Winnipeg experiencing worst syphilis outbreak in city’s history – 110 million Americans have STDs

October 2014WINNIPEG The Winnipeg Regional Health Authority says it is experiencing the worst and fastest-spreading outbreak of infectious syphilis recorded in the city. The region has recorded 60 syphilis cases in the first 10 months of this year, up from 40 cases the same time last year, the medical officer of health said in a bulletin to health-care providers. There were fewer than three cases a year in the 1990s, the health authority said. Following an outbreak that ended in 2008, the city had experienced about three cases every four months, the health authority said. There has been an average of six new cases per month in 2014 (to the end of September). Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease that can cause serious health problems if left untreated. This is the city’s third outbreak since 2000. There were three new cases reported each month at the height of the previous two outbreaks. Most cases are being diagnosed in men who have sex with men and about one-third are in people who are HIV positive, the health region said. There have been reports of increasing numbers of syphilis cases in major Canadian cities from Halifax to Vancouver. –Global
110 million Americans infected with STDs – While the national media focus on the Ebola outbreak in West Africa and the patient in Dallas, the CDC is reminding Americans that sexually transmitted diseases are an ongoing but hidden epidemic. In the United States, nearly 20 million cases of new STD infections are reported each year, reports Live Science. Since infections can persist for a long time, and because some victims are not even aware they have a disease and can easily spread it to others. Based on data from 2008, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the eight most common sexually transmitted diseases are: chlamydia, gonorrhea, hepatitis B virus (HBV), genital herpes, HIV, human papillomavirus (HPV), syphilis and trichomoniasis.
About 50.5 million current infections are in men while 59.5 million are in women, for a total of 110 million Americans with STDs at any given time. Fifty percent of new infections occur in young people from ages 15-24 and gonorrhea is the most commonly reported STD in that age group. Gonorrhea is the second most commonly reported STD in the United States. The most commonly reported infection is chlamydia. But since many who are infected don’t show symptoms, the number could be far higher than the 1.4 million in 2012, a rate of 457 cases per 100,000 people. New infections with HIV and hepatitis B occur in less than 50,000 people each year. New cases of STDs cost nearly $16 billion a year in direct medical costs, according to the CDC. –CBS
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10 Responses to Winnipeg experiencing worst syphilis outbreak in city’s history – 110 million Americans have STDs

  1. rocky says:

    I guess they have Craigslist in Canada Too


  2. Rosa Lopes says:

    Well this kind of infection can only be spread 2 ways .Either by blood transfusion or sexual intercourse so you all know what you have to do after your treatment and those that so far have escape the infection and that is to abstein from sexual intercourse outside the marriage and refuse blood transfusions unless otherwise screened for Syphilis.


  3. Judy Clarke says:

    Simple cure – Antibiotics for those infected and stop sleeping around with all and sundry. Step up with your morals, use greater hygiene and care with who you sleep with or remain chaste and simply masturbate. Everyone has just lost their moral fibre and their sense of decency. The world is looking like the ‘Sodom + Gomorrah’ of biblical days and talking of biblical – this disease is part of prophesy in the bible. Keep it in your pants people – no one wants to share your disease.


  4. sulah1 says:

    Well, we know what is going on there…….

    “And I shall make you a great nation, and bless you and make your name great, and you shall be a blessing! “And I shall bless those who bless you, and curse him who curses you. And in you all the clans of the earth shall be blessed.” Gen 12:2-3 Lalin


  5. nanoduck says:

    110 million Americans? Does that include both North and South America?


  6. Dennis E. says:

    Some day, a person will have to submit a on-site blood test before another will have sex with them.
    In regard to the topic, I ponder the thought how many of the infected are from same gender sex and then having sex with a non-gay person(bi-sexual)? I also saw an article that STD’s are significantly rising in adult swinger groups. Also, children as young as 14, throat cancer, herpes.
    Another plague to keep in mind. And reports surfacing that sexual contact between humans/animals on the rise.


  7. Colleeb says:

    What about being raped? A person cannot help getting an STD from being raped. So being promiscuous is not the only way to spread STDs. Not everyone out there with an STD is a slut or whore. So many people are quick to judge.


  8. Colleen says:

    What happened to my comment?


  9. Judy Clarke says:

    In the case of rape Colleeb, its reportable. If the victims would have reported it, the rapist hopefully would be apprehended and treated (and jailed) and she can be cured as well, but they tend to hide away in shame and disclose it to anyone. Syphilis can be cured, it’s not like Ebola or herpes, but if left undiagnosed, chancres appear, then 10 years later its in the brain, it can infect newborns as they go through the birth canal and will cause mental disease and then death and anyone she sleeps with during that time will no doubt catch it. It is a notifiable disease and one has to follow the train back to its origins, taking in the people who have been in contact with the person before. It was once caught by sailor traveling the globe and spreading it globally, but it became cured when it was reported, but sadly its started again. Why is it, all these disease begin in Africa. They say it was initially caught from men having sex with animals.


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