The Extinction Protocol Radio

Listening 1

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26 Responses to The Extinction Protocol Radio

  1. For sure many like minded souls are Alvin, But for others I think they got the wrong number as the engaged signal is all they here as they are ‘too busy’ with their own greed!


  2. Matt says:

    Thanks great update this is the best site


  3. rod says:

    NO! Most only care about themselves, and they do not listen to the few that do care! But soon when the Son of Man comes again, And they will see what they have done! And there will be Waling and nashing of teeth! And they will cry please,please forgive me and not be sincere and then it should get very interesting!!


  4. Dana Hall says:

    I am listening


  5. Ray Of Strength says:

    No, they are not, they are listening to their wallets…


  6. JamesnPdx says:

    I’m listening. Those of us who are watching and listening will be prepared, for everyone else….good luck.


  7. John Abent says:

    As someone who has been watching and following the progression of the planet as it marches toward, the Day of the Lord for over 34 years, I find your sight to be one of the most helpful sights for documenting that day to day progression. Indeed we are seeing the signs in the heavens, signs in the earth, beneath the earth and blood and fire and vapor of smoke. Acts 2:19-20, Luke 21:24-28.
    And to those that have ears to hear and eyes to see, we see the time is near even at the doors. God’s Word is meeting its mate in the headlines of our day. Keep up the good work, you are a faithful watchman…Ezekiel 33 Also loved your book, it is filled with amazing detail and documentation. Good job! I am trying to warn and inform as many as I can.

    No one knows the day or the hour, but it is clear that we have crossed a line with the Nov 3rd Eclipse under the feet of VIrgo and in Lebra the house of Judgment. See Revelation 12 for details of that cosmic sign. Indeed the dragon is standing and ready to devour the offspring of Israel–the Church when it is raptured. We are in the season of HIs coming! Even so come Lord Jesus, the only true hope for the world.


  8. Bruce says:

    The world as living gaia is at hand….Hear her laughing, in earthquake land. Something beyond…is reaching out to you.


  9. EarthDweller says:

    BTW … The caption is great.


  10. Metatron says:

    Yes, I am listening for 13 years now but noone wanted to hear what the planet said to me. Now it is the duty of mankind to built a new planet in balance to survive. Mabe then they understand what they have done.


  11. Rick says:

    I don’t think there listening either and I hope the people wake up and look at the signs of the time the return of Christ is coming I pray we all be ready for His return


  12. Dennis E. says:

    I think we are on the threshold of change in all things.


  13. aulapay says:

    Thank you, I am listening.


  14. Stan says:

    I listen because Mashiach said we should look to the sun for signs and earthquakes on earth etc. Thanks for keeping this site going.


  15. silverstreek says:

    Not too long ago I mentioned this site to someone while we were talking about how the earth was in the process of going through birth pains. When I mentioned The Extinction Protocol during our conversation, I spoke of being able to accurately view the changes to the earth daily. And how it is not only a fantastic way to keep informed, but it’s also a reminder of what Christ told us about things that were to happen close to the end times.

    Naturally he blew me off mentioning this was old news because it was already written about in the Bible thousands of years ago. I learned a couple of lessons that day. The first lesson was, never be too proud to listen and learn about Biblical warnings or anything else for that matter. Second, no matter the educational background, we are only as smart as we allow ourselves to become. Arrogance will always stop our progress to learn anything new because we believe we already know everything there is about a subject being discussed.

    Last but not least. We were all given differing talent and ability by our Creator, Yahweh. This site is a prime example of God using those who created, designed and operate The Extinction Protocol to keep the world informed day by day. Something every human being should be interested in. For those who have an ear. Let him hear!

    Thanks guys for a job well done! May God Bless you all and keep you and your families safe…….



    • Thanks for the kind words, and thanks for being here, Silverstreek

      God bless,


    • Fender says:


      Very well said. i just have a few questions. Do u really believe we are in the”end times”? why do u believe so? And what is the “end times” supposed to mean?? end of humanity? earth? universe?


      • John Abent says:

        Correction to something I sent you earlier. 9 Months from the November 3rd Eclipse takes you exactly to the 9th of Tisha b’Av a very significant date in the History of Israel. It is the day that the Temple was destroyed twice, and the day when Spain officially exiled the Jews in 1492. The Solar eclipse fulfilled the Rev. 12:1-5 passage perfectly. I think it means we are in the final warning pangs of the day of the Lord. We will have to watch and see. All this becomes significant in light of the fact that Israel was reborn as a nation according to Ezekiel 36-37. Now we stand at the doorstep of Ezk. 38-39 being fulfilled, and Chapter 40 is about the building of the third temple.


  16. Doreen Agostino says:

    Many human beings are listening, and taking responsibility for the energy they project into the quantum field, to which primordial Power responds unconditionally. People are linking up, speaking up, taking a stand to inform others about crimes against humanity and nature, so that together we end the madness.

    The sooner individuals stop energizing the dark matrix of separation, by acknowledging every part inseparable from One Conscious Primordial Power called many names including God, the closer we are to healing our individuals selves, and Heaven On Mother Earth Planet, which is a choice each of us is now asked to make, not a place to find.


  17. Sacha Curtis says:

    He who has ears let him hear……………………..Jesus


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