Black hole collision event may have irradiated Earth centuries ago

January 22, 2013 COSMOS In 2012, cosmic-ray physicist Professor Fusa Miyake from Nagoya University in Japan announced the detection of high levels of the isotope carbon-14 and beryllium-10 in tree rings formed in 775 CE, suggesting that a burst of radiation struck the Earth in the year 774 or 775. Carbon-14 and beryllium-10 form when radiation from space collides with nitrogen atoms, which then decay to these heavier forms of carbon and beryllium. The earlier research ruled out the nearby explosion of a massive star as nothing was recorded in observations at the time and no remnant has been found. Professor Miyake also considered whether a solar flare could have been responsible, but these are not powerful enough to cause the observed excess of carbon-14. Large flares are likely to be accompanied by ejections of material from the Sun’s corona, leading to vivid displays of the northern and southern lights, but again no historical records suggest these took place. Following this announcement, researchers pointed to an entry in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle that describes a ‘red crucifix’ seen after sunset and suggested this might be a supernova. But this dates from 776, too late to account for the carbon-14 data and still does not explain why no remnant has been detected. In a paper, published in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society ( version), the astronomers provide a new explanation consistent with both the carbon-14 measurements and the absence of any recorded events in the sky. They suggest that two compact stellar remnants – black holes, neutron stars or white dwarfs – collided and merged together. When this happens, some energy is released in the form of gamma rays, the most energetic part of the electromagnetic spectrum that includes visible light. In these mergers, the burst of gamma rays is intense but short, typically lasting less than two seconds. These events are seen in other galaxies many times each year but, in contrast to long duration bursts, without any corresponding visible light. If this is the explanation for the 774 / 775 radiation burst, then the merging stars could not be closer than about 3,000 light years, or it would have led to the extinction of some terrestrial life. Based on the carbon-14 measurements, the astronomers believe the gamma-ray burst originated in a system between 3,000 and 12,000 light years from the Sun. If they are right, then this would explain why no records exist of a supernova or auroral display. Other work suggests that some visible light is emitted during short gamma-ray bursts that could be seen in a relatively nearby event. This might only be seen for a few days and be easily missed, but nonetheless it may be worthwhile for historians to look again through contemporary texts. “If the gamma ray burst had been much closer to the Earth it would have caused significant harm to the biosphere. But even thousands of light years away, a similar event today could cause havoc with the sensitive electronic systems that advanced societies have come to depend on. –SCINEWS
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11 Responses to Black hole collision event may have irradiated Earth centuries ago

  1. Jean says:

    This reminds me of a youtube video I just watched after an inspired search for fatima and ufo. William Warwick on Coast to Coast says the third secret pertains to the earth’s movement through a certain band of cosmic energy that will cause extreme cold and darkness for several days. This has happened before, he said, but of course is a highly disruptive event.


  2. SMILE says:

    Indian scientist predicts mass destruction in year 2013


  3. Marybell says:

    Now how much money has been spent on the “What ifs and May haves? Really tired of this kinda news. G-D created the Universe. Man is not smart enough to figure anything out. So just accept by faith and move on.


    • Civil says:

      “Black hole collision event may have irradiated Earth centuries ago”

      MAY happen? So much speculation & guess work in soo many things released these days! Why bother to guess if it will happen? Give us something solid & inevitable! So tired of fear mongering……………


      • August says:

        It’s not fearmongering. Some people are interested in the science. The sort of thinking that you are disparaging here is what’s responsible for the majority of the technology and understanding that the modern world is based on. (Not saying that’s necessarily a good thing.)

        “Science”, even when it actually follows the scientific method and is good science (some of the modern stuff is nonsense on top of nonsense in my opinion…especially psychology), clearly has problems and real limits to it. And many of the people that participate in it are quite delusional (thinking about the people that made the atomic bomb and thought that it would never be used/would cause wars to stop).

        But being able to think clearly and constructively about things, which the scientific method encourages, is absolutely a good thing.

        Putting everything down only to “faith” generally makes people lazy and unwilling to help themselves. It’s usually an indirect way of saying that you don’t want to have any understanding of a situation and the factors going into it. And typically accompanies “bipartinship/us against them think”

        Being interested in the way the world/things/life/systems work, which is what this research is about, is most definately a good thing.

        Some people just like the world, all of it, including the natural things that are termed by people as ‘disasters’ and avoided. And are interested in trying to understand how they work.


    • svartvatten says:

      Sounds easy, just stop thinking and searching.


    • Deb says:

      And God gave us brains, intelligence and curiosity to explore and appreciate his creation. I don’t think God is against Science or the search for specifics about our universe and its past, present and future. Yes God created all things but it wasn’t just magic, there was immeasurable order, intelligence, complexity and DETAIL. the beauty is in the details. The math, the physics, chemistry and beyond of it all. I wish i was smart enough to be an astrophysicist sometimes. The problem is when God is nowhere in the picture. No acknowledgement, no worship, total rejection. You can speculate about alternate universes and dimensions, time travel, aliens and wormholes but an intelligent being (GOD) that created all of it?!!! Some Scientists seem to think that taking into account the possibility of an all powerful creator will make their work boring and limited. Like it would change what has already been existing in our reality for so long and the knowledge therein. Many just don’t want to understand our world and universe, they want to specuIate to their heart’s content as their heads swell.

      Anyway, I’m so looking forward to exploring the universe and actually understanding all these things in eternity.


      • Irene C says:

        Well said, Deb. I’m definitely no scientist, but the more I read and the more I learn, the more I’m amazed in the One who created it all. I feel that God doesn’t hate science, just the abuse of it and the lack of recognition of the Creator.

        As for this article, I find it fascinating.


    • nanoduck says:

      I guess you can throw out all science books and live in ignorance. This article has nothing to do with religion, faith, or Bible. Just trying to find explaination for sudden spike in radiation in the past.


  4. tonic says:

    Governments worldwide have become aware of the real threat posed by solar flares, only in the last few years. Makes you wonder if their awareness would still have happened as quickly, without sites like this, and like minded people around the globe who would not let this threat lie low……….. Maybe, maybe not.
    Maybe we should just take all that is happening now as just a blip, a little spike of abnormality in Earths history. And just carry on as normal, and pretend all is ok.
    After all if the worst happens who will it really affect, only the generation after us. So why should we care?
    Unless maybe, we love them.


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