Scientists find star’s radiation frying planet 880 light years from solar system

September 14, 2011 – A nearby star is pummeling a companion planet with a barrage of X-rays a hundred thousand times more intense than the Earth receives from the Sun. New data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope suggest that high-energy radiation is evaporating about 5 million tons of matter from the planet every second. This result gives insight into the difficult survival path for some planets. The planet, known as CoRoT-2b, has a mass about 3 times that of Jupiter (1000 times that of Earth) and orbits its parent star, CoRoT-2a at a distance roughly ten times the distance between Earth and the Moon. The CoRoT-2 star and planet — so named because the French Space Agency’s Convection, Rotation and planetary Transits (CoRoT) satellite discovered them in 2008 — is a relatively nearby neighbor of the Solar System at a distance of 880 light years. “This planet is being absolutely fried by its star,” said Sebastian Schroeter of the University of Hamburg in Germany. “What may be even stranger is that this planet may be affecting the behavior of the star that is blasting it.” According to optical and X-ray data, the CoRoT-2 system is estimated to be between about 100 million and 300 million years old, meaning that the star is fully formed. The Chandra observations show that CoRoT-2a is a very active star, with bright X-ray emission produced by powerful, turbulent magnetic fields. Such strong activity is usually found in much younger stars. “Because this planet is so close to the star, it may be speeding up the star’s rotation and that could be keeping its magnetic fields active,” said co-author Stefan Czesla, also from the University of Hamburg. “If it wasn’t for the planet, this star might have left behind the volatility of its youth millions of years ago.” Support for this idea come from observations of a likely companion star that orbits CoRoT-2a at a distance about a thousand times greater than the separation between the Earth and our Sun. This star is not detected in X-rays, perhaps because it does not have a close-in planet like CoRoT-2b to cause it to stay active. Another intriguing aspect of CoRoT-2b is that it appears to be unusually inflated for a planet in its position. “We’re not exactly sure of all the effects this type of heavy X-ray storm would have on a planet, but it could be responsible for the bloating we see in CoRoT-2b,” said Schroeter. “We are just beginning to learn about what happens to exoplanets in these extreme environments. –
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3 Responses to Scientists find star’s radiation frying planet 880 light years from solar system

  1. RainMan says:

    Is this a very small scenario our planet could face when we come into the Sun’s solar maximum?


    • That is some powerful outburst coming from that star and a planet orbiting too close to its flagship sun- probably no other planets around in the system to equilibrate gravitational pull and it underscores the dangers that stars produce very dangerous radiation. Not an Earth scenario but it may be testament to some electromagnetic energy also exciting another star outside the solar system. “And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the Sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire.” Revelation 16:8. There may be nothing that speaks louder than a Sun going through a major convulsion when science claims it’s entering a historically quiet period. The Bible and other prophecies point to strange outbursts from the Sun in the future though no time-line is specified in the Biblical record.


  2. Annie says:

    Hi last night I dream that I looked outside our dining room window. I looked up and saw that the sky opened and a black horse came out. Then I went to the direction of our playroom I looked up and I saw the sky there was a mighty wind moving like a wave of ocean.


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