Scientists find and catalogue an astounding 635,000 large crater impacts on Mars

June 11 2012SPACEIt’s no secret that Mars is a beaten and battered planet — astronomers have been peering for centuries at the violent impact craters created by cosmic buckshot pounding its surface over billions of years. But just how beat up is it? Really beat up, according to a University of Colorado Boulder research team that recently finished counting, outlining and cataloging a staggering 635,000 impact craters on Mars that are roughly a kilometer or more in diameter. As the largest single database ever compiled of impacts on a planet or moon in our solar system, the new information will be of help in dating the ages of particular regions of Mars, said CU-Boulder postdoctoral researcher Stuart Robbins, who led the effort. The new crater atlas also should help researchers better understand the history of water volcanism on Mars through time, as well as the planet’s potential for past habitability by primitive life, he said. “Many of the large impact craters generated hydrothermal systems that could have created unique, locally habitable environments that lasted for thousands or millions of years, assuming there was water in the planet’s crust at the time,” said Hynek. “But large impacts also have the ability to wipe out life forms, as evident from Earth’s dinosaur-killing Chicxulub impact 65 million years ago.” Robbins said most of the smaller diameter craters on Mars are younger than the largest craters and form the bulk of the planet’s crater population. “The basic idea of age dating is that if a portion of the planet’s surface has more craters, it has been around longer,” said Robbins. Much of the planet has been “resurfaced” by volcanic and erosional activity, essentially erasing older geological features, including craters. –Physics
I discuss why Mars is the most heavily-cratered planet in the Solar System and what potentially caused the missing planet next to it to explode in my book The 7th Protocol.
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11 Responses to Scientists find and catalogue an astounding 635,000 large crater impacts on Mars

  1. kristoffer94 says:

    It is one thing that I don’t understand how,

    How Mars could capture moons around it, when it is so small? for example Venus could capture a moon, since it is a big planet, almost the same size as our own planet


  2. Joseph t. Repas says:

    Alvin! can’t wait to read that. back around 1974 I saw an asteroid go by with my telescope and it was elongated and spinning end over end quickly like an american football being kicked for an extra point. Obviously it was involved in some sort of explosion to have that kind of velocity. It was an awesome sight!!!


    • IMG

      Yes, and it’s something scientists still refuse to acknowledge as a cause for the disporpotionate meteoric bombardment of Mars but the planet between Mars and Jupiter did go bang sometime ago in the past. The truth is, just like stars, planets do explode and large asteroid chunks of planet likely does too. This raises a whole new set of risk factors for our planet that no one in the scientific community is yet prepared to deal with.


  3. Dianne Ford says:

    thank you for sharing these with us and I am so interested in the planets around us that i just wanted you to know that. where can i buy the book that you wrote. i know you said before but like most people on earth do not pay attention very well!


  4. nickk0 says:

    Alvin’s theory may not be so cracked.

    Something to consider :
    Is it possible, that this happened, during ‘historical times’ ??


    • Quote from the linked article: “The fact that not a single scientist on Earth since Plato ever considered explaining how a planet can perish from the solar system is a sign of continuing decay of humanity on Earth. Anyone who dares to admit the ancient Greek witness report and existing material evidence for consideration and tries to explain how a planet could perish from the Solar System – is instantly called a heretic, even though such a consideration leads to discoveries no less important than discoveries of Galieo and Copernicus. There is not much progress in human attitude on Earth since times of Great Inquisition, isn’t it?”

      How about that?


  5. Dave says:

    I think it was Tom Van Flandern’s theory that had Mars as a satellite of the exploded planet, which would have resulted in a serious amount of damage from debris no doubt, although Bode’s law gave a pretty good prediction for Mars’ orbit. Interesting that Mars also has the largest volcano of any planet thus far discovered…


  6. Joseph t. Repas says:

    Wasn’t the explosion of the planet Krypton supposed to be the genesis of the Superman comic book series ?


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