USGS Says Mt. St. Helens Magma Re-pressurizing

May 2014 WASHINGTON – Federal scientists say magma levels inside Mount St. Helens are rising. A report issued Wednesday noted that super hot magma is percolating and several areas around the crater are moving away from the mountain. Seth Moran with the USGS says the molten phase that the volcano is going through right now is normal. Its last dome-building eruptive phase ended in 2008. Moran says there is no impending threat of an eruption, but does predict that it will be the next tornado to blow in the Cascades. Sometime perhaps within the next 20 to 200 years. It’s last serious eruption was in 2004. The May 18th, 1980 eruption was historical. –KXL
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4 Responses to USGS Says Mt. St. Helens Magma Re-pressurizing

  1. Todd M. says:

    Long Valley and Yellowstone are more a concern right now…. when steam starts gushing and harmonic tremors start showing up then it’s time to worry…. however steam events and harmonic tremors are currently occurring in volcanoes both are super volcanoes and both are in the USA.


  2. Shepherd says:

    I have been keeping tracks, and these Cascade volcanoes ARE NOT extinct.
    There is concern about a major earthquake along the Cascadia fault.


  3. Craig says:

    Tornado, volcano, its all planetary minutia.


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