6.0 magnitude earthquake shakes Alaska Aleutian Islands

June 19, 2012AlaskaA 6.0 magnitude earthquake erupted along the volcanically-active region of the Aleutian Islands. The earthquake had a depth of 20.9 km (13.0 miles). No tsunami threats were issued for today’s earthquake. The earthquake came on the heels of a 5.1 earthquake that struck off the coast of Oregon. –The Extinction Protocol
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9 Responses to 6.0 magnitude earthquake shakes Alaska Aleutian Islands

  1. krystal says:

    Now we are seeing earthquakes, double striking and causing ripple effects… more frequent now, like labor pains


  2. mark says:

    THREE reasonably sized earthquakes in one day!!!!!!


  3. suz says:

    I wonder if this was caused by the two strong solar flares that happened a few days ago?


  4. merle says:

    Two more earthquakes in the Aleutian Islands, 5.8 and 5.7 at right before 5:00 pm UTC. I suppose these may be aftershocks?


  5. Artoro says:


    Isn’t this in a sparsely populated area? As would be a large portion of Alaska I guess.


  6. Chris F says:

    Interesting… One of my earthquake apps say there were two 6.0s within seconds of each other, followed by a 5.8 and a 5.7, but on the usgs site, there are only the 6.0 and 5.8. Has anyone else observed this?


  7. Stewart says:


    Looks like we may see a major earthquake on the west coast soon. I’ve noticed the intensity and magnitude picking up from Baja Mexico to Oregon lately.


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