalist. I have recommended your site to many people, and I am praying for your continued success and safety in these trying times. May the love and grace of our Heavenly Father be with you always. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


  32. Lyn Leahz says:

    I didn’t know you wrote a book, Alvin. I’ll have to buy it. Kudos! I was trying to find a contact email because I noticed many of my comments to you in moderation. I’m not sure if maybe they are going to spam. There is one i posted to you back in January that is showing up here still in moderation. Or maybe you purposely did not approve them..I don’t know. Either way, I wanted to let you know. God bless you. 😉



      I’ve actually written 7. I have about 5,000 comments in moderation because of the ever-increasing volume of traffic on the site. In all honesty, I haven’t had time to get around to most of them yet. So, it’s always a game of catch-up. Drop me your email and I’ll send you my email.

      Thanks and God bless



      • Lyn Leahz says:

        Well it sounds like God is really blessing you! I just signed with Thomas Nelson Westbow press a few months back. I have three (a trilogy, fiction) coming at a time though. I do have a published book in the healthcare industry… I’m excited and can’t wait to see all of my hard work. I’ll have to tell my mom. She loves your website. She probably doesn’t know either (about your books). Oh, the Lord really blessed me! ..I never could have gotten those without Him be the glory! Drop me a note!


      • God is amazing. Congratulations on all your hard work, and I wish you much success. I get the impression, you’re quite talented. Let me know when they come out, so I can secure a copy.

        Dropped you a line…



  33. Lyn Leahz says:

    Well thank you. I’d like to get your newest one, that has the current and latest events. Is the one at that link at the very top your newest? And God bless you for your words of encouragement. I needed that.


  34. Lyn Leahz says:

    That’s the one I’ll get then. I just sent you an email, btw. Received yours. God bless you, Alvin. Did you see a few weeks ago they had your website with an article listed in a prophecy news alert? I came here and told you, but not sure if you saw it or not.


  35. Lyn Leahz says:

    ♥ and you as well.


  36. catnahalf says:

    I just left the JPL website seems they found a new asteroid 2013EC yesterday thats about to buzz us just like DA14 only they don’t have days worth of data to accurately plot its course. I wonder if this one will have “companions” also. P.S. I enjoy this site glad I found it.


  37. Digi says:

    This is a fantastic site indeed! REAL news and a good kick to those that need to realize that something IS happening to this planet and we ARE in big trouble indeed.

    Thank you for sharing these stories with us!!!


  38. le el in G says:

    hi Alvin
    Thank you for this amazing site.We are indeed living in troubled times. It is great to know there are fellow watchmen and women around the world.Thanks for sharing your knowledge so freely. I am simply passionate about seeking the Truth so tend to ‘test the spirits’ no offense intended,Keep up the great work!!!!


  39. Jason says:

    Thanks for the site. Thanks for the timely info and the focus on the coming King, Jesus.


  40. AJ says:

    Hello Admin:

    I fumbled across your site about a month ago, you are absolutely top notch. Thank you so much. I have been awake and aware for awhile now, your site has brought forth so much confirmation of where we are at in history. The most exciting of times and also the worst of times.

    Blessings to you and all, may we all know our Creator’s ultimate protection in the days ahead.


  41. Joe. says:

    Hi Alvin, been a regular reader for more than a year. You,re doing good work. I think you are right about Armagedon countdown. State of Israel 70 years old, Russia being drawn to the mountains of Israel, and all that. Just consider about the ‘abomination that causes desolation’. Is it coincidence that abomination is so close to ‘A bomb a nation’?
    Joe, Pretoria. South Africa


  42. Eiríkr says:

    My father brought to my attention strange activity concerning the US military and Russian forces doing something in Antarctica, supposedly surrounding “the hollow earth” theory, and the possible discovery of an “alien” ship we may have found.
    Have you heard anything about this?


  43. Luther DeHaven says:


    It is clear you do not like me, and I understand why. I have not even read your book yet. Nevertheless, I link to extinction protocol every day, sometimes four or five times a day. I find you news gathering capabilities second to none.

    So you can ignore this communication as you have others,. I will keep following your web site and nothing will change. But I wish you would consider otherwise. Some people are sure I am crazy, and that may indeed be the case, All I know is that I scored 99.9% (100% being a “statistical impossibility) on “abstract reasoning” at a *national* level in high school in the early seventies. For 10 years or so I was also a world class computer programmer. i am also, I suspect much like you, a radical Christian.

    Your last prediction of a major quake really surprised me because I can predict seismic activity with amazing accuracy. When you made your predication was exactly the wrong time. I told the woman I lived with how astounded I was at your timing.

    What I know is amazing simple. But it took years for me to figure it out. Plus, it logically *proves* that the earth is superheated. This knowledge is what I want to share with you, on the sole condition that you attribute the ideas to me, assuming they are not in your book, and that is a pretty safe assumption considering the timing of your last prediction.

    I am *not* trying to be smart, Alvin. I truly admire you. I have only one friend. She is a woman 15 years older than me. We are moving to Panama in less than a year because of what I think is going to happen. If it were not for her, I would probably be on the street because I am not very smart about taking care of myself in this world. Now telling you all this is really awkward, but I want to show you what I know. I want to show you how easy it is to predict seismic activity (a week or so in advance).

    I *will* read you book sometime in the near future, It was always my intent to do so. The excerpts from it are very impressive. Please consider this Alvin. You are the only person I would consider doing this with.

    Sorry for any typos. It’s been a long day and I am too tired to edit this email. I am, by the way, published in the field of Computer programming. My book was translated and sold out in China.


    • Luther,

      May God bless your work. I am severely strained by time limitations, and due to the excessive volume of post correspondence I receive, it’s not possible to respond or post every reply in a timely fashion. However, I’m glad you follow the blog and I encourage you to continue your research.

      In my book, The Extinction Protocol, I wrote: “As we noted earlier, Earth’s geothermal processes are entropic and we are in an accelerated stage of a planetary intensification…increasingly extreme seasonal temperature fluctuations tells us the geothermal transference of thermal energy among planetary processes is in trouble…rapid changes in interior planetary temperatures is likely accelerating the magnetic field reversal and tectonic plate movements.” –The Extinction Protocol, pp. 472-475 (2009)

      Thanks for your note. All the best,


  44. lilium789 says:

    Very interesting info, thank you.


  45. mutzi brown says:

    Why do you say: ” Powerful 6.5 Magnitude Earthquake rattles New Zealand” when we get this info:
    What is the difference between your reporting and this information?
    Preliminary Earthquake Report
    Magnitude 6.8
    Date-Time • 16 Aug 2013 02:31:10 UTC
    • 16 Aug 2013 14:31:10 near epicenter
    • 15 Aug 2013 19:31:10 standard time in your timezone
    Location 41.751S 173.833E
    Depth 10 km
    Distances • 27 km (16 mi) SSW of Blenheim, New Zealand
    • 69 km (42 mi) SE of Nelson, New Zealand
    • 71 km (44 mi) SE of Richmond, New Zealand
    • 91 km (56 mi) SW of Karori, New Zealand
    • 94 km (58 mi) WSW of Wellington, New Zealand
    Location Uncertainty Horizontal: 12.8 km; Vertical 4.1 km
    Parameters Nph = 70; Dmin = 70.4 km; Rmss = 1.22 seconds; Gp = 61°
    Version = 7
    Event ID us b000j4iz
    For updates, maps, and technical information, see: Event Page or USGS Earthquake Hazards Program
    National Earthquake Information Center
    U.S. Geological Survey


  46. KEEP POSTING Guys im reading your post every day i visit your site early in the morning, from philippines bro raffy


  47. Joe Venter says:

    I know you do not compile the news inserts but you should not place items that place blame for the chemical attack on Assad. There is no proof of this. This attack came just too convenient for the USA to be a coincidence. Assad is not stupid. He knows full well the concequences. Why did the Western nations close their embassies a month ago if they did not know what was coming? This is a scam, if ever their was one. So please do not contribute to the spreading of obvious falsified propaganda.

    Otherwise, please keep up the good work and keep us informed.

    Joe Venter. South Africa. (I’m not pro Assad, just well informed.)


  48. noel hanni says:

    Cambodia is under water, just watching the weather network.


  49. Please, more info on the Fukushima fuel rod removal starting in November 2013, next month, and taking a year to complete. It is very risky and they have good chance to goof, cause massive meltdown that may necessitate evacuation of the Northern Hemisphere!


  50. larrywtaylor says:

    Guys, I have enjoyed The Extinction Protocol for many days, but recently it never comes to
    my inbox – I’ve checked wordpress showing I follow you, but alasm no email postings arrive?
    Larry W. Taylor


  51. Hi Alvin,
    I have been quite a fan of your work for a year and a half now. I truly enjoy the information shared here. So much of what I consider ‘real news’ is rarely reported anymore. Anyhow, I noticed between Oct. 25 until today there hadn’t been any postings. I pray you and your loved ones around you are healthy and well. May The Lord God Almighty cover you and your loved ones with the hedge of protection. In Jesus Christs name I pray. Amen!



    • Thanks for the note of concern, Channon. From time to time, we get really busy but all is well. I’m fortunate to have you here tuning in for daily updates- and thanks for letting me know you’re out there.

      God bless you and the family,


  52. Kathryn says:

    why cant we share an article that we liked on Facebook 😦 ………


  53. Jordan Heggedal says:

    A Large dump of toxic cemicals into the Athabaska river just west of Hinton Alberta Canada.
    Lead & arsenic to name a few flowed into the river from two smaller waterways. An estimated 670million Leters from Hinton based coal mine.


  54. tracy says:

    Came across this by accident. That s all.


  55. ted shred says:

    Great website. Keep it up. Have a great 2014! and without this website, I wouldn’t know where to get my earth changing event news like I do here. Outstanding! Bravo Zulu.


  56. Ken says:

    I’ve been trying to figure out how to listen to your radio program but am stumped. I see you are on pctvnetwork. What time? Is it live only or on demand? Thanks!
    I’ve enjoyed your site. Ken


  57. Keith says:

    The “booms” are currently happening in Central Virginia…..


  58. P. Sword says:

    I thought the website address would appear in my previous post, but it didn’t. Here it is for those of you wanting to take a peep:


  59. Steven J says:

    Alvin – This may be worth checking into: There is a story regarding highly unusual activity at Yellowstone and it seems to be based on legitimate data. If accurate, something could be brewing…


  60. Hello EP,

    Thank you highlighting what is going on in Britain. We are used to wind and rain and the occasional flood here and there, but the situation here at the moment is beyond anything we could normally expect.

    Now I have my hair on end seeing this this morning.

    The whole country is sodden. Borth is no exception. It is on the Welsh coast, next to the Dovey estuary, with expanses of salt marsh, exposed to the storms that have been coming in from the West. How in God’s name can the peat bog burn?? Not even the maddest pyromaniac would even try setting heathland alight in these conditions. Could it come from deep underground?? If so, what would it have been like if it had come when the land was dry?

    I know the media is focused on the North American White Out. The Wet Out we are having here is seriously scary, especially when it starts burning.

    Look forward to hearing from you,
    Love from England


    • Hi Liz. Such fires can be ignited from underground; however, if it did – it would still be burning. They are called seam fires and they are almost impossible to extinguish once ignited. Given the locale of such a scenario, underground gas lines would be in danger of combusting and the entire hamlet would have to be evacuated —so in all likelihood, this is simply an above ground fire that could have been ignited by a lightning strike.

      Thanks for sharing the story and the links
      All the best,


  61. Lucypher says:

    I have watched this site for a few years. Your followers no longer comment as much as they used to. The events are becoming too real. They are afraid. They are feeling the tribulation. The extreme weather is more, than it was, polar variances coming exponential, as one side is cold the other is hot. Some look to science. But less and less do they look to the bible. Because the reality is, who is ready to face reality that the fantasy is now becoming real? People have fallen away. People have come together to form a singular knowledge on the internet as if a war in heaven and hell both. The earth feels the battle and starts to rock like in a cradle. There was climate change, and global warming. But the night battles the day inside of us all. And that is a battle of self, a trial all face. People are depressed as ever. “And in those days people will wish for death but will not find it”. And how much floods do you think will come? How many volcanoes will erupt? Before people stop and look at the simple way to live. Some people want catastrophe. Some people want nothing but their house to sell well on the market and not be flooded. What will people do when they are left naked? Where will they hide? Thank you for reading my comment.


    • william neu says:


      Ever ponder the reason for the Book of Revelation to be so thoroughly symbolic that no sense can be made of it? This Book describing the end times is essentially without use to anyone, in any meaningful way, unless interpreted. So what is the reason for its existence and inclusion in Christian Scripture?

      If the Book of Revelation is meant to illuminate and possibly be a guidance for the end times, then is God to some day, some how, give understandable meaning for this Book, for those willing to be instructed by it? Will it be through His Church or by way of a private revelation? If private revelation, would it resemble the likes of Guadalupe, Lourdes, Fatima and the message of Divine Mercy given to Sister Faustina, where miracles are attached to the Heaven-sent message?

      What are we to make of the mystery of passages regarding the sealed book for the end times found in the Book of Daniel? – see Daniel 12:4-13. What about the truthful book spoken of in Daniel 10:21 which is explained in symbolism in chapters 11-12?

      Is non-interpretive symbolism the seal that prevents man from the understanding of certain end time Scripture? I will suggest that an alleged private revelation of our time is interpreting the Book of Revelation and we are in the beginning stages of the end times. Accordingly, we are not to fear the end times, but to rejoice and prepare our souls through conversion and repentance, to embrace the Mercy God offers by accepting His Seal of Protection for these times and become readied to experience The Warning when it manifests, all in anticipation of Jesus’ Second Coming.

      The private revelation I refer to is of alleged prophecy given to the alias-named, Maria Divine Mercy. If the private revelation true, she has been instructed that the compilation of the messages given to her, since Nov. of 2010, is to be called the “Book of Truth” and that the Book of Truth is the interpretation of the Book of Revelation.

      Readers of these messages are called to observe prophesied signs and miracles, which are to, by such prophecies being fulfilled, to authenticate the Book of Truth. This Book of Truth is to alert the world that Jesus is coming soon to judge the living and the dead; that He will come first as a Merciful Savior (in The Warning), then as a Just Judge (the Second Coming). The New Era of Peace commences thereafter.

      So too it is said, within the messages, that the Book of Truth will not be stopped in reaching mankind, no matter how forcefully it is opposed and that the Book of Truth is a great benefit for those willing to listen, in particular the Seal of the Living God.

      For your review I offer an archive website of the Maria Divine Mercy messages where you can download the messages archive:
      h t t p : / / t h e b o o k o f t r u t h o n l i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m /
      (*for the purpose of getting past email filters which flag hyperlinks, I have separated the address characters. Make the address whole by backspacing each character, then copy and paste into browser)

      Topics that may interest you in the Maria Divine Mercy messages:
      The Warning (Illumination of Conscience – global [see message dated 1/28/2011])

      Remnant Army (global network of prayer groups to fight evil and work to save souls [see message dated 1/17/13])

      Remnant Church (see message dated 4/15/12)

      Seal of the Living God (Divine protection from the antichrist and his army [see message dated 2/20/2012][see Rev. ch. 7 for Biblical reference regarding the Seal of the Living God])

      New Era of Peace (Paradise that Adam and Eve lost will be restored [see message dated 9/15/11])

      Book of Truth (messages given to Maria Divine Mercy that interpret the Book of Revelation [see message dated 3/5/12])

      Scripture of interest, in relation to Book of Truth:
      Daniel 10:21 (truthful book/book of truth, depending on translation)
      Daniel 12:9 (sealed book for the end times)

      *Prayer can mitigate the suffering of these endtimes.


  62. Akash Basant says:

    Explosion over Cape Town sky’s at 22:35 pm Friday


  63. Sealed says:

    Is there an earthquake app you would recommend for an ipad?


  64. nikki says:

    Hi Alvin,

    I’m really thankful to have come across your website. Most of the world lives in oblivion not realizing the disasters that are befalling the earth.

    I wanted to share something that I have been studying. The Bible testifies that Christ will appear a 2nd time on the earth to bring salvation to His people and that an angel from the East will come and seal God’s people.

    Just as there were prophecies about Christ’s first coming, there are also prophecies about 2nd coming Christ. We can see WWIII is about to emerge just as the Bible prophesied.

    You’re site has been really helpful in recognized the times we are living in and being thankful to the God of mercy.

    I would love to speak with you more offline if you have some time.

    Thank you again!!


  65. Shelley says:

    Hope all is well Alvin,

    I missed this today since I worked late but wanted to share the link with you.

    Interesting stuff, strange if it is related to meteor activity.

    All the best,


  66. Erika says:

    Hi, I’m curious do you have any updates on what is going on in California and surrounding states regarding the drought? How are the states and especially the farmers dealing with it? What are some of the consequences?
    Thanks in advance


  67. Chris says:

    Fukushima news


  68. Alex says:

    RE: Hawaii EQ Aug 7
    We live roughly over the epicenter. The movement was mostly vertical and rapid. Lasting 10 seconds or so. More importantly is that a couple of days prior we were disturbed at night by a single, clear and powerful acoustic BOOM, no house shaking. Sound wave. This also occurred with slightly less intensity about week or so ago. Magma movement, perhaps. A most unusual experience since we have lived through major EQ’s in the Pt Reyes CA area as well as Anchorage AK.


  69. Ronni says:

    I hope all is well. Still here following. New email. New address.
    Much love my friend.


  70. Kris says:

    Any clue as to why there hasn’t been any updates on the Ebola in DRC? It has been a couple of weeks since they updated it on the CDC.

    Thanks for all the updating you guys do…I have taken note to all the things that are going on and have taken steps to have at least a few months of supplies that can be taken to a more rural area in a very short amount of time and if all else fails we have a 72 hr bag ready.


  71. Nick R. Pack says:

    I found your site via Steve Quayle’s webpage and I’ve only just started reading your posts, but I’ve heard Nano-Silver is a cure for Ebola. Do you know if this is true? Have you heard this?


    • There is no cure for Ebola. If there were, U.S. soldiers wouldn’t be deployed to risk death in a hot-zone. How could Nano Silver stop replication, or VS in Ebola?


      • @li says:

        Although it is not a cure, Nano Silver can stop the replication of many viruses, and give the immune system a chance to fight things naturally. One of the main pharmaceutical companies developing an ebola drug is using nano particles, so I have to believe there is some merit to the claims


  72. David says:

    Great Ebola Coverage Alvin. Hawaii news says we have our first case over here. Patient staying at Queens Hospital. 10/1/14


  73. @li says:

    I have been following your site for several years, and appreciate and respect what you are doing. I’ve also been making some of the same predictions you have, especially with the recent Ebola crisis. I wanted to let you know that I found a few articles saying that CIDRAP has advised the CDC ( and known since mid September) that Ebola is transmittable through “infections aerosol particles”. Worst case scenario…. It’s airborne.

    Thanks for keeping me informed!


  74. KATE says:

    Alvin, Ty so much for this site. Been here for years now. I never miss your radio show and hope you will address in upcoming show more ebola comments. Today is the 21 day of the end of quarantine for the fiance and her children who lived with , slept with, shared toilets and touched skin and had sex with Mr. Duncan all during his 7 days of fever stage and all are free of quarantine guidelines today. CDC said ebola was very very hard to catch. Well today they proved it was impossible to catch ebola in America unless of course you are wearing a Hazmat suit. I was so relieved ebola is not contagious as per this recent show put on for our amusement in Dallas. Now people are free to never be concerned about ebola ever again. Hopefully you understand I am being sarcastic by this point. Odds are a trillion to one those 4 family members would not come down with the disease. Perhaps its Gods work, perhaps its a work of fiction, as we may never know or perhaps ebola in America is extinct now unless you wear Tyvek. its a confusing message to send to Americans and I think it threatens our belief in what we think we see far more. But thats IMHO. Keep up the excellent work and if there are miracles, may Christ bestow them on you and all who dwell here.


  75. niebo says:

    “Thou shalt not surely die,” is a declaration of assurance, the acceptance of which offers proof that Eve did not choose to die. Because death was the promised consequence of sin, we may likewise declare the logical congruence that she did not, therefore, choose to sin, an inference which is supported by the fact that, neither at the time of encounter nor at any other, neither in the figurative nor liberal sense, the girl never once stands at the foot of the Tree of Knowledge and desires to experience the forbidden fruit, for it is established fact that the adversary asked of her, that is, he approached her to query, “May you eat of any tree in the garden?” We concede that the destroyer knew the answer but asked in order to ensnare the woman, in order to ply his wares, to execute his trap. Thus we establish that sin originated with the serpent and was but made manifest in his manipulations, the culmination of which is the statement, “For He knows that you will be like Him, knowing good and evil,” which is to say, “You will be like God,” for one, as well as, “You will know good and evil.” While the LORD is not flesh, He manifested as such, and Eve knew Him, walked with Him, and loved Him with all of her heart; He was glorious to behold, beautiful, kind, loving, and we must consider, “Why would Eve not want to be like God?” To her, to be like God, her Father, was a beautiful concept, a splendid and wonderful idea; if it meant knowing good and evil, so be it. Of course, we realize the flaw in her perspective, that she did not know good and evil and that she was unable to cognify that she was pure, innocent, perfect, just as He created her, which is to say that she had no idea that she was like God already, as much as she might ever be as a creature of flesh. Because she was good, was honest, was trustworthy, she was not cognizant of evil, nor of dishonesty, nor of mistrust, so, by default, she was not able, then, to recognize a lie. So, the serpent used her innocence to destroy her and, with her, all of mankind.

    This is part of a (longer) logical argument called, as of now, “Why Christ?”

    When I finish editing it, sir, I would value your opinion. So, er, consider this a warning?


  76. SammiD says:

    Hey Alvin, this is a story worth watching:
    “Sinkhole develops under dam in US — 7 nuclear reactors downstream”

    PS. I LOVE this site!!! 🙂


  77. Dave says:

    I check this site every day and no life since 11/13/2014 – Is all OK?


  78. Ashley Brauchi says:

    I have been a fan of you work for many years!! I have notice that your page has not been updated in a few weeks, I hope you are doing well and everything is ok!! God bless!!


  79. Dawn Thomas says:

    Alvin, Is everything ok? The quiet is deafening. Prayers that all is well with you, I miss your articles



  80. Marco Quintana says:

    love this site. I haven’t seen new updates on the site since Nov 13th. Did I miss something about you taking time off? Many blessings.


  81. choose2know says:

    I’ve a long time reader of yours and your absence here is noted. I pray that all is well with you and that God may bless you!


  82. William Still says:

    Happy Holidays 😃
    Really enjoyed and appreciate all your hard work, great insightful articles, and your special brand of journalism. Not sure why the last postings were in November? Hope all is well and things workout well for you and all journalistic enterprises.
    Your insightful works are sincerely missed


  83. katnea says:

    Please, can anyone here enlighten me as to ‘WHY’ I’m no longer seeing any of the latest worldwide updates on Alvin’s website anymore?! Is Alvin on vacation or what? Also, if Alvin did happen to post a memo which had alerted everyone to the fact that he would temporarily be on so-called ‘MIA’ status,….. then please forgive me as I missed seeing it! = /

    Anyway, I just hope and pray that Alvin himself, (and/or his family) hasn’t experienced some form of personal crisis that’s preventing him from offering updates to his website? = (

    Hmmm, I guess the only other thing that I can think of insofar as to my PC not showing “The Extinction Protocol” latest updates, is that I’ve somehow ended up possibly blocking them?!

    Again, if anyone here can share with me as to what’s going on… I would very much appreciate it!
    (I am worried!….sniff)

    As ever,


  84. Dawn Thomas says:

    Worried about you Alvin, are you ok?


  85. shawn says:

    HELLO? I’ve been a fan of the site for awhile now. Wondering if your okay. Haven’t seen anything new on the site since the outbreaks. Are you alright?


  86. niebo says:

    Happy New Year, Alvin .May the best day of 2014 be the worst day of 2015. God bless you, and Come, Lord Jesus!!


  87. mikkys says:

    Where are you Alvin? Your voice is being missed. I hope and pray you are ok.


  88. Hi Alvin,
    We haven’t heard anything from you, no headlines since October 14 of 2014. Hope all is well with you and yours. Update us if you can. Know that your headlines are a breath of fresh air from the lies of the main media news, and always look forward to your news facts with proof. May your path be cleared to carry on the good works for those who have the eyes to see and hear. Thanks for all you have done and for what you’re doing.


  89. Robin says:

    Love the site! Nothing new for months? Are you folks ok?


  90. Alric says:

    Thank you for returning. I tried pursuing my own research but never came close to what I read on TEP.


  91. Glad and very Happy that you up and running again. Missed it.
    All the best for 2015 and keep up the good work, which s very much appreciated.


  92. Pam Unfred says:

    Hello Alvin,
    It was so nice to see you back on-line and making posts. I love your website and appreciate the information you post very much.
    Happy New Year from a regular visitor.
    Best Regards,


  93. Claire says:

    Ok, never mind that post lol.. Glad to see the new posts, really love this site. It’s like my daily news site as it tells you things you don’t see in main stream news.


  94. randall says:

    check out todays Alaska dispatch, we are having swarms of quakes off the Pribilof islands….


  95. James Perkins says:

    Would you confirm what this appears to be? Possibly a small Tactical Nuke!


    • Looks like a very large explosion but I don’t see a nuclear signature. thanks for the submission


    • Vigyanayak says:

      Apologies if our assumption is not appropriate as we aren’t experts, however is there a possibility we can think of methane gas escaping towards environment. Was this place checked afterwards for any new hole opening up? Is this area around Siberia, where holes have appeared?


  96. Iola says:

    Good day, i always follow your site for signs of the end time, lately however, there wasn’t many updates from your side as always? Please continue with what you have been doing, i refer so many of my students and clients to this site. Regards


  97. vigyanayakVigyan123@1 says:

    Hello Team, First of all, Thanks for putting up such an excellent site. Hope you are not under the scanner of agencies for speaking truth. We were awaiting your data on OH floods along with Melting ice, today. However, we do appreciate your hard work and understand that there might be other priorities lined up for you. It’s just that this site makes us feel secure, that atleast we know something happening around world, which seldom makes it to the news.


  98. A scary planet made even scarier by its human symbiotes


    • You said, “…human symbiotes”. Not! The beasts that did this horrible deed were nothing close to human. They were a just another kind of mankind, psuedo-Muslims not yet evolved to be human.


  99. Adam says:

    Hi Alvin,

    Just thought the following might be of interest to you:


  100. Michael says:

    TEP – I just finished an interview with John L. Casey, Former NASA & White House Adviser on Space & Climate. He is issuing a press release this June on a possible New Madrid Fault event/instability. I think his message is worthwhile for you and your audience.

    Thanks & keep up the good work,


  101. Euphoria says:

    Hello, I am new to your site and I just want to say that is is very informative and I am glad I stumbled upon it. I will share it with others that I know will be as interested as I am. I first came upon your dream portal. I am a dreamer and I often look for meaning behind them. I had a dream about an end of days event and I posted it to the dream portal, but I can’t find it. I was hoping to get some feedback and insight. Is there some type of protocol or membership that needs to be done first? Maybe I am looking in the wrong place too. That could very well be. I am so glad to get the updates in my email. I read things here before I hear about it anywhere else.
    Thanks very much for this great site!


  102. You should check this out:

    With a little research, it should be possible to establish a reasonable timeline of extinction.


  103. AineEithne says:

    For some reason, updates are not posted lately. It keeps pulling up Colima Volcano as most recent. Can you check please?


  104. dar says:

    I get hurricane Patricia Oct. 26.


  105. Peter Mastromatteo says:

    Hi Alvin,
    Was just introduced to you via Watchers 9 DVD…. I will be a regular listener and supporter going forward.
    Do you have a Podcast?
    I have searched under Extinction Protocol and 2 programs come up but neither looks like yours?
    Please advise, and thank you for all you do. Just curious I am in Boston.,.What city do you broadcast from?


  106. Susan says:

    Hi Alvin
    Please be aware that the domain expired yesterday. This is the message that is received when I try to access this blog:
    Oh no! ——————————————–


  107. ri doyal says:

    Exodus on the Eurrsia Plate soon with X


  108. Maxwell Williams says:

    YOU MUST BE AT THE FOREFRONT OF MEDIA, OF LEADERSHIP, OF PERSPECTIVE, OF PURPOSE…. without your knowledge, our world…. our humanity…. our life…. WE….. are doomed….. we need your voice and evidence. I want to get us to the public ear. I do not know how, but I will dedicate myself to balance……………………………….. I saw a shooting star tonight… the first I can ever remember…. mark 3/30/16… I did not wish for anything, I could not, because I was enjoying my existence on this earth with old friends and new….. The reason for being. To share life with others


  109. Jz says:

    Was there a Somali wave Foxton Beach last night was morning


  110. tonic says:

    Hi Alvin,
    I doubt very much you are a person who would do a “see I told you”
    But all the trees listed in the link are in trouble. I can verify it, because I am witness to it.

    What has tree disease got to do with the Extinction Protocol.?

    Lower solar activity, allows more cosmic rays to reach the Earth. And just as you predicted in your book, increasing cosmic rays…………, increasing fungus disease.

    There is a quite panic going on at the moment, because of ancient forests. And a very real fear that time is limited with these iconic trees.

    Sad to say this is not a drama comment. It’s the real deal.


  111. Irene says:

    Why haven’t you guys wrote anything. I look forward on reading your articles. I’ve been a fan since 2008. Please never stop.

    Irene Rosales



    Is this site dead??? X


  113. niebo says:

    I miss you


  114. malawaina says:

    Hawaii under tsunami watch after a 7.8 earthquake off the Kuril Islands.

    Alvin – thank you for returning to your page, I have been reading.


  115. malawaina says:


    Thank you for being here… hope you are doing well and staying healthy. Perhaps this is another factor for 2020, but let’s hope not.



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