Scientists say Earth’s magnetic field is not about to flip, as previously thought

Earth's magnetic field
November 2015EARTH Earth’s magnetic field is not about to flip. While the intensity of this field has weakened in the last couple hundred of years, researchers have found that this doesn’t mean it’s about to reverse. Humans have lived through dips in magnetic field intensity before. However, there are debates about whether reversals of the magnetic field in the distant past had any connection to species extinctions. Today, a magnetic field reversal would have a huge impact due to one very important thing: technology. The magnetic field deflects the solar wind and cosmic rays. This means that with a weaker field, more radiation gets through which can disrupt power grids and satellite communications.
“The field may be decreasing rapidly, but we’re not yet down to the long-term average,” said Dennis Kent, one of the researchers, in a news release. “In 100 years, the field may even go back the other direction [in intensity].” In this latest study, the researchers used a new technique to measure changes in the magnetic field’s strength in the past and found that its long-term average intensity over the past five million years was much weaker than the global database of paleointensity suggests-only about 60 percent of the field’s strength today. This suggests that today’s magnetic field may be unusual since it’s much stronger than the average.
Scientists have long thought the decline in the magnetic field-about 10 percent over the past two centuries-could mean that another reversal may be coming.  In this case, though, the researchers found that dips occur frequently, and this doesn’t mean that a reversal will be the result. The findings are published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. –Science World Report
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5 Responses to Scientists say Earth’s magnetic field is not about to flip, as previously thought

  1. Dennis E. says:

    This has been a real concern and now, well.
    ” Today, a magnetic field reversal would have a huge impact due to one very important thing: technology. The magnetic field deflects the solar wind and cosmic rays. This means that with a weaker field, more radiation gets through which can disrupt power grids and satellite communications.” More radiation, means more reports of skin cancer and perhaps too dangerous to go out unprotected (sorry sun lovers). Power grids and satellite communications; More blackouts, TV/phone systems becomes unreliable.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. mtnwolf63 says:

    What are they talking about? The Poles are already moving. Airports have had to renumber their runways to adjust to the new compass directions. We know they Lie about “Climate Change” being caused by human activity. There was more Carbon in the atmosphere at the peak of the last ice age. And termites produce 10 times more CO2 than all fossil fuel combustion combined. So now they are flat out Lying about the Poles shifting too. I wonder what else they’re Lying about?


    • Clearly, we have an anomalistic geo-magnetic event occurring to the planet. The scientific evidence supports the fact that we entering an era of unprecedented geologic events. And yes, a magnetic deviation or poler wander is taking place along with the SAA increasing in the southern hemisphere.

      ISIS represents more of a ‘clear and present danger‘ to the world than carbon. We have a major radiological leak occurring from Fukushima that’s polluting the largest ocean on our planet – no world leaders even discuss the event; let along meet about it. 3 billion people depend on the world’s oceans for food, yet world leaders are meeting to discuss carbon emissions.

      There may be some truth to the rumor that Earth has become the insane asylum for this region of space.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Clinton H. says:

    Does it really matter? People are so ignorant and irresponsible, whatever happens, they deserve it. People live for the moment and give no thought or concern for the future. Homeless, bums that can’t even cloth or feed themselves are having as many children as possible, not with the intentions of caring for them, but in the hopes that once they turn 7 or 8 years old, they can start helping provide for their parents. We live on a planet that would sustain 4 billion people very comfortably and yet people continue to have 3+ offspring per family out of ignorance and selfish desires. Personally, I try to feel sorry for these children but they seem to be just as deluded as their parents and grow up to make the exact same stupid mistakes. Soon something will happen and it won’t take much to throw our world in to turmoil leading to global starvation and war. We did this to ourselves. It’s okay to hope for the best, but when you fail to prepare for the worst, you deserve what you get! Wake up! Stop having babies! Reduce the population! Stop enabling people that can’t even provide for themselves to reproduce. We live in a world of savages pretending to be civilized. The first world food shortage and their true nature will be revealed. When the magnetic poles flip and we start suffering from power crop losses, I predict half the global population will be lost. Is it unbelievable? Already, half the population can’t even provide for themselves. What’s going to happen when the other half can’t support them any longer?


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