Mysterious submarine plume discharge clouds waters at Hawaii harbor

March 2, 2012HAWAII A mysterious cloudy substance is emptying into Kewalo Basin (Honolulu) from a storm drain at an alarming rate. The mystery plume started pouring into Kewalo Basin before sunrise. “It was like 5:30 in the morning and I was standing here and then all of a sudden it came all at one time,” said Robert St. Romain of Sashimi Fishing Tours. At first light he and other boat owners were stunned by the free flowing plume that turned the water white. “Just was coming out here like crazy just like you see it right now and it muddied the whole harbor in a matter of five minutes. The whole harbor was just glazed over usually you can see down,” said a boater. And it kept coming hundreds of gallons of milky brown fluid every minute. “That storm drain is capable of close to a million gallons a day of water coming through,” said Kewalo Basin Harbor Master Charles Barclay. He said he’s never seen anything like this. “If it was a sewage discharge or if it was an oil discharge we’d smell it but this is a siltation. “Obviously it’s not oil because you don’t see any slick on top,” said boater Michael de Jong. “I don’t know what else it might be. Do you have anything further?” asked Barclay. About a dozen state and city officials were on the scene. Everyone was baffled by the source. City crews visited numerous construction sites and checked for broken water mains but found no clues. “The storm water drain where it’s coming out of connects to an artesian well up by the Blaisdell Center,” said Barclay. He said this is one of 37 storm drains in Kewalo Basin. But this particular drainage was seldom source of storm runoff and the rains weren’t heavy over-night. Barclay says boat owners reported seeing dead fish in the harbor which is home to stingrays, hammerhead sharks and turtles and an occasional visit from monk seals. There’s just no question we don’t want any type of discharges that would impact the marine life,” said Barclay. The cloudy substance that blanketed the harbor made its way to the ocean where unsuspecting surfers, fishermen and divers had already started their day. –Khon 2
contribution Vickie R.
This entry was posted in Dark Ages, Earth Changes, Earth Watch, Environmental Threat, High-risk potential hazard zone, Land fissures, cracks, sinkholes, Magma Plume activity, Mud volcano, Potential Earthchange hotspot, Unsolved Mystery. Bookmark the permalink.

7 Responses to Mysterious submarine plume discharge clouds waters at Hawaii harbor

  1. So the State Officials were so concerned that they took samples of the white cloudy stuff and sent it away to verify what the mysterious cloud was made of and why it would kill the fish.

    Isn’t that what the reporters report so we think that the State is doing its job, instead we know that the State is trying to kill environmental enforcement


  2. flea rider says:

    prob mud flow’s from the volcanos cracked the pipe some where and is flowing thru … then ther is the mention of a artesian well mud flows comming thru that …
    not hard to think about .. now the question would be why ?


  3. Lucie Sinclair says:

    Volcanic activity underground causing this is my first guess….what do you think Alvin?


    • If it’s not coming from a runoff, then that would be my guess that it could be a fissure eruption because there is definitely ‘depressurization‘ in the flow from some type of rupture. Needlessly to say, I’ll be following the story with keen interest as Hawaii sits over a magama plume.


  4. Diane M. says:

    Yikes, wonder what it is…..


  5. will says:

    Its Hawaii!! It always moves, it always shakes.


  6. perhardt7686 says:

    I want to visit but i feel as if when i do all hell will break loose, Lol.


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