New Zealand’s North Island shaken by another earthquake

 July 7, 2012NEW ZEALANDNorth Islanders were again rattled by a strong earthquake yesterday, but experts say the tremor was not related to a much larger quake four days earlier. GeoNet reported a magnitude 5.7 quake (5.0 USGS) struck 10km south of Turangi at 12.50pm. The quake was 90 km deep and, though police said there were no reports of damage, some residents said trinkets had been smashed. It came four days after a magnitude 7 earthquake, centred at a depth of 230 km and offshore from Taranaki, rattled residents from the Bay of Plenty to Canterbury, but caused little damage. Shaken people took to social media and message boards yesterday to share their experiences, some describing the shake as “huge.” A Trade Me post from Taumarunui said the quake “smashed a few photo frames” and GeoNet duty seismologist Lara Bland said a report on their website from a Turangi resident indicated some damage. However, central North Island residents spoken to by the Herald on Sunday were stoic. Raetihi woman Wiki Brown said she felt a little tremor and “that was it. The 7.0 was out of it. The whole house was shaking, I thought the mountain was blowing up.” That was because the tectonic plate was dipping under the North Island, so energy from it travelled back up the plate following the easiest path available, which was to the east. –NZ Herald
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8 Responses to New Zealand’s North Island shaken by another earthquake

  1. Carla B. says:

    I live in Christchurch in the South Island of N.Z. and my house briefly rattled. I don’t know how Geonet can state that this earthquake is unrelated to the previous M7 !!! Trying to fool us again?

    Keep safe there in the North Island, I wouldn’t trust those vulcanoes, there is obviously something major going on.


    • Lilly says:

      I live in Melbourne, Australia.
      I have been watching this link closely –
      Especially since I have family and friends throughout NZ, I am not relying on mainstream media to keep ‘in touch’ with the earthquake happenings.
      Nz’ers must (and many are) be rather unnerved with the recent history of quakes visiting upon them and I can (from a distance) only let you know that I am thinking of you 😉
      The Aussies have alway seen you as our ‘sister’ country 😉


  2. Carla B. says:

    Just read the “Geolotist warn China” post and commented with this link.


    • Lilly says:

      Spiritual (soulful) intuition guides much of my observation, predictions and perceptions of the natural way of things.
      As with the native peoples of many lands, their spiritual (soulful) intuition needs to be listened to by many in the masses whose natural abilities of soulful intuition is clouded by the mechanisms of modern society.
      Slightly off topic; our children of today and tomorrow should taught less ‘rote’ and more (encouragement) of maintaining and developing their own intuition. Our society would be greatly enriched by this, I feel.
      Accompnying soulful intuition, of course, is just plain old common sense 😉


  3. Eileen Eichler says:

    Thank you Lilly for your caring kindness and for the Maori link, I found that very interesting.
    Yes we are rather unnerved especially as the quakes seem to be spreading. We in Chch have now endured over 11000 of them, more than enough.
    Alvin, thank you for this site and for the christian input, this is very important to me.
    God Bless you all and keep you safe in his hand…Eileen


  4. davidgreybeard says:

    It’s ridiculous for the “experts” to say that these two NZ quakes are unrelated! What makes them so sure except for policy. If pressure shifts at Point A then the delicate balance of pressures in all directions but especially along fault lines needs to re-adjust into a new balance. That’s just plain common sense.


  5. suzz1 says:

    In NZ quake history it has happened more than once before….two big quakes within weeks of each other that is. Still, people think it won’t happen to them. We all need to have a survival kit for use in the event our home is left without power or water. Then, an emergency plan for the family.


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