Alert level raised for Aleutian Island, Cleveland volcano after new lava dome forms

March 29, 2012ANCHORAGE, AlaskaThe alert level for a remote Alaska volcano has been raised again after scientists found another lava dome has formed in the crater in the last week. The Alaska Volcano Observatory on Wednesday increased the level for Cleveland Volcano, a 5,675-foot peak on uninhabited Chuginadak Island about 940 miles southwest of Anchorage. The status was raised earlier this year when the center detected two small, likely ash-poor eruptions through March 13, but lowered the alert level last week after 10 days of inactivity. Scientists can’t actively monitor the volcano because there is no real-time seismic monitoring network on the volcano in the Aleutian Islands. Authorities say sudden eruptions could occur at any time, and ash clouds 20,000 feet above sea level are possible. –San Diego 6
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6 Responses to Alert level raised for Aleutian Island, Cleveland volcano after new lava dome forms

  1. galihadventure says:

    great another active volcano is going to erupt soon!


  2. radiogirl says:

    The surface eruptions are telling events…heaven knows whats going on under the waters of the earth.


  3. Im

    Well, to put it in some kinda perspective, about 80 to 90% of all volcanism occurring on the planet is taking place in the oceans and for every one volcano you see erupting on land; about 1200 more are erupting under the sea through various volcanic vents, rifts, and arcs. We’ll see what happens from this point forward and see if this is all part of larger planetary event unfolding; the preliminary evidence suggests it is. The naysayers that jump on here and rail about ‘cycles just repeating‘ don’t realize they’ve stumbled into the latest Bruce Willis Die Hard sequel, 20 minutes into the plot.

    Now here’s the kicker: In the first three months of 2012, we’re up to 47 volcanic eruptions as of March 29, 2012 and we only had a total of 50 eruptions for the entire year of 2011.


  4. Lisa says:

    What’s happening is not a part of a cycle. ( referring to the above statement about naysayers)
    I thought it was I’m so confused…. If you have have answered this before could you link it again for me. I have been telling people the wrong thing then. Your help is appreciated


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