6.0 magnitude earthquake strikes Kuril Islands

September 9, 2012 KURIL ISLANDSOn Sunday, two earthquakes hit Kuril Islands in the Russian Far East. The first quake of 6.0 point magnitude on the Richter scale was recorded near the island of Paramushir, says seismological station in the city of Severo-Kurilsk. Glass-ware ringed in cupboards for ten seconds, and ceiling lamps rocked. The second earthquake with a magnitude of 5.1 points in Richter scale took place in the deep-water Kurilo-Kamchatka trench. The epicenter was located 270 kilometers east of the city of Kurilsk on the island of Iturup. There was no tsunami warning. –VOR
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8 Responses to 6.0 magnitude earthquake strikes Kuril Islands

  1. Ed says:

    Seems to me that large scale earthquakes are becoming more frequent, is that normal? should I be worried


    • You should never be worried. Change is constant on Earth, though we are very rarely affected by most of the planet’s dynamism. Most of the planet’s dynamism supports a thermal cycle which sustains life processes on Earth. On rare occasions, a geologic shift occurs in terrestrial planetary history where the planet’s cycles are aggravated. If and when that shift comes; we have to adjust to it as best we can. I’m not trying to spread fear about what the planet will do; I’m trying to increase scientific knowledge on what it now does.


    • Columbine says:

      We are actually behind in the average number of large quakes that happen each year. Check out the charts at http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eqarchives/year/eqstats.php . I think people are just more aware of what’s going on around them. And people are scared. Not just of natural things, but our political world gives absolutely no confidence at all (I’d say this is true no matter what country you live in). As the debate in the Democratic Convention shows so plainly – many people have thrown God out of their lives and as a result, have nothing solid to build their life upon. Therefore they are tossed and turned by every bit of news, alarmed or afraid at every new thing they learn. And because we have not paid attention in the past, we find it difficult to know what is “normal” and what is “abnormal”.


  2. Irene C says:

    And then there’s the 5.3 that was East of Shemya Island, Alaska. I wonder if this whole area will one day open like a big zipper.


  3. Wiseguy says:

    To all of you, TEP followers, don’t be afraid because anyway, there’s nothing we can do against what Alvin warned us. Stop saying that authorities should tell everybody what’s going on, there’s nothing they can do !!! Just live every single day like it’s the last one and you will see life in a very different way. Fear is not the answer, soon it will be very scary and we’ll be desoriented but hopefully we’ll be spiritually prepared and we’ll be able to help our families and closest friends.


  4. Sunny-oz says:

    Have been watching the quake report daily for months and this past 2 weeks has been the worst I’ve seen.

    Seems that we are getting 4 and 5s every hour and no pattern just all over the map.

    Something very bad is brewing, I can feel it. Hopefully I’m wrong but this doesn’t seem right to me.


    • M.A.D says:

      I am with you, I have been looking for over one year every day, Japan had the big one that’s when I stated to look all the time, what I am seeing is to the north they have had all the way up to 6.0 and bigger, to the north the same, I am in LA cal, and here they are getting bigger, I think God has been good to us here, I don’t no why, but it’s tru, and yes something big is just around the corner , but I live my life each day as if it is my last day here, I love life and are lord,


  5. M.A.D says:

    Did any one find out what the bad smell is in So cal, it’s so bad you can’t go out side, is it from earth quake


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