Earthquake destroys highway near US-Mexico border

December 31, 2013MEXICO An unusually large number of high-profile earthquakes sprung up across the globe over the weekend, causing extensive damage to a roadway in Mexico and leaving residents shaken in southern Europe, Egypt and the U.S. Saturday, an earthquake near the Mexico – U.S. border collapsed chunks of this 300-yard stretch of highway. “The road is about 60 miles south of Tijuana. It passes over geological fault. The earthquake ranged in magnitude from 1.3 to 4.3.” There were surprisingly no injuries, but one truck driver hauling 36 tons of cement had to wait hours before being pulled to safety. Also Saturday, a 5.8 magnitude earthquake reportedly hit the Mediterranean Sea, shaking nearby Turkey, Cyprus and Egypt. That was followed by a 4.9 magnitude earthquake nearly 1,500 miles away around Naples, Italy early Sunday morning. Residents reportedly slept in their cars in fear of aftershocks that might damage buildings. In the U.S., Oklahoma dealt with several earthquakes over the last week with more striking over the weekend. Most were reported as minor between 2.0 magnitude and 4.9., but the Midwestern state has rarely dealt with earthquakes, until recent years. “We’ve had tornadoes and hail storms and those types of things, but never earthquakes. Great. So now Oklahoma has to be worried about the sky falling AND the ground dropping out? Well, not quite — at least not to a very high degree. According to the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology, magnitude 2 and smaller earthquakes general happen several times around the world daily, while bigger ones are more rare. A magnitude 8 or higher usually only happens about once a year. Many of these reported earthquakes were between 2.0 magnitude a 4.9. No extensive damage was reported in the ones in Turkey, Italy and Oklahoma and no injuries were reported in any of them. –AJC
This entry was posted in Earth Changes, Earth Watch, Earthquake Omens?, High-risk potential hazard zone, Landslide & geological deformation, Planetary Tremor Event, Potential Earthchange hotspot, Prophecies referenced, Seismic tremors, Signs of Magnetic Field weakening, Tectonic plate movement, Time - Event Acceleration. Bookmark the permalink.

4 Responses to Earthquake destroys highway near US-Mexico border

  1. Dennis E. says:

    I believe this story ties in with recent postings regarding the stock market, obamacare 2014 and other social issues. I believe that it just collapsing as a house of cards.
    Social,Economic,Earth Changes and Religious Beliefs. Heading for a period of chaos and war.
    Recently, along this area which is also part of the ring of fire, has really been active.
    By the way, did you know that a bill is wondering its way through Congress to allegedly restrict Christian TV from the airwaves?

    Another by the way………….Did anyone who gets daily email from the USGS regarding earthquake
    events see the .22 report from the yellowstone area before Christmas? It was quickly deleted .
    Many thought it was the wrong placement of a decimal.

    Have a blessed new year……..a safe new year…


    • Ian says:

      I saw that email – it was so obviously a mistake, anything remotely like magnitude 22 would not need an email service to publicise.

      Happy new year to all ….


  2. Wow ! ! ! Nature on the move !


  3. DudeMan says:

    Interesting that all of these earthquakes occurred in such a small period of time. Hopefully that highway is patched up shortly, and won’t affect the local economy.


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