Shallow 4.8 magnitude earthquake strikes in Yellow Sea off the coast of North Korea

Yellow Sea Quake
May 18, 2013NORTH KOREAA 4.8 magnitude earthquake struck in the Yellow Sea, 76km WSW of Ongjin, North Korea. The earthquake struck under the sea at a depth of 13.50 km (8.39 mi). Many residents, living along coastal regions in South Korea, reported they felt the shaking inland. –TEP  
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4 Responses to Shallow 4.8 magnitude earthquake strikes in Yellow Sea off the coast of North Korea

  1. Wondering if this has anything to do with them firing 3 missiles just their coast about the same time, it wouldn’t be the first time they’ve created an earthquake or seismic event via the use of weapons.


  2. romalynn says:

    I thought the same thing myself. Seems like too much of a coincidence.


  3. crank up ze harrp to 11!


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