Indonesian Mount Karangetang volcano erupts hours after Japan earthquake

March 11, 2011 Manado, Indonesia -One of Indonesia’s most active volcanos has erupted, sending lava and searing gas clouds tumbling down its slopes. Volcanology official Agus Budianto said Friday that authorities were still trying to evacuate residents living along the slopes of Mount Karangetang. There were no immediate reports of injuries or serious damage. The 5,853-foot (1,784-meter) mountain is located on Siau, part of the Sulawesi island chain. It last erupted in August, killing four people. Indonesia, the world’s largest archipelago, is located on the so-called Pacific “Ring of Fire,” an arc of volcanos and fault lines encircling the Pacific Basin. The eruption happened hours after a massive earthquake in Japan that triggered a Pacific-wide tsunami. Meanwhile, thousands of people are fleeing their homes in northeastern Indonesia after officials warned that a tsunami up to six feet (two meters) high could hit coastal areas following a massive earthquake near Japan. Some jumped in cars and motorcycles and headed to high ground as sirens blared. Others huddled in mosques or were brought to police stations or army barracks.  –NDTV
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18 Responses to Indonesian Mount Karangetang volcano erupts hours after Japan earthquake

  1. Blaze says:

    Wow…scary stuff happening.


  2. Niki says:

    2012 is coming, believe it or not…


  3. S.Sailaja says:

    it is a sad day for japan…i pray for them…


  4. Zach says:

    Wow, Dude! Maybe the Aztecs were right! I’m going to take a look at that calendar stone again!


  5. isis2012 says:

    And it’s gonna get worst … it does make me consider the celestial rapture and quickening exodus plan of this planet .. which was left in scriptures as the harvest prior to the final end of this earth as we know it …
    John 14:1-4

    1 … Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.
    2 … In my Father’s ‘house’ (one of the 12 divisions of the constellation) are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I ‘go’ to prepare a place for you.
    3 … And if I ‘go’ and prepare a place for you, I will ‘come again’, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
    4 …. And whither I ‘go’ ye know, and the way ye know.

    Heaven is an enclosed pocket of open space … an individual reality of an individual world … our world is of the stars … and ancient celestial Deliver comes … : )


    • The rescue, Isis: “And Enoch, also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied…saying, Behold the Lord cometh with ten thousand of his saints.” Jude 1:14…Enoch prophesized about the return of Christ. The prophecy is 5,000 years old and is the world’s oldest from the one man who was taken from the Earth before the destruction of the first world by the flood. People should not be therefore surprised to find the biblical story was recorded in the characters of one of the world’s oldest languages (Chinese) which is 4,500 years old. See this:


  6. paulinagueo says:

    2013 is coming, believe it or not……


  7. Elaine says:

    Hang on its not over yet.. ❤


  8. debra says:

    mother earth is tired, she is fighting back, we have done terrible things to her…


  9. Ellerge says:

    to be honest id rather the earth be partial destroyed, we got people torturing people and animals in the name of culture and religion, then need to be killed, and also governments taxing the life out of people out of greed.

    rest in peace.


    • I understand Ellerge. It is painful to sight, heart and senses witnessing so much hate, violence and corruption. Masculine agressive energy is tilting to the extreme on the planet. You can slice through the tension in the air with a knife. People are coiled and all too ready to give themselves wholly to vice, anger or violence. Materialism has become an obsession but the treasures of the Earth will deliver no soul from what is to come. All the planning and devising shall fail like the scheme of the man who built his house upon the sand at the approach of a storm. Judgment day is coming and those guilty of bloody crimes, vice and avarice will likewise be consumed in the tempest. Earth’s proud and high places will be laid low, and a cry shall echo throughout the land of anguish for the choices that have now become permanently aligned to their hearts and soul. However, while the Sun now shines, we are admonished to grow in love, purity, and patience- what springs from this will nourish us through the long winter ahead.


  10. MM314 says:

    Continue to drive your 6.0 L S.U.Vs
    Continue to not recycle
    Continue to pollute the air earth and sea
    As long as you clutch your bibles and pray everything will be fine right


    • I don’t own an SUV, never have
      I do recycle
      I don’t pollute the land or sea by conscious action
      Yes, I will continue to clutch my bible and pray and encourage all believers to do the same.

      This crisis is beyond human control…soon, it’s about to move beyond human comprehension. In a word; we haven’t seen anything yet.


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