Number 52: Mount Asphyxia volcano erupts in Sandwich Islands group

May 2, 2012SANDWICH ISLANDSA plume of volcanic smoke is seen rising from the appropriately-named Mount Asphyxia (Mt. Curry) volcano, located on Zavodovski Island in the southern Atlantic. The image was acquired on April 27 by NASA’s Aqua satellite. Zavodovski is part of the South Sandwich Islands, a group of 11 British-owned islands located 217 miles southeast of South Georgia, off the tip of South America. Only 3.1 miles wide, the icy island is dominated by the 1,800-foot-high stratovolcano. Aptly named, the sulphuric fumes from Asphyxia coupled with the stench of penguin droppings — the island is a breeding ground for millions of chinstrap penguins — can be suffocating for human visitors. The plume is seen here snaking into upper-level winds where it takes a turn to the northwest. The other islands exhibit swirling cloud vortices on their lee sides, created by their disturbance of prevailing winds. –Discovery News
contribution by Luisport  
Lava was spotted in 1830 but this may be the first documented eruption of the volcano ever 
This entry was posted in Dark Ages, Earth Changes, Earth Watch, High-risk potential hazard zone, Prophecies referenced, Seismic tremors, Signs of Magnetic Field weakening, Volcanic Eruption, Volcano Watch. Bookmark the permalink.

14 Responses to Number 52: Mount Asphyxia volcano erupts in Sandwich Islands group

  1. Sulfuric fumes in Hawaii are bad since the volcanoes started erupting again some years ago. It’s called VOG. We vacationed there but had to stop because of this and the chemicals used to spray foliage.


  2. mrsotto says:

    Again…no worry folks, this is all completely “normal”…move along now… 😉


  3. namrepus says:

    It is not the volcanos that worry me it is the tons of dust particals thrown in to the air. It could start a winter we would not leave for a million years. Froze those mamoths to death is no time. We need to go into space and look for new home.


  4. jazco says:

    look at the line of those eruptions. recently saw a posting of quakes plotted on the upper northern end of the mid atlantic rift, antipodal to the southern pattern in your photo here. is the rift pulling apart? is that the catalyst for some of this?


  5. Kim says:

    Does anyone know where I can find information on the past activity history of this aptly named volcano? I can’t find anything on the net.. even wikipedia doesn’t give much info on it. Thanks. What do you think about the increasing volcanic activity, Alvin?? Is the world going to be changed forevermore by and earthquake, a volcanic eruption or the collapse of a nuclear ‘pool’ in Japan?? Thanks for providing this page for us to learn from 🙂


    • There is not much known about it because the island is so remote and it’s basically barren. Had satellites not looped over this region. We might not have ever known the volcano was erupting. You haven’t read any of my book on the subject, Kim? I discuss the process and how I expected to escalate. I got a lot of nasty comments from people last year from people who thought I was wrong and didn’t know what I was talking about…but now, I don’t think anyone is laughing.


      • God be honored in Christ…


      • Shelley says:

        Reading your book is very helpful for me, and so is your website. Unfortunately all this activity doesn’t surprise me – we’ve been warned for years of this year and some of the events. I wasn’t laughing when I got your book just a couple weeks ago and when I discovered your site earlier this year. To be able to read actual news without the media picking what they want us to know is a relief to me. Appreciate all your hard work and efforts to run your site. I’ll give you any heads up with any activity here in Hawaii.


      • Thanks Shelley. Much appreciated.

        God bless,


  6. Shelley says:


    #53? I don’t remember if this was on your previous list a few weeks ago… If not than I guess it is #53.

    Volcanic eruption is on going for Pago in New Britain-SW Pac


  7. jastpeel says:

    Volcanoes are the sweat glands of the Earth. As the surface temperatures increase, so do the sub-surface temperatures. This expands the magma and it has to vent somewhere. The ash shades the Earth and causes cooling of the surface temperatures. This has been seen on numerous occasions as with Mt. Pinatubo ( and Eyjafjallajokull volcano in Iceland (

    This is just normal activity for a normal world.


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