Bright asteroid flies by Earth today poses no threat of collision

June 14, 2012SPACEAn unusually large and bright near-Earth asteroid was recently discovered and it will make its closest approach to Earth on June 14 at about 23:10 UTC. The object is so bright, the Slooh Observatory will attempt to have a live webcast showing the object sneaking past Earth at about 5.3 billion km (3.35 million) miles away, or about 14 times the distance between Earth and the Moon. The asteroid, 2012 LZ1 was discovered by Rob McNaught and colleagues on 2012 June 10/11, and is about 502 meters (1,650 feet) wide. The team of Nick Howes, Ernesto Guido and Giovanni Sostero from the Remanzacco Observatory took this image of 2012 LZ1 on June 13. They also have an animation of the object here. There’s no danger this asteroid will impact Earth, but it has been classified as a Potentially Hazardous Asteroid. PHAs are asteroids larger than approximately 100 meters that can come closer to our planet than 0.05 AU (7.4 million km, 4.65 million miles). None of the known PHAs is on a collision course with our planet, although, as the Remanzacco team pointed out, astronomers are finding new ones all the time. –Physics
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7 Responses to Bright asteroid flies by Earth today poses no threat of collision

  1. Aaron says:

    I dont know much about this kind of stuff, but is this visible to the naked and also from the UK??


  2. karl says:

    Seems strange this isnt listed on the NEO list at
    There have been numerous NEO being detected on or even after the day ! says alot for earth monitoring infrastructure.


  3. Z says:

    Does it seem to anyone else that the amount of near misses of recent is increasing MASSIVELY? If the details of Niberu approaching were correct it would make sense that it would pull other bodies in its gravitational field. Hence a increase in these would be starting to escalate exponentially.


  4. sarah says:

    i think its that technology has advanced and there just seeing them more


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