12 Responses to Israeli warplanes strike Syrian arms convoy heading to Lebanon

  1. Garth Colin Whelan says:

    I don’t believe Israel is behind the Syrian uprising. As far as I know, Assad has never really attacked Israel, but the rebels in the uprising are more likely to attack Israel than Assad.


  2. Irene C says:

    And so it begins? Isaiah 17?


  3. Katherine says:

    Did anybody else receive this article in their daily email subscription with ALL the words ruled out with lines? This is the only article in the email that has that. Censored? Some other emails are received as 0s and 1s with a paragraph or two of English.


  4. Dennis E. says:

    Well, interesting situation here and not out the character of the Israelis to initiate an action such as this. Could this boil over into a regional conflict involving Iran and Egypt? Yes it could.
    I am under the opinion and it is just my opinion, that Israel’s enemies see an opportunity here. The opportunity being that believing The US WILL NOT MILITARILY INTERVENE IN A REGIONAL CONFLICT. This is based on statements from the administration according to internet sources. The USA is supplying Egypt with advanced F-16’s that will bring the number they already have to more than the Israelis.

    Also, internet reports indicate that privately The President is/will force Israel to divide Jerusalem, surely guaranteeing The U.S.A.’s destruction/Judgment and most surely a horrific war in the Middle East if true. Also, look at recent terror warnings to us from the middle east and rumors of martial law by March 2013.
    I would suggest that readers not to look at this incident as an isolated one and look at the broader picture and The President’s foreign policy activities and make your own decisions.

    This is the second strike in five years on Syrian territory and The Israelis just do not conduct strikes such as this unless the intelligence is nothing less than perfect and the threat is real. Syria crossed a red line.


    • also i read somewhere today,that the some UN panel ruled that the israeli settlements were illegal,more bad news for israel,I just want to know who they think they are,that is their land,God gave it to them.


      • Katherine says:

        That is NOT their land and God did not give it to them. Read your history on the Freemasons and Rothschild family and get some sense into your head instead of the crap crammed into you by your propaganda and televangelists. I’m guessing … you’re American; right?


      • Dennis E. says:

        They are the new world order. They do not like the jews and blame the current middle east
        situation on them. However, scriptures indicate that there will be settlements in Judea and Sameria when the kings of the east march…….


      • Katherine says:

        That is NOT their land and God did not give it to them. Read your history on the Freemasons and Rothschild family and get some sense into your head instead of the rubbish crammed into you by your propaganda and televangelists. I’m guessing … you’re American; right?

        Isaiah predicted that Damascus would fall due to pride. But God will use his hand to wipe the Masonic Illuminati out with Medes (ancient Persia and Assyria) – which is why they are so hesitant to touch Iran!!!


  5. Bill Hayes says:

    Let’s get some perspective here. God didn’t give anything to anyone. At best, he gave life and a capacity for free will. The rest is politics.


    • Mrsotto says:

      This is said in anice way not sarcastically,

      Uh Bill, have you read the Bible? Did you read where King David BOUGHT the land which is Mt Moriah…aka the Temple Mount….? God blessed Abe and his seed with….family, land, blessings etc….the land belongs and was paid for by His Chosen people, the Jews.


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