4.1 magnitude earthquake jolts Southern California

April 28, 2012 CALIFORNIAA magnitude 4.1 earthquake rattled Southern California on Saturday morning, but there were no reports of damage or injuries. The temblor struck at 8:07 a.m. near Devore, about 60 miles east of downtown Los Angeles. The quake was felt across the region, in San Bernardino County, the San Gabriel Valley and the city of Los Angeles. Residents around Devore reported a sharp jolt, though there were no reports of problems. –LA Times
contribution Josh B
This entry was posted in Earth Changes, Earth Watch, Earthquake Omens?, High-risk potential hazard zone, Seismic tremors. Bookmark the permalink.

19 Responses to 4.1 magnitude earthquake jolts Southern California

  1. Mary says:

    Too much panic over these small E/Qs. I grew up in the New Madrid fault and it was a weekly occurrence. No one thought much of it. Just prepare yourself for the BIG one and go on with daily life.


    • chuck norris says:

      pffft.. the big one ehh?…

      Just prepare yourself. nuffsaid


    • I too live in the New Madrid Seismic Zone and I don’t think you have your information correct… We don’t have quakes of this magnitude all the time… 1.0 to 2.7 range every other week. With that being said, quakes 4.0 and greater happen on average around every 10 years…


  2. Last Wed I was looking at Los Angeles on Googlemaps and such a horrible, oppressive sense of foreboding, dread and despair came over me that I cried and prayed for over an hour. Please join me in praying and asking for God’s mercy, that He would intervene and prevent whatever catastrophe it is that looms. God does still have control, and more than once, He has said to me, “You had but to ask!”


  3. Chris says:

    Alvin, keep an eye on these three fault systems the biggest of course being the San Andreas. The activity has risen dramatically since the recent big 8 quakes in Indonesia and the sequence that included the Mexico quakes and the two 6 plus quakes in the Bay of California (and off the Oregon coast).


  4. Elle says:

    Be prepare at all times because May will be much worst.

    Good luck and God bless


  5. Stan522 says:

    I’m sorry, but WTF….. As a So Cal native, you don’t even get off the couch for a 4.1 earthquake.


    • Yeah, ditto… but still all the other stuff around the world could eventually come our way…


    • Kim Hartley says:

      It’s not the fact there was a 4.1M .. that’s just part of a bigger pattern emerging.. U stay slumbering on your couch… sleep soundly my friend. I hope you’re as prepared as you can be for loss of power and water etc.


      • Stan522 says:

        Your “friend” has been “preparing” for years. Let the electricity run out…. let the world crumble…. I’m ready, but a 4.1 is till going to keep me on the couch ;-]


  6. Carl says:

    Earthquake 4.1 M in The U.S.-Mexico border, close to Mexicalli.


  7. Fernando says:

    I have already been in 5 super strong quakes , the last one 8.0 in 1988 that lasted almost 2 minutes in Perú ! I recall the one that We had in 1974 , 8.1 in the ritcher that lasted also 2 minutes , in both We thought the world was going to end. It was a very tough experience. However what is happening around the word nowadays , with more often very strong quakes and double quakes , increasing in frequency and intensity is something very worry. It seems that sooner or later a very big cluster of quakes will trigger entire regions.


    • Wiseguy says:

      Thanks for this comment, great to have a witness who can share his own experience and making us realize that earthquakes of those magnitude are extremely frightening. Right now there’s again a strong swarm in Indonesia, Mid and South America and Canada, something is happening, slowly destabilizing plates around the world. A week of quakes then a week of volcanic eruptions and again and again… Pressure is at a turning point…


  8. Fernando says:

    correction : the last one 8.0 in 2008 that lasted almost 2 minutes in Perú !


  9. mikeroyce22 says:

    I have read on this blog about people particularly in the U.S, experiencing earthquakes preceded by loud booms.Yesterday (Saturday) I experienced an earthquake here in the Fiji Islands in the South Pacific that was preceded by a loud boom.I have never experienced anything like it.I have felt quakes before but never without a loud boom preceding it.It was eerie.


  10. ollourdeshuf says:

    Did you see the earthquakes in Hudson Bay? I have never seen them there before! Michele


  11. I went for a hike to see a waterfalls and enjoy God’s beauty today but with all the turmoil of the world on my mind. The funny part is I drive by this every day and have my whole life, not knowing how deep the gorge was or how incredible. His creation is indescribably beautiful, where two very deep gorges converge into one and unite to form this powerful, graceful movement. And this is only a little piece of His Whole Creation.There was incredible power behind the forming of this deep, deep gorge. He is Awesome. He is the God who loves and cares for us. No matter what happens we have been and will be in his hands.God Bless you all! Here are some pictures but it hardly does it justice. http://www.nyfalls.com/peppermill.html


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