Mystery of Earth’s ‘hum’ heard by millions, said solved by researchers

 Hum Noise TEP
April 2015EARTH MYSTERY It is the unexplained buzzing noise that has fed suspicions of an alien invasion or UFO activity in the skies. But the mystery of a bizarre drone that has plagued millions of people around the world could finally be solved, scientists believe. ‘The Hum’ – as it is known – can be heard by some more than others and has been blamed for pushing people to the brink of madness with sleepless nights and a constant ringing in the ears. Some thought it was the fault of gas pipes or power lines, but experts now believe the elusive buzzing is down to “ocean waves.” Researchers say currents in the sea cause the Earth to vibrate subtly as they shift across its surface, creating “microseismic” activity that elicits a “ring.”
The findings mean conspiracy theorists who had blamed submarines or even mating fish were at least looking in the right direction in their search for an answer to the intriguing low-level noise. According to scientists Fabrice Ardhuin, Lucia Gualtieri and Eleonore Stutzmann, who co-authored the study, “the hum is the least understood part of Earth’s oscillations.” The trio of French academics published their findings in the journal Geophysical Research Letters. “I think our result is an important step in the transformation of mysterious noise into an understood signal,” Mr Ardhuin said. The strange noise, which only affects one in 50 people – or two per cent of the world’s population – was first reported in the 1970s.


The “humming noise” has gained credence as more people have reported hearing it. Science researchers say currents in the sea cause the Earth to vibrate subtly.
Just this week, residents in Plymouth, Devon, complained of a “melodic, droning” sound. One resident told the Plymouth Herald: “You wake up and thought it was something in the house. You can’t say it’s loud, but it’s a nuisance. “We don’t hear it in the daytime, only at night.” Despite extensive research, scientists had until now failed to come up with a conclusive answer to what caused the hum, with the most commonly cited explanations being farm or factory machinery. –UK Mirror
This entry was posted in Breaking News Event, Civilizations unraveling, Earth Changes, Earth Watch, Earthquake Omens?, High-risk potential hazard zone, Hum noise, Planetary Tremor Event, Prophecies referenced, Seismic tremors, Strange unexplained noises, Time - Event Acceleration, Unsolved Mystery. Bookmark the permalink.

51 Responses to Mystery of Earth’s ‘hum’ heard by millions, said solved by researchers

  1. Judy says:

    Sorry I think thats a load of kodswallop. The ocean indeed pppffffttt. Its hard to say what it is, but I THINK it would be more likely the slow collapse of the inner core, with scrapings and shrill noises that some hear and others dont, depending upon the pitch, decibel etc. This inner core is changing the north pole stability and causing the very ground to collapse beneath our feet as in sink holes (world wide). In all countries this sound has been reported, but not all people hear it. But ocean, get real.


    • Hi, Folks. Sorry but I am convinced that ‘The Hum’ is mostly from distant industrial sources, plus local ones, and sometimes ‘overlapping’. … is very complicated : I think there are many different sources, but regarding the theory above, I would like to see the evidence for it .
      There was another article (someone just sent it to me in the post )(20 April 2015.), claiming that it was from the ‘oscillating’ of the earth…..sorry, but I don’t buy that, without clear evidence and data to show what was measured.
      Stick with it, folks, but please be wary of exotic theories !
      Thank you.
      Best Wishes,
      R.M. LFNSH. England.
      ( If you wish to read my long document about my observations
      on all this since 1987, approx, please see
      under the ‘hearing’ section…..this is a service run by the NHS to help people, and they kindly agreed to have my document there, since I do not have a website of my own).


    • Apollyon says:

      That is obviously crap, the hum is a relatively new phenomenon in the history of man but their reason has been in existence for forever.


      • Deanna Dean says:

        I’m afraid I would have to agree with Judys suggestion the ocean one doesn’t make sense if it was the case people that live in Florida would go nuts I’ve lived there never heard it.


    • Helena says:

      After 4.5 years of searching for the answers, yes, I believe you have got it right. The core (AND magnetic resonance throughout the capsule of atmosphere we inhabit, as the EM pulses from the core pass up and then reverberate backwards deflected by the ionosphere…). The core explains it all: volcanoes, earthquakes, sinkholes, weather patterns gone berserk, mass death of whales, fish and birds who use magnetic lines to find direction and last, but not least, global “mass madness” on the rise, since electric currents are generated in magnetic fields and our brain activity is, alas, electric… What remains to find out is what exactly destabilizes the core. If it’s nature, some sort of inherent Earth cycle or an influence by cosmic magnetic fields/bodies, well, fine by me. If its perverted technology warping the ionosphere, experimenting with EM pulses and their impact upon people (yes, frequencies can alter practically anything you feel and experience and even decide to do) or mad attempts at time travel, which require strong EM fields, then it is far from being fine.
      During those sleepless nights, while I lie awake listening to the hum (though “listening” is an understatement and no way near describing a feeling of beeing slowly microwaved with my head placed inside a power grid), sometimes I think about the tastless act of placing a dancing Shiva statue right in front of the CERN building. Look up what dancing Shiva signifies in Hindu tradition. Yes, it symbolizes the destruction of the universe. Or perhaps one tiny planet. I just hope I am wrong and the real cause is not arrogant scientists, but something magnetic and powerful approching the Earth from the space…


  2. vigyanayak says:

    Finally, due to Alvin’s initiative, pieces of puzzle are making sense. Thanks for your good work. Now square pieces are making way to square pegs only.


  3. katnea says:

    Hmmmm? I hate to be a ‘buzz kill’; but I’m not buying the excuse of ocean waves!


  4. phil says:

    so be it. but I live 300 miles inland. And another thing,recently the noise has really slowed down for me. Then all of the sudden, it will start again.
    Ya know, there are really huge boring machines that can dig tunnels way under the surface. Not that difficult to google.

    Liked by 1 person

    • liz says:



      • cathryn7 says:

        Oh don’t get me started on fracking!! We here near where I live in Louisiana are having a real battle in the courts to keep fracking out of our area. I just hope and pray that we are successful against those companies. I can look and terrible increase of earthquakes in Oklahoma since they started fracking there, and see what we would be in store for. Only explanation is the fracking. And we have good water here. With the water table so high here, I dread what could happen to our water.


  5. Danyele says:

    So does this mean the ocean has only had waves since the 70’s? No. Which proves this is not the ‘Hum’.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. living witness says:

    I guess I’ll have to borrow the thought from Elmer Fudd: “You Crazy Wabits”


  7. They have it backwards. The Earth’s hum, which is something new in modern times since about 1994, is modulating ocean waves. The ocean does not organize itself to produce the hum.


  8. John says:

    sounds like this is more BS then what the Conspiracy Theorist say.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Cathryn says:

    Gimmie a break! So, why didn’t this happen for the first million years of earth’s life?


    • Cathryn says:

      I don’t believe it’s from the oceans. I believe they are doing a lot of things underground, i.e. building CERN, fracking, etc. that could cause a lot of surface noise, maybe? Does anyone have their own ideas?


      • Sources ? How long have you got ?! That is what makes the ‘Hum ‘ problem so complicated. Power stations? Sub-stations ? (one in Southampton makes a terrific ‘din’, JUST the kind of low hum (and loud!) that can travel miles); trains : we have them go by here in the night, their low diesel hum lasts for minutes, so must affect a certain area : multiply that by hundreds of trains trundling around the country….? Motorways, said to have a dominating frequency of about 60Hz : could be adding to it…..Motorway maintenance? I have heard low hums from machines in the night…… large lorries droning at a fairly constant speed at night along M-ways, I have seen ‘convoys’ all trundling along : their noise could travel out and mix with others……ships’ engines: apparently they leave them running while in port……I have heard what could have been that near Southampton liner berths…..BUT ! nearby is a container handling depot, with thousands of containers being shifted around most of the time : low frequency engines again….. Crop dryers….I have heard one close by at a farm : what a noise ! I know all these are not all the time, but their noise could ‘float around for miles and add to others…. Then , as if all that were not baffling enough , you have the added problem (as with me years ago), of extra sensitivity of hearing, via medical conditions or medications…….
        O.K., enough !
        Best Wishes, R.M.,


      • liz says:

        I agree Cathryn


      • Phil says:

        Ok just for fun here….
        I read an article on this about 4 years ago that suggest us “hearers” are the ones who have finally entered our final phase of existence on this planet. The higher sources are trying to get our attention, and we need to figure out a way to let them know we are receiving their message. This way, we can go on to the next life.
        Any how, I love Christ Almighty, so as I said, that was just for fun.


  10. Yellow Bird says:

    yeh. okayyy…
    just like flocks of birds falling from the sky were killed by the sound of New Years Fireworks

    oh well, whatever floats the most boats


  11. Karen Root says:

    I think it has to do with the increase in frequency of the Schuman resonance…


  12. Patty says:

    No apologies necessary – I sincerely disbelieve them. There are still several unanswered mysteries going on about this noise…and it could even be a mixture of some of them. Why, when you are on a boat that has no motors, the ocean envelopes one in some heavy quiet deep – not a buzzing noise. Why hasn’t any ancient or sage, spiritual, meditative, or contemplative master ever not spoken of this? Perhaps there was no ocean? They would certainly been aware of this buzz. “Since the 1970’s people have been complaining of this noise.” Isn’t that about the time the space program really began shooting satellites and stuff into space? Maybe because the organic harmony of earth/space/and humans is totally disrupted through electronics, in space, in our houses, in our ears, and in our pockets all the time – is this noise happening. Maybe the era of sex, drugs, and rock n’ roll and absence of people at church acknowledging an Almighty God has been so massive it has brought our beings into a sort of a rottenness that now pervades the country and this is the only way we acknowledge ITS reality is by God sending the buzz to wake us up. Isaiah or Jeremiah (read the whole books for yourself – it might take away the buzz for a while) speaks of a noise when God had made judgement on the land….So no, I disbelieve this answer entirely.


  13. Mike says:

    AND BULLCRAP. The Hums happen in the middle of a continent, no where near the ocean. Nice try.


  14. jaywarrenclark says:

    This is, what do they call it, “bunk science?” JWC


  15. Yves says:



  16. Josey Wales says:

    I am one of the 1 in 50. I live near the Gulf of Mexico but never thought it would have been water related. The sound I hear is like a low warbling hum, like that of a ceiling fan motor than is oscillating at different speeds but all along the same frequency, It is very annoying and at times quite maddening. I have slept with my shooting ear muffs on many nights. Although, I am not leaning toward the Ocean explanation. It is interesting.


  17. Dennis E. says:

    So, how does this effect the people in Arizona who have heard it coming from the desert?


  18. Lulu says:

    This is interesting, but I also feel that there are ‘hums’ which emanate from the atmosphere too. There must be an eclectic mix of sources – it can’t just be of one origin.
    There have been a couple of occasions where a ‘hum’ became so bad here (lower Australia) that it sounded like an off-channel radio getting louder and louder (with a palpable vibration) until it stopped suddenly, leaving us a little dizzy.
    I also believe that a hum can come from the earth’s crust shifting and maybe the outside possibility of volcanic and magma pool shifts…..?
    Best wishes Alvin 😉


    • Thanks Lulu

      Crust sounds like a more logical culprit. That would at least explain the low resonance hum – crystalline slabs grinding across each other. Could be happening where the planet’s under crust is seriously abrading. If it was the oceans, we could expect to hear variations in pitch when the moon’s gravitation pull on Earth’s oceans was the strongest (high tide) However; no one has reported any significant modulations in the auditory tone – which makes this less likely it is the source of the sound.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Cathryn says:

      Better sounding reason, to me.


  19. remnant13 says:

    I’m more inclined to think the smart grid (smart meters, cell towers, satellite/direct TV/net, etc.) ALL culminate into the “tinnitus” of the ages. However, if this is true cause it is in violation of the rules and regulations of the EPA which will most likely never be addressed, admitted or discontinued as there are too many powerful interests in opposition to shutting down said smart grid.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Surveyor says:

    Karen Root says: I think it has to do with the increase in frequency of the Schuman resonance…

    There is NO increase in the Shumann resonance. Please do not say this, as it only muddies the waters of truth and there is no basis for it. That is a “new age” falacy.


  21. My 6 year old son and myself heard for the very first time similar noises to what others are reporting. And it was painful to my ears, it’s like I could not think or focus.
    As it was somewhat frightening, it also was interesting.
    My son said mommy it’s coming from inside the earth.

    Liked by 2 people

  22. Orion2026 says:

    I would like to share a personal experience with everyone. It was several years back when I started doing research online after work about The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) it is an ionospheric research program jointly funded by the U.S. Air Force, In a nut shell it is low frequency waves sent into the ionosphere and the uses are endless. This program is controversial and I will leave you to make your own opinion. Now what I would like to share is when I was digging through the web for information on HAARP I found a video that was showing the HAARP program in action. The noise it presented in the video was very captivating it draws you in (Figuratively speaking) and as a Advanced image and IT specialist I can say it was not a fake. There are many videos that claim to be HAARP running in action from all parts of the world due to the fact that they are all over one or more on every continent. Feel free to find the information yourself its out there and the facts are solid and now I will get to my point. that night after watching the video for a few moments I began to hear a hum then a ringing in my ear just like the one explained on this site and many other publications.

    I am not sure how long minuets maybe but after watching I was just coming back my eyes were fuzzy so was my head. My mother and paramedics aka EMT were around me at my kitchen table with my father also. I stood up and said “I was doing something on the computer why are you all here”.
    The EMT explained that I took a seizure and needed to go to the hospital. After 4 days with all the tests EKG, EEG, MRI all the standards for seizure victims the Doctors could not explain why this happened. I was not diagnosed with epilepsy or any of seizure disorder and was discharged with only the Dr telling me I should be happy I don’t have a disorder I am healthy as a horse at 28 years old. Its been a few years now and never did I have another episode or experience that created a seizure nor have I had any health issues. I would like to add before I conclude that I never watched another video of The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) since and don’t plan on it. Now to conclude in the comment section right before I blacked out a man posted on the thread stating “Do not watch this video the sound that HAARP gives out is dangerous and could cause trauma to the brain and has been known to cause seizures. That was the last thing I remember before I blacked out and who knows what the cause was…. Was it the sound from HAARP? Was it my brain overheating like a computer from to much input? Was it my body telling me something is wrong? All I know is the Doctors could not understand why this happened and still til this day all these years later I am searching for the answer hoping to someday find it. “Thank you for your time and God Bless Us All”

    *In the end of days there will be only one salvation*
    -choose your side-


    • Yellow Bird says:

      thank you for sharing this, Orion… i believe you and will heed your warning.

      my son participated in a medical study that involved an MRI of the brain. for 2 days afterward he complained of feeling as though a bomb went off inside his head. so much for touted non-invasiveness of this procedure.

      i think arrogance of some humans has led to a great deal of dangerous activity! “fools in our own wisdom” eh?


  23. Tina Tenis says:

    Sounds like a load of garbage to me too. I haven’t heard it myself but have friends who have. Alvins explanation sounds much more logical than these scientists nonsense. It’s pretty bad when almost everything that they come up with these days is ridiculous. Our tax dollars hard at work right?


  24. GERALD says:

    hi i’m hearing that humming sound now its 10;23pm pacific time on may 5th 2015. and my ears drums feel like there about to pop. I’ve never heard this sound until today,does anyone else hear it?


  25. Cecilia says:

    I live in Chennai in South India near the sea shore and have been hearing rumbling sounds from the seas since the quakes in Nepal which triggered tremors throughout India right down till Chennai. Many people near the shoreline have heard it but those inland don’t seem to have heard it. There seems to be a lot of seismic activity below the surface of the seas since the Indonesian quake


  26. The mystery sounds they heard, it’s maybe the sound of trumpet from the four angels who was tasked guards the four corner of the earth and they get alarm the second coming of our Lord God Jesus Christ in order to fulfill as what scripted in the holy bible for the judgement of the world….


    • Stronger_than_my_fears says:

      OK, now I’m really frightened. Lol. I’m not ready to die, and it it’s true, we better die quick and painless…


  27. phil says:

    have not heard about this in a while, and to be exact, I haven’t heard any hums in a while.
    For a long time, it was bad, now not much of anything


  28. Baggie says:

    Ok Folks. No need to keep on guessing on this. It’s the bearings of the axis of the earth wearing out. When they finally collapse we will go shooting into the blue beyond.


  29. Sunny says:

    There are more than one reason to hear the sounds.It is a combination effect.Seneca guns, deep earth settling[if you live in a karsk region-just because its flat or rolling doesn’t mean it isn’t karsk]tunneling, cell phone towers malfunctioning ,fracking,minor earthquakes registered but not noticed by most.Tunneling ,dry ice shenanigans Id use the right word but don’t want to trigger sensors.High production manufacturing usually of motors but other items as well.I suspect that when ice shelfs break off, it sends a ping, the ping bounces sord of like coup contra coup injury.Last, but maybe not least, is having metal somewhere in or near the head ears.Covered of not doesn’t matter.If you are hearing what amounts to whale calls truly loudly and you can’t hear anything but that for a couple minutes consider metal.If you are hearing what amounts to the sound of the old tv radio sets being turned on you really need to consider metal as well.


    • Judy says:

      Its hard to believe the scientist’s don’t know what that noise is, when some here on the planet have an idea…… Our planet has been twisted on its axis and with that twisting, as well as mans lunacy and greed at coring out the earth for its resources, our spherical earth is settling, hence all the sink holes, the metalic graunching sounds and the increased quake and volcanic activity (this is affected by cosmic movement + flares). Our planet is not just a ball in the sky, it reacts and interacts with all of the cosmos including what appears to be nothingness. Biblically we have been warned, that mountains will flatten and islands will disappear, WE ARE GOING THROUGH THE BIRTH PAINS.


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