Earth blasted by one of the most intense geomagnetic storms seen in years

September 26, 2011GEOMAGNETIC STORM: A strong-to-severe geomagnetic storm occurred today following the impact of a coronal mass ejection (CME) at approximately 12:15 UT on Sept. 26th. The Goddard Space Weather Lab reports a “strong compression of Earth’s magnetosphere. Simulations indicate that solar wind plasma has penetrated close to geosynchronous orbit starting at 13:00UT.” Geosynchronous satellites could therefore be directly exposed to solar wind plasma and magnetic fields. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for Northern and Southern Lights after nightfall. –Space Weather
The sheer force of the geomagnetic storm impacting the planet is seen below, indicating the strongest impact on the planet’s magnetosphere in this simulation by NICT. The K-Index reached 8 and the solar wind speed doubled with a proton density count that spiked near 10 protons/cm3  –The Extinction Protocol


radio blackout indicator

This entry was posted in Earth Changes, Earth Watch, Extreme Weather Event, Signs of Magnetic Field weakening, Solar Event, Space Watch. Bookmark the permalink.

54 Responses to Earth blasted by one of the most intense geomagnetic storms seen in years

  1. I just love this site!!!


  2. marcopolo says:

    So what does this mean for earh is anything bad going to happen ?


    • I think if anything, it’s transpiring over the next few hours. Should be a vivid display of the lights in the northern hemisphere. Not an end of the world but just a preview of possible future solar activity and how dramatically these storms can affect the planet.


  3. Craig S says:

    Current Interplanetary Mag. Field (via
    Btotal: 11.3 nT
    Bz: 2 nT south
    “South-pointing Bz’s open a door through which energy from the solar wind can reach Earth’s atmosphere!”
    and this is supposed to be a ‘glancing blow’ from sunspot 1302.


  4. Evo says:

    Sunspot 1302 is the first sunspot to scare me. It’s just now starting to face the earth, and its BGD (Beta-Gamma with a Delta configuration) If it releases another X class flare in the next few days, and has a major CME accompanying it, we could well see the aurora at lower latitudes. If I witness he Aurora in southern Britain, beautiful as it will be, I will be worried.


    • I have to agree with you Evo about 1302. That is a worrisome spot. I have never seen the Aurora, but if I see them in the state of Ohio, I might be concerned also. I could live without my cell phone and internet, but I am rather fond of my heat and electricity, especially with cooler weather in the forecast.



  5. JCsantos says:

    I’ve been visiting your page and sometimes have eaten my breakfast/lunch/dinner while being on this page! You’re the man, Alvin.. Now, if you dont mind me asking or if you have time to answer my question I will appreciate it.. Elenin.. We’re on the 26th and the alignment will officially be on the 27th.. what are your thoughts? Do you see any major/minor catastrophes? Any comment(s) will do for me! And im glad to see a believer w/ very wide knowledge outside and inside the Bible. God Bless, brother!


  6. Josie says:

    Alvin…once again love this site…..Do you have a few pointers as to how to protect ourselves from solar radiation when it will get REALLY bad…I am refering to the actual radiation when one is in a home taking shelter. I figure unplug and shut power to the house move cars far away from the house…. but what else??? Basement or Rootcellar hiding??


    • You need major shielding ultimately and that’s probably something you’ll have to find on a survival site or Youtube on how to protect your home from an EMP disruption. What best stops gamma rays is lead or very dense insulation of earth.


  7. Hey Alvin, how long does it take for the solar wind plasma to reach earth? If there is a massive CME do we have at least an hour?
    Thanks for posting, you have the best site out there for truth researchers.


    • It depends on the speed of the blast- as they all travel at different speeds when they are ejected from the Sun. Coronal mass ejections can reach velocities between 20km/s to 3200km/s with an average speed of 489km/s- The average ones takes about 24 to 72 hours to reach earth.


  8. madeline says:

    Aha thats what I saw this morning, Southern hemisphere, blood red sky behind the hills at about 4am this morning


  9. Do these storms affect us here on Mother Earth? I love your site! and Happy that you are sharing what others media will not share with humanity..Migwetch(thank-you)


    • They affect the planet. Earth has a magnetic shield, that admittedly is weaking from a reversal. The dexterity of the field is being compromised over South America and the South Atlantic and there is always the danger of an EMP pulse disrupting everything from electronic devices to electrical system if the blast is strong enough. Glad you found us Judi…and sorry, I’m playing catch-up

      peace and blessings,


  10. whatchagonnado says:

    Alvin wasn’t sure where to post this seems there has been another massive fish kill in Arkansa around the 20th I can’t post the link but you can google if you wish


  11. Tina Marie says:

    I don’t know if this is related or not but I have noticed alot of interferenace with cell phones lately and it hasn’t been just in the last day or two, it’s been going on for weeks. On a different note, I saw a video showing all the satellites that are orbiting around the planet currently and it looked like bugs swarming all around it like you would see at night around a street light. It was kind of scary.


    • Evo says:

      I also seen this image of all the junk we have left up there, around our planet. It looked so disrespectful to our amazing Earth. Every week we put our cardboard in our “cardboard box”, plastic in our “plastic box”, etc, out of concern for our planet. And above our heads is all this, rubbish. Does not make one feel very proud, of our fledgling explorations of space.


  12. Will anything weird begin to happen to us because the earth is changing?


  13. Nikki says:

    So is it true, this is only the begining of the season? so its only going to get worse?
    might be a good idea to get a gas generator?


  14. DeanZooL says:

    Reminds me of the Nicholas Cage movie “The Knowing” , this recent activity plus all the predictions from the Mayans etc….Polar-shift/global warming , our planet is definitely going through some drastic shake-ups. Makes you think.


  15. Alvin, will all these flares and CME’s etc have an impact on the ISS. I believe there is still a small crew up there…… if so, how are they protected? Seems rather frightening that they could ‘fry’ up there…

    BTW Alvin LULU delivered your book to us yesterday…. read intro and chapter one today and more probably tonight. (TONGUE IN CHEEK) Alvin do you possibly have a LARGE PRINT EDITION for old eyes?


  16. Linda says:

    The most import thing about this is not what is looks like although these are great visual effects, but what it feels like! We are energetic beings and are all affected by the different energies which arrive her on planet earth. We all have a choice as to how we allow these energetic changes to open us up or close us down! Namaste


  17. Bev Wallace says:

    Evo, it was faintly visible here in Gloucestershire just a few weeks ago during the last storms


  18. Wiseguy says:

    This powerful storm will ignite within a few days one of the most destructive earthquake in human history. After effects will trigger tectonic plates and volcanic activities. Remember, our magnetosphere have never been so weak. It is not prophecy or psychic, it’s just plain natural observation.


  19. Franky says:

    Are are satalites protected or affected by these storms and are they going to get worse


  20. Kaos says:

    There has been allot of radio interference to terrestrial FM channels today, along with phone reception..
    It’s above normal temperature for this time of September and this I believe is directly connected to this event..
    Although no unusual earthquake activity (yet) I don’t think we have seen sunspot 1302’s true potential.



    • SamanthaH says:

      1302 is MONSTROUS! I have been looking as this scary beast constantly over the past 72hrs & amazed at the solar flares is producing.
      I have a feeling that we are going to see a lot more of 1302s… & since the maxima is nowhere near its peak.. I just know there are going to be bigger & more rougher sunspots, nothing compared to 1302..

      Sitting, watching & waiting is becoming beyond unbearable.

      I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve been having a looking into what these flares/high energy particles can do, not only to our nature, but also us humans & our emotions… really interesting read…


      • Cathie says:

        Hi Samantha. Can you tell me what you are reading? I would love to do more research on the effects of these flares/high energy particles on humans. I read an article just this regarding the high energy particles ability to actually change human DNA! Fascinating! Anyway, I would greatly appreciate the information and thank you. Stay safe and be prepared–always a good thing no matter what happens!


  21. dose chem-trails have anything to do with solar flares ?


  22. Lisa Ann Varley says:

    Every time you post about sun spots I read …blah blah blah. I just don’t understand It reads like legal ease or Latin to me. Your help is appreciated please post info of the basics


  23. Evo says:

    1302 may be starting to build up energy again.

    A longish duration C class flare in the last few hours. It’s such a colossal sunspot, it’s massive. If it is building up again, its energy potential is mind boggling. And it’s earth facing now.


  24. I am aware Alvin that you keep us all up to date as far as possible – thanks for all the work you do on our behalf. I am still working my way thru back editions, so you may well have already discussed the following:

    Giant Breach in Earth’s Magnetic Field Discovered :Dec. 16, 2008: NASA’s five THEMIS spacecraft have discovered a breach in Earth’s magnetic field ten times larger than anything previously thought to exist. Solar wind can flow in through the opening to “load up” the magnetosphere for powerful geomagnetic storms. But the breach itself is not the biggest surprise. Researchers are even more amazed at the strange and unexpected way it forms, overturning long-held ideas of space physics.

    SO I am thinking that all that cosmic/solar radiation is coming right thru and onto earth and the inhabitants and wreaking havoc ??? but we are not being informed by the powers that be (ie) NASA. We are not as safe and protected as they would have us believe.

    As many have pointed out there are signs in the heavens……. Come Lord Come!


  25. Dennis B says:
    New Jersey Transit was hit with system wide signalling and switching delays last night. Possibly related to solar activity?


  26. I can dismiss the doom and gloom of end-day prophesies, which really just ask the question “What will you do?” A lot of what happens will depend on the answer to that question. What cannot be dismissed so readily is the data on what is happening and is going to happen in the skies over the coming months. Logic and science says the earth cannot go unscathed given such events. But then, the question still remains, “What will we do?”


  27. Clare says:

    Alvin I am wondering why none of my replies or posts have been approved. Have I offended you in some way? I am unaware of how I might have done this, but I do appologise.

    I would so enjoy being part of your dialogue here. Would you advise me please so I can rectify the issue.


  28. Clare says:

    I understand that Alvin, bless you – I truly do. I guess I am wondering why I am still on Moderation? I figured if I was contributing to, or asking questions of – then others who are writing and replying might join in the conversations. What yoiu provide for us in the way of brain stimulation is priceless Alvin, thanks very much.


  29. Clare says:

    One of the most active sunspot groups in years is currently crossing the Sun. AR 1302 first came around the Sun’s edge last week and is so large it can be seen without a telescope. Coronal Mass Ejections from AR 1302 have already caused strong geomagnetic storms including notable aurora activity around both of Earth’s poles.

    Pictured (see link) , plasma was left magnetically hanging above the Sun’s surface after AR 1302 emitted an X-class solar flare last Thursday. Earth is illustrated in the inset for a size comparison. Although another X-class flare was emitted on Saturday, no flares from AR 1302 have been aimed directly at the Earth, as yet. The AR 1302 sunspot group will continue to evolve but likely remain visible on the Sun for the next week.


    • Evo says:

      Clare: Looking at sunspot behaviour over the last two years, I was puzzled about CME activity on the far side of the sun. Active regions there seemed to abate when they came earth facing. However it now seems to be changing. 1302 was the first that carried its activity to Earth facing. I am now concerned about 1305, as sunspot activity seems to be steadfast and increasing, while moving to the Earth facing side.
      1305 may not harm us but keep an eye on increased activity, as new sunspots, start to face our planet.


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