6 Responses to The Extinction Protocol

  1. Dennis E. says:

    Yes, I agree. Some people who come to this site often see postings that point towards biblical prophecy being fulfilled. For example, as I type this, The CBS Evening news is discussing seismic activity in Oklahoma who is having more earthquakes than California and some believe fracking has activated some faults that were inactive. Irving Texas, another hot spot.

    The point is you can look at this in two ways:

    1) One the spiritual: In that the earth moans from corruption caused by original sin (Garden of Eden)
    2) Secondly, The Natural cycle of the earth.

    Nevertheless, I believe change is coming and I would recommend you read, if not already one of Alvin’s publications because it is starting to pan out that way. I have learned quite much. Because many people are going to get caught unaware. Millions of lives are about to change.


    • Anne says:

      Dear Dennis, I too feel the change. I know many people also feel this oddness, and they understand it must happen. However, there’s always a trick that Satan has up his derriere.
      We must ask God for the gifts of knowledge, discernment and strength, to counter the offensive in this time of The End Times. Many people misunderstand the End Times, believing it is the end of the world – IT IS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD. So relax abit and have trust in Our Savior, Jesus Christ.
      It is the TIME TO RID THE WORLD OF SATAN AND HIS MINIONS! Now that calls for an Alleluia!
      Okay, so we go through a time of suffering, following in Our beloved Jesus’ footsteps up the Hill of Calvary. Jesus tells us not to fear. He will protect us who are true to His Holy Word. The New Eden, Paradise, is awaiting us. Much love in Jesus.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Christopher says:

    Alvin, there is a medical doctor who wants to do the first head transplant, there is even a patient who is terminally ill willing to go though this. I seriously doubt this will suceed. Brave new world well nightmare!


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