Is the sun a giant comet? NASA scientists discover long tail trailing solar system

July 11, 2013SPACE NASA’s Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX), a $169 million spacecraft has discovered what many scientists surmised; the sun has a comet-like tail. The less than 20 foot square craft, displayed the tail which couldn’t be seen before because it doesn’t shine, nor does it reflect light. Is the sun a comet? No, it is a star. Both stars and comets have tails, which can usually be seen through a telescope. Our sun was not that easy. “By examining the neutral atoms, IBEX made the first observations of the heliotail. Many models have suggested the heliotail might be like this or like that, but we’ve had no observations. Scientists will not yet give as estimate to the length of the tail, but say it is no more than 1,000 times the distance from the earth to the sun.  IBEX uses ‘energetic neutral atom imaging,’ and measures the neutral particles within the heliosphere, which travel in a straight line. “IBEX scans the entire sky, so it has given us our first data about what the tail of the heliosphere looks like, an important part of understanding our place in and movement through the galaxy,” Eric Christian, IBEX mission scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, stressed to journalists. Brenda Dingus of the Los Alamos National Laboratory, says that this discovery could be valuable in other projects such as Voyager I, and Voyager II. “These two missions are incredible complementary. IBEX is like an MRI — you take an image of the whole body to see what’s going on — and the Voyagers’ are like biopsies.” Is the sun a comet? No, but it has comet-like traits, such as a tail. –Guardian Express (excerpt)
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21 Responses to Is the sun a giant comet? NASA scientists discover long tail trailing solar system

  1. Faye says:

    What’s amazing to me is how the video shows the solar system as it’s bubble of a gravitational field .. A bubble that has an energy barrier so powerful that it can hold all things in place as it speedily travels through deep space ‘WE’RE INSIDE A BUBBLE TRAVELING THROUGH SPACE’ … I get the feeling there’s more to this bubble barrier that’s yet to be revealed ..

    NOW … I would like to know just how far-out would this “NASA’s Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX), a $169 million “spacecraft” have to stand, in order to take such a viewpoint of a shot … and I also get the feeling there’s more to the spacecraft, that’s yet to be revealed …


  2. Luther DeHaven says:

    Comets are ice. Asteroids are rock. Of the two, I would choose the latter to describe the sun.


  3. Dennis E. says:

    Well, if you think about it, it does makes sense. Because how many of us non-scientific people
    really knew that our solar system was actually moving through the milky way galaxy? I never considered it. So, it would make sense, considering the sun’s firey reputation, that it would leave a remarkable trail. So, if it is a long trail, then we must be moving pretty fast.


  4. I am so jealous of what science classes will be like for our childrens children.

    Liked by 1 person

    • kmrod2016 says:

      great comment. i’ve actually told my kids that… i’m jealous of the discoveries science is making that can’t even be imagined by science today.


  5. niebo says:

    I have no idea why this tickles me so, but it does: “Come ‘ere, Comet! Oh, good boy! Good boy! You are the bestest sun, ever, yes you are! Good sun! Now . . . roll-over! Good sun! Now . . .fetch!


  6. Tertia says:

    Hi I see 2 articles on massive amounts of fish.deaths in Washington and also New York.


  7. aenonamos says:

    Althought the sun may be the energy that causes the effect, the heliosphere includes the solar system in its entirety, which suggests that all matter within it contributes to the tail. So, the earth has a tail, too, because it is an integral part of the nucleus, or, at least, the coma, of the sphere. Fascinating concept. So . . . around what center do “we” orbit?


  8. Mark Shepherd says:

    Dennis, we are not moving through the Milky Way galaxy we are moving with it. All galaxies are moving through the rapidly expanding universe ever since the Big Bang, or space if you prefer, away from each other but their billions of suns, and planets are relatively held in place by the gravitational forces of their neighbours within a specific galaxy. I am also a non-scientific person with a passing interest, I hope I got that right and would welcome any corrections.


  9. Hukleberry says:

    It appears to me there is an energy blasting the sun ( red looking ) that is causing the tail. What is it?


  10. Garth Colin Whelan says:

    This is fascinating; but as you may have noticed; everytime a discovery is made, it only leaves many more unanswered questions we weren’t asking before. We know the direction the tail is travelling, which (if I wasn’t mistaken from the video), is away from the galaxy;s center. What I want to know, is what are the particles of energy hitting the solar system, which cause the tail? Are they simply cosmic rays similar to what our sun gives off? Maybe they’re particles from another stars tail? There are many experiments I would love to see being conducted out of the solar system.


  11. James says:

    This NASA finding supports the helical model of our solar system. Watch this fascinating video!


  12. hp says:

    Not to mention the heliocentric THEORY, accepted to the point of ostracizing anyone who disagrees, has never been proven and in fact cannot be proven until a perspective from outside the universe is available.

    Let the burning begin.


  13. Adam says:

    The tail of a comet or other heavenly body is not made by dynamic motion. Comet tails are made by gravitation attractions of large objects they approach. The ‘tails’ of comets point toward the greatest gravitational bodies they approach because tails don’t stream behind anything in outer space, as there is no air out there to deflect them, thus, only gravitational attraction of other bodies can attract, and create, comet tails. And so, a comet ‘tail’ has nothing to do with its motion.


    • Hopeful1 says:

      Adam, I don’t understand you…if the tails of comets point towards the greatest gravitational bodies, why does the head of a comet point towards our Sun as they pass by it or are sucked into it?


      • Garth Colin Whelan says:

        The tail of a comet points AWAY from the sun, because of the solar wind blowing any small particles away. I don’t think a planet could turn the whole tail around because solar wind has more power than gravity. Some satellites with loose debris gets blown away by solar wind, or by the host planets gravity. Particles and gasses aren’t blown away from earth because of the magnetosphere bouncing these particles off the top of the atmosphere. The meteorites we see in the sky are simply debris from comets tails which float in space for years, and eventually get sucked in to the earth’s atmosphere, like a giant vacuum cleaner.


  14. Ivan Sanchez says:

    Electric. Universe. Theory!


  15. This is prety amazing…


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